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Everything posted by Geddy
Will probably be hit and miss. As @oberkc says no issues there. However, I have 3 running and have had to replace 2 within 7 years and might be replacing one again soon…seem to have lost high speed on one that rarely runs. Two of the fans run nearly year round in bedrooms (reversed in winter) and only one is still an original, installed about 7 years ago. Haven't bought new hardware since Insteon restarted, but last shipment I got was “current” before they went out of business. (Just for reference of what hardware I have)
That’s an “easy” fix. Just make note of the steps linked above as replacing with unformatted card puts a basic firmware on the card. The version you are running needs to be installed before you run a restore of a backup.
Guess you missed the day in technology troubleshooting class that said don’t change multiple things when trying to fix one issue. What brand of router did you change to? Are you running any firewall software on your computer? Did you get an advanced router that you setup different v-lans? Have you tried with the computer hard wired to the same router? Can you pint the ISY IP from your computer? Log into your router and look for “connected devices” and find the IP of the ISY994 then add it manually to the finder to be sure you can connect locally. Refer to the UDI Wiki for additional troubleshooting steps. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Did the “not found” popup error go away as expected?
Yes, I had an issue with it when I first got Hue and ran the old Hue Node Server on PG2. Onetime I had a long power outage and when things came back up the IP address changed and it was a pain to reset. Set a DHCP reservation on the router so the bridge is essentially static. It is also suggested to set a DHCP reservation for the Polisy.
@RMichael my first question would be why do you have multiple hue hubs? Can't a lot of devices connect to a single hub and most devices act as repeaters for good/great mesh coverage of hue signal? You must have a massive hue investment if you've tapped out what a hub can handle. Since the node is a little finicky you might be better having multiple instances of the node server in different slots and one hub per node server. But not having multiple hubs myself I'm not sure if it will achieve what you're trying to do. Otherwise, you should be able to identify/link multiple bridges following the setup in the config document for the node server: (The "more info" link is still broken on this node server entry in the store.) https://github.com/exking/udi-hue-pg3/blob/master/POLYGLOT_CONFIG.md Make sure each hub has an IP/DHCP reservation on your router! They need to stay at the IP you enter so the node server and then IoX know where the bridges are at all times.
@roopesh Try this from Telnet connection: RF /CONF/572686.REC That's just based on what was in another post I found suggesting to delete possible corrupt files. Another option might be to take the SD card out, put it in a computer and delete the file that way. That's not always good to try though so hopefully that Telnet command works.
@roopesh Just so we know... What firmware are you running on your ISY994?
Sorry...couldn't tell you anything more than what's in the wiki. I never tried to telnet into the ISY994 when I had it running. I just did a search for issues similar to what you were having and the best option was to telnet into it and remove the file. Perhaps replacing the SD card might be the next step if you want to keep running the ISY994. Otherwise, as @DennisC mentions, might be time to migrate. Just make sure you update the Polisy before trying to migrate. There have been a lot of software/firmware/OS updates along the way. Seems like you might have an early edition Polisy. If you haven't been updating the Polisy along the way you might want to open a ticket with UDI Support to make sure you can update without concern. There were a couple of updates along the way that caused some issues with a small portion of first release shipments. So it might be worth getting some assistance before blindly going into the Polisy experience.
@roopesh more than likely it's a corrupt file. Do you have a recent backup that you could restore from if something goes bad? If you're comfortable with Telnet you could telnet into the ISY locate the file referenced in your error and delete it. Then reboot the ISY and log in. Make a new backup! Then try adding a device to a scene. Help in the wiki: Telnet to ISY: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Telnet_To_Your_ISY Replace SD card: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card (Note the ISY994 takes a microSD card - see the note at the top of that link) Unless you already have the Polisy your option would be better to migrate to the eisy (only because UDI does not sell the Polisy now. As for being painless - if you have a good backup and read the migration steps it should be fairly painless. Most that have issues seem to have skipped steps, attempted different steps, or did not read all the steps before attempting and having self-induced problems during the process because of that. Most that post about having issues only post because of issues. Many that have simple/easy migrations aren't posting simply because they don't need to. So you can't judge the possibility of it being difficult just because of the "problem" posts people make. Just gives you clues to watch for as you make your own path of migration.
I was with you (when first starting) with some uncertainty as to why Hue says they're "Zigbee", but didn't really work right. They might be working somewhat with direct connections to the Zigbee signal on the ZMatter card, but I haven't tried because I do have the Hue Bridge and use the Hue Node server to control the lights. "Back in the day" Hue used what I generally refer to as "proprietary" zigbee signal, but was a "Zigbee Light Link (ZLL)". This standard wasn't an open Zigbee signal and therefore their Zigbee lights required the Hue hub to become smart. This might have changed over time, but again I haven't altered my setup to try direct connection to my eisy+ZMatter. You can learn more about the Hue Node Server from the readme file for the node server found here - https://github.com/exking/udi-hue-pg3/blob/master/README.md You'll need to read through the UDI Wiki (the @Whitehambone linked above) to learn how to access Polyglot 3x (PG3x) on your eisy. Once in there and linked with a UDI Portal account you can install the Hue Node Server and then configure it based upon the information in the readme file. If you follow the simple steps of setup the hub should be found in the node server and then send your bulbs to the Admin Console (make sure you have admin console closed when you add the node server and set it up so when admin console launches the new Hue nodes will be read and added correctly). Some have experienced issues setting up this node server, but since you have not attempted setup previously it should be fairly easy. Just install, then when it starts press the button on the hub and the node server should automatically link. If you need more help start a new post in the Hue Node Server area with your issues and/or questions. Once you have the node server installed and bridge linked the lights will be items in the admin console just like any other Insteon or Z-Wave device you might have. They can be controlled with any programming you can think of.
This is a known issue that was first discovered a month (or more) ago. Has long been fixed. You need to clear Java Cahce, delete any existing start.jnlp or admin.jnlp files you have on your system and download a new IoX Launcher file from the UDI site - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp (Quick search would find many posts about this: https://forum.universal-devices.com/search/?q="not found"&quick=1) Yeah...it's "secret". If you go to universal-devices.com and click on "My ISY" it right there. Also, there's a post in the "current release" area that links to the launcher file that has been in the same spot since 2018. So I'm not sure what links you seem to be saving that never work after two months, but maybe you can save one of these two links and not have an issue in December. PS: @lgilsenberg this shouldn't impact you since you're using an ISY994, but just in case you have two entries for the ISY994 after performing the resolution steps above that is normal and acceptable. It's mostly seeming to impact Polisy and eisy users that resolve a friendly URL on some/most routers with "device.local" URL. On the ISY994 I do not think this applies, but if you should suddenly get two entries for the same device that's fine. Either would work.
@JSchumann in addition to what @tlightne suggests (Polyglot on the eisy uses the same local credentials as the eisy admin console)if you've performed updates make sure you perform a full power cycle of the eisy. Sometimes updates get stuck (just unsure what is going on) and do not allow the system to properly reboot even though you press the "reboot" button in Admin Console. You have a few options: Press the power button 5 times (not holding longer than about 1-2 seconds) - this will reboot the device Press the power button 6 times - this will shutdown the system - blue light should turn red when "off" If you don't get successful reboot or shutdown then just pull the power supply, but that should be last attempt because the other methods give the system a chance to gracefully shutdown, thus stopping any processes in work. Once you have successful reboot or shutdown allow 2 minutes +/- for the system to fully start up and be accessable. Learn more about the multi function button in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Multi_Function_Button
@ThisIsTheWay there was also a need to "reinstall all node servers" in a recent upgrade. I'm not sure if that's still needed/required or not, but you might want to look at that. Since you updated from PG3 3.1.23 you then probably updated to the current PG3x version and might need to run the reinstall process. @bmercier had that listed in 3.2.1 update for PG3x. EDIT: @ThisIsTheWay doesn't look like this is needed when migrating from PG3 to PG3x so disregard the above. Glad you got things up and running after a few more updates and reboots.
That's crazy. The site eventually loads for me from my home network (it's a bit slow), but from a remote network it does have issues. Have you tried going directly to the ticket page and using your Portal credentials to log in? https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
Yes, there's an apparent fix in the works. As @Techman replied to your post (before being moved into the support thread that is already covering this issue). There was an attempted fix put into IoX 5.7.0_4. If you'll go to: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt (or change polisy.local if you're on a Polisy or use the device's IP address if the friendly URL doesn't resolve). Look for "isy-5.7.0_4". That should have updated in the last few days. @Michel Kohanim said some fixes took another reboot and the programs returned to normal. Another fix is to always perform a backup BEFORE you upgrade anything. Restoring the backup has been found to restore the enabled/disabled programs correctly. But ultimately, if you still have this error and it happens after subsequent reboots then please open a support ticket and work directly with UDI to get additional information regarding our system so they can possibly troubleshoot to help everybody.
This "Not Found" issue was resolved shortly after it was first reported. To resolve that issue you need to: clear Java cache (checking all 3 boxes) Delete all instances of start.jnlp and/or admin.jnlp anywhere on your system download fresh IoX Launcher from UDI site (https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp) run "start.jnlp" This should fix the "not found" issue as it fixed it for others that reported this issue (myself included). The 2 addresses is normal and reported by some. It's been reported as "normal" by @Michel Kohanim. Unsure the exact cause/reason, but it's not to be of worry. As you said either work. Since they're both auto found by the system they cannot be removed.
@PLCGuy this is normal. Since it ran true at the time you had it's showing that it last ran true. If the entire icon was green it would be a "running" program (like @DennisC suggests). You can look at the Summary tab to see the activity. I have a couple of programs that run a single time event and they are showing True (as your icon shows) and on the Summary tab, but the "Activity" is "Idle". It's not as though that program is still firing or applying your "Then" statement. It only runs at that specific time. If you want it to turn false you could put a time range in (from 2:00am - 2:01am) it would turn false after the time range. Program Icon color meanings in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Programs:Icon_Colors "Partly green - not currently running, but last ran THEN code"
Go to this site: eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt (if you're on Polisy use "polisy.local"). If you are on 5.7.0_4 then it "should" be fixed, based on @Michel Kohanim's comment linked above. If not they apparently have additional debugging code that you would need to open a support ticket for them to learn more and to help (everybody). @oskrypuch What "fix"? Are you replying to the program disable issue or still about your concern for being bricked? Did you open a support ticket as @Michel Kohanim suggested? If you're wondering about the programs issue being resolved it does not appear to remain an issue for updated beyond 5.7.0, but there might still be an issue going from 5.6.x to 5.7, but according to other posts if on the 5.7.0_4 build another reboot should repair the programs to their expected state. I know all updates post 5.7.0 for me have not impacted the program status. I did have issue when 5.7.0 first came out and I updated from 5.6.x, but nothing since. One step that helps is taking that backup just before you update. You can restore that update and programs will return to their expected status. Then perform another reboot (or power cycle) and see if programs are as expected.
This is normal and not an issue. There’s no real explanation for this. Some have this and some don’t. But it doesn’t cause any problems.
Yes, this should be fixed according to a post from @Michel Kohanim yesterday. Requires an update to run. It doesn’t change the version number, but it is a fix from UDI’s side for IoX. Updating your system for the latest PG3x update should also update to 5.7.0_4. But to be certain make sure you make an IoX backup before you update.
@rick.curl I just tried logging into the system and didn't encounter an error. Make sure you're using your portal credentials. If you can get logged back in add something to the ticket so it's still open or re-opened. In the meantime maybe @Chris Jahn can help review this issue.
From the sounds of this you're using the very old method of trying to access the admin console. All browsers dropped java support ages ago and that method no longer works. in 2018 UDI release the ISY Launcher (now IoX Launcher) that @Techman mentions above. You need to download the start.jnlp file and it will add an "IoX Launcher" icon to your desktop. Here's the release post about the ISY Launcher (IoX Launcher) from 2018: (more info in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Installing_the_Admin_Console_Icon_on_Your_Desktop)
Do you happen to have special characters in your password? If so, maybe remove those and try it. See this post from @Goose66
My question above wasn't answered - when did you update the firmware? That's probably when this happened. If you didn't notice it and you did it a long time ago I suspect it changed then and you just didn't notice it. "easy fix?" Doubtful. I wonder if it wasn't a problem until something else changed meaning you haven't found the real reason for this. During my time with the ISY994 things didn't just randomly happen. Usually it was user induced changes that created other issues. Sure, devices fail and cause problems, but that's not going to cause this type of change. You could get lost in the weeds for trying to test this so depends how large your system is and how deep you want to dig. Make a backup of your current system. Perform a restore just to be sure it's a good backup! Copy all programs to a plain text (.txt) document [right click on the root program folder, select "Copy to Clipboard" then paste into a plain text editor (Windows use Notepad)]. This way you have a "copy" of all your programs as they are CURRENTLY. If you have an old backup (maybe pre-firmware update) you could possibly downgrade the firmware and try to restore that backup to see if it goes back to what you are remembering. If that isn't what you expected then reload the current firmware and restore a current backup and move on from here. But that's rather drastic and might not work or could cause you a lot of other issues. Other options would be to create a random new scene (perhaps with devices not in other scenes) to see how they appear to you after setting up. Another option would be to remove existing devices from scenes, remove from the ISY994 then re-add and put into a new scene to see how that appears. Just a lot of individual trial and error at that point. Ultimately, the forums is the only place you'll get (free) support for the ISY994 as that's been discontinued by UDI and no longer supported (Paid support is available until June 1, 2024).