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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. Geddy

    Wrong Time Zone

    @rxjock are you running a 300 series Z-Wave board and devices? If not, then it might be of help to also consider updating to the last 5.x release for the ISY994 (5.3.4). I'm not 100% certain it was fixed, but there were a lot of little fixes between the version you're on and the last release for the ISY994 if you have the 500 series Z-wave or not running Z-wave at all. Additionally, do you have a location set in the "Clock" portion of the Configuration tab in admin console? As @Brian H points out it could be the power supply. UDI sells replacements, but you can also read the wiki to get details about options to try if you happen to have other power supplies available. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights
  2. @mbking Do you have a thread that needs to have an answer indicated? Most forums have the option to have that on, and some allow the OP to mark the answer while others require at least moderator status. Some areas (like this one) do not have that "answer" option turned on. Just post a link or send me a PM (and indicate the post that should be the answer) and I'll take a look. Thanks @lilyoyo1 for the heads up.
  3. When you rebooted did you just press the "reboot" button in admin console of have you attempted a reboot or shutdown by pressing the power button? In the past the reboot button in admin console didn't fully cycle the device and force everything to restart to complete an upgrade. For that the system needed to be: forced to reboot or shutdown (using multi-function button), pull the power supply, wait 20-30 seconds, power back up, wait 2-5 minutes for full boot to complete, then get into admin console.
  4. Do you have an active UD Portal subscription? That's been the suggested method of accessing the system (Admin Console) while remote. Port forwarding leaves the system open to port sniffing and risk of attacking...but they don't know what they're attacking. With a UD Portal account you don't need to port forward and just use the URL to Admin Console found in the portal information screen. Just make sure you have a strong portal password and use the portal credentials to log into admin console while remote. (or while using UD Mobile while remote) Good luck on the ticket side.
  5. @TheA2Z The "-170001" error has always just been blown off as "informational". At least by many users around here. There is no mention of this error number in the wiki error details. (Just Google site search for "-170001" to see other posts about this.) I also have these randomly appearing and don't worry about it. If really concerned/worried probably best to open a support ticket, but I doubt there's any way to "fix" it since it's been brought up a good bit over the years and nothing had been done to stop/slow these items down. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  6. @KHouse Other than what @dbwarner5 posted you would probably get more help/assistance with this (new) request/question if it was a new topic in the Elk plugin area (https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/309-elk/). Only because you started off asking about something with Alexa that seems to have been resolved. Just didn't think this would get much new attention from Elk users. Probably only got the reply from @dbwarner5 because they're following this thread and got a notification when there was a reply.
  7. @TomNow2 this is the first time I've heard of anybody adding another drive to the eisy. The best way to get an answer might be through the UDI Support ticket process. They would at least know if/how to enable it and initialize it. But I'm not certain if IoX or PG3 would have any use for it. You would probably be able to run it for some other reason outside of UDI implementation. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  8. @djones1415 Both answers above are correct. Instructions can be found in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:INSTEON_Device#Replace...with I believe also in the ISY Cookbook (found in the wiki as well).
  9. @j.rieff Probably just brand of bulb having issues. Since you say a bulb connected to a non-Insteon switch has a slow on rate that would make me think it's the bulb having issues with powering on. Do you have any other brand of dimmable LED? try those in these places to see what happens. I've used the Philips brand LED dimmable without issue for the past few years. They're harder to find these days. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Philips-40-Watt-Equivalent-Ultra-Definition-G25-Clear-Glass-Dimmable-E26-LED-Light-Bulb-Soft-White-with-Warm-Glow-2700K-2-Pack-573345/321121548
  10. @leonpc not sure on this one...haven't ever used it. Have you read the configure information? https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/holidays-poly/blob/master/POLYGLOT_CONFIG.md I know others have used the HolidaysGoogle in the past, but you have to setup a Google account to sync to on that one. In regular programming on admin console you can uncheck "daily" and it gives you calendar options you could put time from/to and include a date. You might not need to rely on a plugin at that point. I've got this one: ChristmasTime If From 5:30:00PM on 2023/11/23 To 12:21:12AM on 2024/01/01 Then Enable Program 'Christmas Lights' Else Disable Program 'Christmas Lights' Then let the "Christmas Lights" program control when things turn on/off.
  11. @jec6613 might be best to contact UDI directly to ask the question. https://www.universal-devices.com/contact-us/ The forums are more for user-to-user support. Asking here most users won't know. Best to go straight to the source than hoping somebody from UDI reads your topic.
  12. @someguy do you have ZMatter dongle? I’ve seen posts by several that the ULTRALOQ Z-Wave locks work well with ZMatter.
  13. @phawtrey the Axios error was posted by another user a little while ago. Found out that their device was not registered with a Portal account. Please check that the eisy is shown on your portal account and/or confirm on the admin console configuration -> portals tab the portal is approved. Portal Install Instructions: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Installation_Instructions As for migrating plugins (formerly node server) it used to be something UDI needed to help with via a support ticket. I think there is a method now, but did not search the forums or wiki for that. Maybe you can find other posts or open a ticket. The plugins are linked to the UUID of the prior device and need to be updated to the new device. Please report back the resolution.
  14. Please open a support ticket with UDI. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  15. @buckeyebez welcome to the forums! This could be a couple of issues. Let’s check the UI and Firmware version in the “Help” -> “About” screen. Please make sure they match. The current IoX Firmware for the eisy is 5.7.1. Next, check this section of the Wiki to set a higher memory cap for Java. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_is_very_slow_or_hangs Depending on your system you could probably go up to 1024 or even higher if you have a very high memory based system, but most don’t need much more than 1024. It is strange that you seem to imply that the programs are there, but then disappear after loading a few Z-Wave devices. I know there were some high traffic devices identified earlier this year (I don’t know which ones). Perhaps the devices you are using are very high traffic and could be bogging down the system display. I’m not 100% sure that’s even possible, but a SWAG if the above two things aren’t a fix. Have you attempted a Java cache clearing (remove temporary files) be sure to check all 3 boxes in that process? Download a new start.jnlp (from UDI’s site and clicking on “My ISY” on the top right), Running that to get a fresh IoX Launcher. Are you running any firewall or anti-virus programs? What computer OS are you using?
  16. I had already moved it. No worries.
  17. @Marsh best way to get help with programs is to post the program in your message. To share a program in the forums the best/easiest way is to right click the program and select "Copy to Clipboard" (the last menu item). Then paste it as text in your post on the forum. (Note, you're wanting to use "COPY to Clipboard"...do NOT use "export") Also, please let us know: what IoX device you're using, the firmware you're on and what kind of sensor you're using to get status from IoX logic will run anytime any portion of the "IF" statement happens. When it triggers "true" the "THEN" will happen. If it triggers "false" the "ELSE" will happen. You can see how the program was last evaluated by the color of the program in the program tree. If half green it was true, if half red it was false.
  18. @phawtrey not entirely sure why you hid this in the Brultech Energy Meters area. Moved to eisy since it didn't seem to have anything to do with where you posted it. No, this is not possible. Insteon devices can only have one controller. With the Polisy or eisy you have 1 PLM to communicate to the devices. So only one controller can/should be used at a time. It's entirely possible to have a PLM for each system, but you could only link devices to one PLM at a time. So some devices could be linked to the Polisy and the others to eisy. Kind of awkward, but if you're up for a lot of work keeping things straight go for it. You run a risk of having 2 PLMs sending out power line signals getting crossed and missed since sometimes Insteon signals can become corrupt with a small amount of noise.
  19. @bmercier it was my understanding a past update made the log change back to "info" so it wouldn't load up the log when users leave it in debug mode or other overly active mode. The problem at the time was that logs were filling up and causing issues by being so large and then being swapped out and losing 24 hour period of logging. Only going from memory as to why it was changed previously. I think @bpwwer made that change so might have the reason behind that choice.
  20. Are you sure you're adding devices correctly to the Alexa connection? To have Alexa find them (and learn the spoken names) they have to be added via the UD Portal site: https://my.isy.io/index.htm Click on Tools -> Connectivity -> Amazon Echo Then in that screen you have to add devices or other items. Then Alexa will find them the next time you command: "*wake-word* discover devices". You keep saying you put a spoken in the notes on admin console and somehow it shows up in Alexa. I've never attempted that, but I have a lot of devices connected through the portal and never have issues with it finding or controlling. You should review the wiki for setting up Echo and Portal. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Amazon_Echo_Integration_V3 Make sure when you're on the Portal and adding devices to the Echo "device list" your UUID should match the device you're using. If you have multiple devices you need to select the primary device in the profile setting in UD Portal.
  21. Here is what UDI has published for power supplies for ISY994: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights
  22. @david-4 sounds like it's stuck and a power cycle would reset everything. Try the multi-function button to shutdown the device. If it doesn't properly shut down within 60 seconds of pushing the button then pull the power supply. Look for the User Guide for your device in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Online_Documentation It should NOT take longer than a few minutes to reboot and shouldn't get stuck in a loop like that. When you said the Z-Wave menu shows not connected that means the IoX service didn't restart properly and it's stuck. If you still have issues after a power cycle please open a support ticket with UDI for them to review the situation. Good luck! Post back an update once resolved.
  23. @david-4 what IoX firmware are you running? Should be able to tell from the IoX Finder window (don't need to be all the way in admin console if it's locking up). Is all you did was enable Zigbee checkbox and it's in this loop?
  24. @SteveT1 Welcome to the Universal Devices forums. Sounds like a pickle and hopefully this helps some... This is an image of an Insteon hub: What Universal Devices supplies works with Insteon switches and a wide range of other products. They are not related to Insteon. Universal has several hub options. ISY994 (now discontinued and out of (free) support window) Polisy/Polisy Pro eisy Those are the hubs you might find if the prior owner left a hub. From the description you're giving it doesn't sound like they did. When an Insteon device cannot communicate to a hub or other devices it will flash red. Insteon switches without a hub present are just like "dumb" switches however, if the prior owner made direct links in them a single switch could control other devices. The best option would be to take the faceplate off the switches and see if you see an Insteon sticker. Most of the time it's been on the silver tab at the top of the switch. Should like similar to this: From there it has the model number on it. You might be able to find the user manual for the model(s) you have in a Google Search. Look for a factory reset method. The typical reset might be: Pull the set button found at the bottom of the switch sometimes you might need a small flat blade screwdriver to pull away from the wall Wait about 10 seconds Push in and HOLD the set button until the long beep stops again, might need to press it in with the screwdriver to keep it pressed in Release the set button Device should beep (and/or double beep) This removes any programming in the switch. The light might still blink red, but I don't think it would. It's been a while since I reset a device and tried to operate it without a controller. It's very easy to remove. It's just a switch. The "smart" portion of it would be controlled by an Insteon Hub or by another controller (like the Universal Devices options). The issue would be removing a switch that doesn't have a load just putting a dumb switch in wouldn't do anything either. At that point you would need an electrician or electrical tools to figure out where the wires went and what lights, plugs, or other things they controlled. You have 2 options...after resetting every switch keep them as "dumb" switches where they are or replace with other "dumb" switches. Since you said it's an older system some old Insteon switches were just on/off switches, but had a light rail along the side. They wouldn't act as dimmers and if you press too long think they go into pairing mode. That might be why some might not work now if held too long. Maybe after a factory reset they would operate whatever is connected to their load (if anything). Since Insteon switches could be a smart controlled system they were easy to put somewhere that typical wiring wasn't available and could be linked to control something anywhere in the house. Sadly, without the hub to tell it what to turn on it's not working as the original owner programmed it to. Finally, if you're interested in learning how to make them smart then take a look at the following sites: https://www.insteon.com/ - This is the company that manufactures the switches/outlets/hubs https://www.universal-devices.com/ - The company related to these forums that makes and sells the current hub called the "eisy" that runs Insteon and has an adaptor for handling Z-Wave and Zigbee (with future support for Matter) as well as a whole list of plugins for other home automation programming under one roof. http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page - the Wiki for the Universal Devices offering Lastly: since these are old devices as you said they appear to be "Smartlab" devices. That's the old parent company for Insteon. They went out of business a last year. However, the Insteon name (and company) was revived by new owners (some former employees) and is back in business supplying some of the same devices, but also a new line of options. Hope this helps! Feel free to post if you have more questions or issues getting devices reset. As far as help directly from Insteon you could contact them through their website (linked above).
  25. Yeah, seems either bad PLM or maybe a bad cable since still didn’t connect after power cycling. Only other suggestion would be to try to factory reset the PLM and see if it would connect. Do you still have the ISY994? I might suggest connecting to that to see if it sees it with a standard network cable. If so that would point to bad cable. If not then points back to bad PLM. How old is the PLM? There should be a date code on the sticker on the back. Good luck
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