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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @Excalibur78 good to hear! Maybe a bit extreme, but glad you got it working again.
  2. @Excalibur78 Don't reset anything yet! You've got a few options: Go to the portal and see if there is a green dot next to the ISY. That will indicate that it's at least connected to the network and able to communicate with the portal. Look at the information then ISY Information and use that "Admin Console URL" to add to the IoX Finder window above. Use your portal email and pass to log into the admin console. If you still can't get that to work here's how to reset the password for the ISY994: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Resetting_Your_Userid/Password#ISY-994i_Series I've never attempted this, but guessing this should still work. Be careful though because I think if you hold it too long you could factory reset the device. So proceed with caution. Though, you do have a backup. (Looks like 30 seconds will reset the ISY994 so just don't hold it that long!) NEVER reset the PLM! That has NOTHING to do with logging into the device. If you think you have a PLM issue make sure that it is powered on first before connecting the ISY994 to power. Allowing 60 seconds for the PLM to power on and be stead then powering on the ISY994 watch the lights on the front of it. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights If the lights to not behave as expected try replacing the power supply to the ISY994 (specs given in above link). PS: Use the mention or quote a section to get it to notify me of a reply. Mention start with @ then type the name and a list will appear below the text (). Select the screen name (by clicking on it or cursor down and enter on the name) you're wanting to mention and it should turn blue like your name does above.
  3. Thanks for the product and firmware. If you're using IoX Launcher and trying the local URL then either local or cloud option those should both be the local device user (admin) and pass (either "admin" or something you changed it to). If you have it connected to the UD Portal you can use the URL in the Portal information area to get to the admin console and use your portal credentials and it should load/login. I think somebody just commented though that if you log in that way it doesn't give you the option to change the local credentials. I don't have an ISY994 running currently to test it and certainly not one with an active portal account. Is UD Mobile still able to access the device? I've never tried this, but in the admin section of the UD Mobile app it has a "Set Credentials" option to "Set local username and password". That might be an option to reset them to admin/admin then try from the computer. I'm not sure how that works so you might need to run a sync just to be sure it's written back to the ISY994. I don't see anything in the wiki for that in the menu so it's either new and hasn't been detailed or just works as expected and didn't need to be spelled out. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=UD_Mobile#Admin_Tab
  4. Geddy

    Starting over

    @paulbates welcome back! Yeah, a lot has changed in the last several years, but much has remained the same. Make sure you skim through the Wiki User Guide for the eisy for filling in the blanks a little. @lilyoyo1 did a good job with the Q&A around the time the eisy was launching. IoX is just like the old ISY994 (and before that I guess ISY99 and maybe even earlier products, but that's before my time). Java based, using the IoX Launcher. That's been around a while though (2018) so you probably had that before departing the ISY994. I3 devices should be mostly supported now, but I think some report that might still not be 100% integrated, but I guess UDI and Insteon are working out any remaining issues there and will have them fully supported in time. @Javi has been leading the charge on the UDI developed UD Mobile app for both Android and iOS. Z-Wave and Zigbee are now supported with the ZMatter product with Matter still on the horizon. The node servers are major improvements and vast integration option that's really grown over time. You can see the current list of node servers here -> https://polyglot.universal-devices.com/
  5. @Excalibur78 Welcome to the forums. First off, What ISY device do you have? Is this an ISY994 or a newer device, Polisy or eisy? What firmware are you running? How are you attempting to access admin console (IoX Launcher or admin.jnlp)? What computer OS are you using (Windows (what version), macOS, or other?) Beyond that - what did you do that you needed to restore the backup?
  6. Correct, an error happened in the start.jnlp file and was corrected. That’s why downloading a new copy fixes that error. While you might think what you have is “good enough” when UDI suggests downloading a new “start.jnlp” file to correct the issue it’s probably a good idea to do that. Others that had the issue reported it fixed (myself included) with new download. Not sure why you wouldn’t try it to get rid of the annoyance.
  7. For me it's been reliable as long as UD Mobile is at least a background app at the time of crossing. Since I don't use the app often and I usually close all unnecessary apps I'll inadvertently close UD Mobile and will again miss crossings. So just make sure to open the app then leave it running, but doesn't have to be active (at least not for me).
  8. Geddy

    eISY password reset

    @svetter so you got it working? No, it should be blue (at least I thought. Blue means it's on. It shouldn't have any indication of doing anything from the power light. It is all internal. When you held it down until it turned red you forced shutdown/power off. Either way...glad it worked. As for having 2 addresses that was standard for a while, I think the latest IoX Launcher (Start.jnlp) file changed that to look only for the eisy.local address. So you might want to clear your Java cache and download a fresh start.jnlp file from the UDI website (click on "MY ISY"). It doesn't hurt to have 2 addresses in IoX Finder window. They're the same machine. UUID should match as should firmware. It apparently caused several people to ask about it in other posts and some must have opened support tickets about it for UDI to change the file again. My pleasure. Always good to keep an eye on the wiki for tips and tricks.
  9. Perhaps there's just not a fix for this. I know there's been a bump in version from 5.7.0 to 5.7.0_1, but not apparently that wasn't to fix the program issue. Agreed it's a big issue. And either there's not an "easy" fix or just an uncertain reason for causing it. I think the fix was that the programs would disable again on reboot so at least it wasn't happening every time the device restarted as long as you upgraded again.
  10. @johnnyt understand your concerns. Best way to address them would be to contact UDI directly: https://www.universal-devices.com/contact-us/
  11. Geddy

    eISY password reset

    @svetter https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Multi_Function_Button Looks like 3 button pushing resets for SSH and IoX. give that a try.
  12. @rick.curl since Zigbee is still in early development/release this issue is probably best served with a support ticket so UDI can look at what caused your issue and how to correct it for you and hopefully others in future releases. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  13. @brians if you made a backup before the update you can restore that and the programs will be returned to their state from the backup. At least it worked when I updated. Seems this issue was triggered in the 5.6x to 5.7 update and attempted fix was put in place, but apparently didn't resolve the issue.
  14. @gschoffstall Really glad you got it sorted out and working again! Well you had "99ir" in two posts so figured you were dead set that you had a "99ir" instead of "994", but either way...you're up and working again. Make sure your router has a DHCP reservation for the ISY994ir. Perhaps you didn't and it changed IP and IoX Launcher didn't find it at the new IP until you added it manually. Don't set a static IP on the ISY994 as that could cause a lot of issues if you replace your router and it uses a different DHCP table. The latest recommendation from UDI is to use DHCP reservations rather than static IP setting on the ISY994. As for having information after a factory reset...might not have done the reset properly, but then again I can't say I ever tried it to know what the result would be, but restoring a recent backup is a good move. Time to take another backup just to have it more current now! What's confusing is there's apparently now 2 meanings of "not found" in IoX Launcher. From time to time there's the one that if you're on a different network the title bar will display "not found" because there's not a local IoX instance. Then recently the IoX Launcher (start.jnlp) supplied by UDI had a bug in it that had a pop up box for "Not Found" (I think this is what @IndyMike is referencing). That issue since been resolved by clearing Java cache and downloading a new start.jnlp file.
  15. No, restoring a backup does not roll back the firmware upgrade. At this time I've not seen any ability from UDI to roll back on the Polisy/eisy. You would probably need to open a support ticket and see if there is an internal method that they could supply, but I think even UDI had commented that it was not an option currently to "roll back". If an update created a "major bug" that impacted lots of users there would probably be a quick fix update. At present the "Upgrade Packages" button updates anything that is released by UDI. So if you want a PG3/PG3x update you use the same method. It would also then potentially update the IoX version as well. The two are not mutually exclusive for methods for updating. It's apparently an effort to keep users on the latest versions of both IoX and PG3x as each release fixes something or adds features. (So you wouldn't necessarily be a "version behind" if you're updating.)
  16. You've made some interesting troubleshooting steps. I'll leave it to others to try to help you out, but I think you've created more work for yourself than actually fixing the problem. If you can get to the ISY994 through the web interface then it's a Java issue and computer issue not allowing you to correctly load/connect via IoX Launcher. Are you running any firewalls or anti-virus programs? Turn those off. Here's some old troubleshooting steps that might help and might still apply, but if you've reset the ISY994 and you randomly changed PLM not really sure what stage you're at to help you further. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Troubleshooting_Flowchart (Note, some items might not still apply as this page hasn't been edited since 2013, but a lot might still apply.) HOLD ON...ISY99IR??? Really? So even older than the 994? It's quite possible you're the second case recently having issues accessing the ISY99 admin console. I think somebody else recently reported that java was blocking access because of certificate issues. Search the forums for recent posts about the ISY99. What computer OS are you running? What Firmware is on the ISY99? Good luck!
  17. @johnstonf I wonder if it's a result of the change posted by @bmercier in June. No recent update to this so not sure if UDI was able to update things behind the scenes or of Google finally made a change that impacted users differently. Might be worth putting in a support ticket for a UDI Portal review. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  18. Please review this section of the wiki for the front lights of the ISY994: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights More than likely your power supply has gone bad. Even if the power light is on and steady it might be faded or dimly light. Power supply info is given in same area linked above. If you think the power supply is fine then check your router for "connected devices" to see if you see the ISY connected. Have you changed/replaced your router recently? Make sure the PLM is powered on first (maybe 30-60 seconds) before you power up the ISY994. Lastly, make sure you have downloaded a fresh IoX Launcher (start.jnlp) from the UD site (click on "My ISY" at the top of the UD site). Delete any old copies of start.jnlp or admin.jnlp that may exist on your system.
  19. @flurec welcome to the forums! Interesting first set of posts. Sadly, I don't use motion sensors so can't directly help in this case. Although, perhaps sharing an actual program would help in the review and help of this. To share a program on the forums it's easiest to right click on the program, select the last menu item "Copy to Clipboard" then paste as text in the forum post. This way anybody that can try to help can edit the text of the program to possibly guide you to the way of getting the desired outcome. It's much easier than using a screen shot. There is an "export..." option...you do NOT want that. You want to be sure you use the last menu option, "Copy to Clipboard" To me, it's not really clear what is setting the ramp rate. Is it the program or is it set to the device specifically? Or do you have multiple programs performing these tasks? Hopefully somebody with good programming knowledge can help you out. Please also let us know: What firmware you're on (you've posted in the ISY994 area so assuming you'll be ISY994 5.3.4. If still on a 4.x version the answer could be quite a bit different because there were big changes made from 4.x to 5.x in how scenes are handled.)
  20. That's for developers only. Unless there's a current discount for ISY users there aren't discounts available. Looks like the most recent discounts expired yesterday - https://www.universal-devices.com/zmatter-usb-is-back-923/ With the 300 series board you're limited to updating to 5.0.16C version: If you're setting up the system as "new" then I would certainly upgrade before you add anything. There were a few pitfalls in the update process when dealing with scenes and programs. It would at least get you up to the 5.x level. However, if 4.9 worked for the equipment you had at the time you're probably fine keeping it as it is. When you mention installing "new" devices are they recently purchased devices or first time you're installing them? There is a new product line from Insteon that will not be entirely supported in the ISY994 line as it requires new firmware that UDI is still developing (only for the Polisy and eisy). But if you stay with the older style product they should probably work just fine as I have not seen people mentioning that anything major has changed. Just know if you take the time to setup the ISY994 now and are using the Z-Wave on that there's no migration path from 4.9 or 5.0.16C to the eisy so you will need to set everything up again once you get your eisy. Additionally, the eisy only has USB ports for the PLM so you either need a serial to USB kit (that UDI sells) or you need to get a USB PLM from Insteon.
  21. Geddy

    New Migrate to EISY

    Yes, usually after the 6 presses it will turn red and stay red as that is the shutdown process. It's likely the system was in limbo since it seemed that an update didn't process correctly. Just out of precaution you might want to run the "Upgrade Packages" system again. But before you do try this URL: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt (You will get an alert that it's not safe, you can ignore that and continue to the page/site - it's a local file on the eisy) Look for: isy-5.7.0_1 ISY Port to X (IoX) pg3x-3.2.6 Polyglot PG3x for UDI eisy udx-3.5.2_1 Polisy/eisy Admin Service These are what are shown on my system currently. Look for "isy-5", "PG3x-", and "UDX-" in case the actual versions are different on your system. If they're different (and earlier versions) then run the "Upgrade Packages" again just to be sure all updates are run and installed correctly. Then, as @dbwarner5 states there are forums for specific node servers (all under PG3 - https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/221-polyglot-v3-pg3/). Additionally, typically for each node server there is a "More Info" button in the description of the node server. That usually will take you to the GitHub "readme" file for the node server that might have more setup and information to review. If you have specific questions please post in the forum related to the node server you're working on and either the developer or others that use that node server can chime in to help. Tip: It might help to "mention" the developer when you post in the forum as some might not follow that area to get alerts. You can find the developer name in the store and sometimes figure out their user name here in the forums. To mention them type the @ then a list of names will pop up below and you need to select the name. It will then turn blue (like with the mention I have above). If it doesn't then the user won't get notified that you mentioned them in a post and your post could go unread for a while. Unless others that can help visit the forums and see your message as "unread" to them. Good luck! Enjoy.
  22. Geddy

    New Migrate to EISY

    Glad it was that "easy". There have been some issues along the way with the reboot button not fully forcing a power cycle and something about the UDX or MQTT (or something "technical") not starting up right causing such an error. So a power cycle is usually the best option to fix that so the system fully boots up and starts the systems needed to launch PG3x and IoX correctly. Glad you're on your way!
  23. Geddy

    New Migrate to EISY

    @jpoje Thanks for sharing. Have you performed a full power cycle of the eisy? Even though you might have updated and then pushed the "reboot" button in Admin Console sometimes a full power cycle is still needed to get things working correctly. You can either press the power button 5 times to reboot the device or you can press it 6 times to power it down (power led should turn red) then unplug (just out of habit this has been suggested) then plug in and allow it to fully boot (3-5 minutes). (Source for button press: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Multi_Function_Button) Then try PG3x again.
  24. Geddy

    New Migrate to EISY

    Can you share a screenshot of the error or link to the other posts you mention? Without seeing your error there's little that we can do to help. Most would just be suggesting what you said you've already attempted by reading the wiki and/or other posts. Also, let us know the following: Computer OS (Windows, macOS, other) Browser(s) you are using or tried using Are you running any antivirus/vpn/pop-up blocker? Do you have different V-Lan setup inside your network? Is the eisy connected via wi-fi or wired network? Lastly, since you said you've tried all that you have seen mentioned in the wiki/forums it might just be time to open a support ticket with UDI (https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets) to see if they have thoughts for how to get you into PG3x interface.
  25. @GSutherland I'm not really sure where this fits so moved under the Notification node server for now. Perhaps a little more information would be helpful to get you moving toward a solution. What kind of phones are you using? What OS are they on? What version UD Mobile are you using? What PG3x version are you using? I don't use the Notification node server other than the basic that's offered so uncertain what you're meaning by the "GPS envelope", but I have an iPhone 15 (iOS 17.0.2) with UD Mobile 1.1.24 and my geofence works okay as long as the app is open. I've found that if I force close the app then geofence crossings are not being updated with UD Mobile. Without the additional information I'm not sure if @Javi or @Jimbo.Automates would be able to help narrow down the possible issue for why one phone works and one doesn't.
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