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Everything posted by Geddy
Binary values to store status of devices - unable to get &= to work
Geddy replied to Jim P's topic in IoX Program Support
If you're just wanting to set the variable to a number remove the & part and just leave it = "number" But you're trying to add multiple lights to a variable. Other lights would then use +=. Are you running any programs off the variable? Remember State Variables can send events causing other programs to run. Integer Variables do not trigger events. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY_Users:V5:Program_Variables Another note is if any lights are on a dimmer maybe change the IF to "Status NOT off". This way the light could be at a % of brightness, but not "ON" and would increase the value since it wasn't "off". -
Going from memory I think the risk of bricking a Polisy was limited mostly to 1st gen or initial build systems. Having bought it just before the eisy was announced means it more than likely doesn't have the same risk as devices that were part of what UD called the "geek batch". I guess the device you're running at home falls in that category so that's why you think it might "brick" if you update. However, since UD has a fix for the issue you should submit a ticket for both devices and get them brought up to date so you don't worry about it going forward. Again, just going from memory of posts about the brick risking issue (even then it was a very, very small number impacted) according to posts/comments.
No, this should show disabled and is no longer a setting that means anything (IMO). I think it was something older ISY devices used. No, if you’re trying to update firmware make sure you meet the requirements for the version you are going to. Follow the install directions in the link I provided earlier. DO NOT UNZIP THE FILE YOU DOWNLOAD! Since you are on 4.9 you should make a text backup of your programs (right click the “my programs” folder and the last option should be “copy folder to clipboard”. Paste that into a text editor (NOT a word processing app) - for Windows I suggest notepad. Save that file for reference in case any programs use “adjust scene” you will need to adjust those after the update. There were significant changes from 4.x to 5.x in scene setup to integrate z-wave so that usually breaks some programs that have “adjust scene” in it. Check the programs tab after updating and fix programs before doing anything else. If I recall looking at the summary tab might help too showing programs that might have issues. You might want to search (I’d suggest google site search) the forums for issues when updating from 4.x to 5.x related to programs being broken.
I don't think anything "prompts" you to make a new recipient. You must click on "ADD" at the bottom of the screen. Once you click "Add" it will add a line in the "Group" box below the SMTP settings area. There you must type the "NAME" then click on the line to the right (under "Recipients". It will pop up this box: Once you have that box you click on "Add" and it should give you a window in that box to type an email address. (Box above for examples only. I used TAB after typing an example address in then click "Add" again to get another line to add another address.) In the ISY994 era there were issues with the UD Default Mail server. That was later fixed in firmware updates. If you don't use Z-wave or have Z-wave 500 series board then you should be on firmware 5.3.4 for ISY994. If you're using Z-wave 300 series then you should be on 5.0.16C (but I'm not 100% certain this was "fixed" to be able to use the default server). There were updates in the 5.x firmware to allow use of the UD Default server again. However, because it is "generic" and could be sending lots of email alerts there are reports of the default server being filtered at times. That is why it's suggested to use a 3rd party email system. Most often Gmail is the easiest method. If you followed the directions in the wiki to setup the Gmail user/password method it should work without fail. Not sure why/how Google locked your account, but wouldn't bother appealing it...unless it's your personal account, and that would be very crucial to get access back. But I would suggest setting up an ISY only account, but make sure you log into it within 4-6 months to keep it "active". Otherwise, Google will lock dormant/inactive accoutns. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings#Configuring_gmail_Account That might mean you have bad credentials or are trying to access the server too much. But, seems like you got the default to work again. Just seems like you didn't have the process to add Recipients correct. I have used Gmail to send alerts since day 1 of my using ISY (then ISY994). I've not had any issues with sending/receiving alerts through email using a Gmail account setup specifically for ISY alerts. Used it with ISY994, Polisy, and eisy. Works perfectly if you set it up as outlined in the wiki. I agree, that many might have given up, and most that use Polisy or eisy have the great ability to get the Notification plugin and user UD Mobile or other apps for push alerts.
state variable announcements simply stopped working
Geddy replied to carteriii's topic in Amazon Echo
Evidence that reliance on cloud services means things in the cloud could change and break stuff even without doing anything. Probably the same issue @carteriii, but not certain. Just seems that if your notifications are working each time and the setup with Alexa isn't then perhaps something at the Alexa level has broken the routine process. I know some have posted that if you disable the ISY skill it's possible a routine becomes broken (i.e. it drops the ISY devices) and therefore has to be rebuilt. But if you and OP have rebuilt the routines then does seem to point to an Alexa (cloud) issue of not doing what once worked in the past. Sadly, OP is still using ISY994 so doesn't have the notification plugin ability. They do have a Polisy, but it's not setup. That's a whole different set of issues depending on how old that device is. Lots of updates to apply to that thing. -
state variable announcements simply stopped working
Geddy replied to carteriii's topic in Amazon Echo
@carteriii this issue is an issue with the IoX Launcher shortcut from last summer. First, what version of Java are you on? What computer OS are you using? (Win 10/11, macOS, other) Confirm Java is up to date (As of today from java.com: Version 8 Update 401) Don't run any other "fancy" versions or higher version numbers. Admin Console is designed to run on standard Java Runtime Environment (JRE) downloaded directly from java.com. Please clear your Java Cache (be sure to check all 3 boxes in this process), Delete any old start.jnlp and/or admin.jnlp files on your system, Download a new file from the UD Site (link to the start.jnlp), Run newly downloaded file This "not found" issue should be resolved. Hopefully you've opened a support ticket as @bmercier mentioned. Even though ISY994 is no longer supported he was offering to help review for this specific issue. Otherwise, you can see what the errors are from this section of the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Errors_And_Error_Messages Looking at some of the error messages it seems that it could be a corrupt SD card on the ISY994. Also, do you know if you have any programs stuck in a loop or could be stuck in a loop? That might be causing the "Queue(s) Full, message ignored" message. Typically error "-170001" is considered an information code, but if there's an error following it that's key. (Couple of posts related to this error: Link 1 & Link 2 - using Google Site Search to find archived posts like these) Have you changed anything locally on your network recently? New router, new extender(s), new connected devices? Is the ISY994 set for automatic DHCP (IP address)? In the past it was common for people to set the static IP at the device level, but more recently it's been strongly encouraged to rather handle IP reservations at the router/gateway level and allow the device to auto connect to DHCP. Since one of your errors is "System -140000 my.isy.io" I wonder if you're having network interruptions. Also, please make sure that your Portal License is still active! If you did open a support ticket and got this issue resolved please post the fix so that it might help others should they have this issue and search the forums for help. -
Clear your Java cache (checking all 3 boxes) then get a new start.jnlp from the UD site (clicking “My ISY” in the upper right of the site. Run that for a new IoX Launcher icon on your desktop. Then the “local” option will be updated. as with the ISY994 anytime the IoX firmware is updated you should perform this process if using the “local” option. Otherwise, as @paulbates suggests the “cloud” option should match, but if you have an issue just clear the Java cache and reload start.jnlp and you should be good. I always suggest getting a new version of the start.jnlp file from the UD site as they do sometimes make backend adjustments….rare, but has been known to happen.
Is your eisy wired to router or using WiFi? I guess I’ve been lucky I never had to schedule reboots of my routers. Seems like network issues if you’re having to reboot a “name brand” router often. I’d look at resolving those issues before saying it’s an eisy issue. But that’s just me…why live with scheduling rebooting a router rather than fixing the issue (ie buying a different router!).
Seems like would be best to open a support ticket with UD since it does seem to be an isolated case. They would be able to review logs and diagnose what might be happening. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets The next time it happens grab the error log from admin console and PG3x log package then open a ticket. This way anything that happened should be in the logs from the day to be reviewed. Also be sure to let them know how the device is connected (wifi or wired) and what brand/type or router you're running. NOTE: If you're running the eisy on wireless and are using an eero or other mesh router you might want to try hard wiring the eisy to the primary router device (or a network switch connected to the primary device). Agreed, but got to remember there are a lot more "moving parts" with the eisy than there were in the ISY994 days. Many more systems relying on everything working together. Something could be failing when your router goes down and not reconnecting once your internet is back telling the eisy to re-connect. That's why the logs might be able to shed light on the situation.
Appears still available. Just downloaded for me (using Chrome).
It's "possible", but like before, "frowned upon" and some carriers block or delay/filter notifications. The much better option is the Notification plugin with UD Mobile and/or Pushover app (on mobile devices). With the Notification plugin you can send push alerts to the phone (using UD Mobile or Pushover). If you're on iOS, I believe, Pushover allows to use alerts even if the phone is in a focus mode (I can't 100% confirm that as I don't use the app, but recall others saying that in the past). For the text alerts I would suggest using a free email provider (gmail, yahoo, outlook - setup options for Gmail are available in the wiki) to push alerts to text email address. Just so it isn't trying to push a lot of email to text alerts from the default server. Many carriers are trying to cut down on email to sms and have instituted a registration and fee process to attempt to limit spam. Only time will tell if it works or not. But could very well impact the ability for the UD server to send messages to cell numbers.
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@Edmund Lam Please read through this post and you'll find a lot of useful information. Specifically starting after this post by Michel: Closing this thread since the other post covers everything OP pondered.
Since you're now on an eisy I would suggest you open a support ticket to get direct help for the issue(s) you're having. Seems like something is amiss. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
in Admin Console click on "Configuration" tab then "Portals" and it should be able to approve there.
In admin console look at Help -> About It's also in the ISY Finder window.
@andrew77 is this for battery devices or wired devices? Are they dual band or wireline devices? Did you replace the PLM as expected? Since you were having issues prior to migration you could have a corrupt backup and if you replaced the PLM could be causing you issues.
@andrew77 did you follow the steps in the migration process? (https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Migration) It would lead you to this wiki information: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY
Open a support ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
I mean pulling the power to the unit. If your "reboot" is just pressing the reboot button in admin console (before the issue) you should try a full power cycle now. Also, it could be a cache issue with your browser - perhaps try a different browser or an incognito/private browser session to log in. Check on the UD Portal that Ring is showing in your "Purchased Node Server" list. Also confirm your remote connection is configured and active.
If still having issues you should open a support ticket and let UD help directly with this. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ Have you performed a full power cycle recently? https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Multi_Function_Button Also, what IoX and PG3 versions are you currently running? (Please reply with actual version numbers and not just saying "current versions")
@rg65 does your Polisy have a Z-Matter or other Z-wave controller attached? Have you enabled Z-Wave in the settings?
Depends on your computer system. There's not a firm answer for it. Since Admin Console isn't open for very long (typically...remember it's not meant to be left open 24/7) there shouldn't be much impact on the system for other processes running. If you have a lot of memory you can run up to 1024. Somewhere it was also suggested to set the max and min to the same amount, but I've not seen that impact performance (for my system) any differently. Search the forums for Runtime Parameter to see the discussion over the years use Google Site Search. What @lilyoyo1 posted is from the UD Wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Admin_Console_is_very_slow_or_hangs
https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Troubleshooting_Flowchart Not specifically for the PLM. Note, if you check link count make sure there is NO activity on the system. Take multiple counts if you see discrepancies as any activity will cause the counts to be inaccurate. Also review this: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/INSTEON_No_Status_Feedback_From_Devices Lastly, you can also check the event viewer (set to level 3) and control the devices and see what the event viewer shows. Others are better at reviewing what that exposes so if you see "strange" results in the Event Viewer post the text and maybe others can chime in. Or you can search the forums for discussions about similar results.
@jamesm007 Seems the fix is released: