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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @CoLong looks like best bet would be to open a support ticket to get help specific to the issue you're having. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets I've used Gmail to send email notifications since I started with the ISY994 and have not ever experienced issues. I send from @gmail.com to @outlook.com and have started using Spark to check ONLY that account that notifications go to so it can make a noise/alert/notification if/when alerts come in. I know there have been issues using the default servers through the years for various reasons, and given the volume that some people might use that could trigger some sort of filtering between servers (assumptions rather than known fact). I'd rather only rely on an account that only I was sending messages through rather than a "default" server that everybody is blasting notifications through. As for not updating the firmware. I understand, but think the last many updates seem to be fairly stable updates and 5.4.4 is rather old (almost 2 years). So there's been a lot of fixes and modifications. Sure, you might not specifically need them, but UD will usually suggest updating firmware to the current version to see if that fixes any issues somebody is experiencing before troubleshooting an older firmware. Especially one that's 2 years old.
  2. @macjeff please see this post: Not sure if the notice can just be ignored or if the plugin needs to be reinstalled/updated to stop the error, but looks like @Michel Kohanim already took care of this issue.
  3. @CoLong could you provide more information? What firmware/UI are you running? (Admin Console: Help -> About) [Please post actual version # you are running] (Not that it would help, but if not on 5.8.3 please consider updating your Polisy to be "current" as of the time of your issue/post) Have you considered using a different server? Wiki has directions for setting up a Gmail account to send alerts. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings Try to trigger a notification then check the error log to see if there are any errors shown. Refer to this in the wiki for error codes: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Errors_And_Error_Messages
  4. Seems there might be an issue for some users. Please check here:
  5. @flsenior If you've already sold and moved out there isn't really much you can do at this point. Here's what UD has on their wiki for guidance for you and possibly the new owner: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Selling_Your_House Both @Techman and @larryllix have viable options. If you haven't moved out yet might be best to remove everything and replace with standard switches. Most of the time what one individual sets up for home automation won't work for other people (as schedules, wants, and needs could be different). If you don't want to remove the Insteon devices (and still in the house) probably best to simply remove the ISY994 and factory reset all the devices so they just act as "dumb" switches. That way any direct links made don't result in phantom lights turning on/off when random switch is flipped.
  6. @dwengrovitz I don’t use this plugin so can’t help with the setup or settings, but by chance did you reboot the admin console after adding the plugin and discovering nodes? The AC will only display new nodes from plugins after the admin console is restarted. It’s suggested not to have both open simultaneously if changes are being made so that admin console will load any changes made in polyglot. Did you read the info on the plugin page or the “more info” link to here: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-shelly-poly/blob/master/README.md
  7. @whywork if the plugin has been abandoned you might want to submit a support ticket with UD and see if they can assist either with setup or refund (and possibly pulling from the production store if truly abandoned and “broken”). https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ Additionally, usually any pop up errors would have a similar error in the PG3 or Plugin log packages. Might be wise to download those. I believe all log files are flushed at midnight so you might need to delete and reinstall to generate the error again. Otherwise, ask support how to download past log files to see if they can find the error message.
  8. @CoLong since UD programming can't use wild cards for dates I think the best bet would be to use a plugin like HolidaysGoogle and setup an annual event then create a program for when that event happens. Sorry, I don't use that plugin so can't help with setup or application, but that might be the best way to achieve something like that. Otherwise, can write your program with "OR" and put the dates in there for the next few years. Then just make a reminder in some future date to add some more years. Annual Program Test If Time is 3:00:00PM on 2024/04/25 Or Time is 3:00:00PM on 2025/04/25 Or Time is 3:00:00PM on 2026/04/25 Or Time is 3:00:00PM on 2027/04/25 Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  9. @Mike Carron You might need to refresh your login with the ISY Portal account/profile. The easiest way to do that is: login to PG3 dashboard (https://eisy.local:3000 - replace eisy.local with polisy.local if using a Polisy) go to System | Switch Portal Profile then login (to the portal) Screen will refresh back to Polyglot click the Logout button (polyglot web access - top right) Log back into PG3 You shouldn't need a new API. Everything was working fine for me prior to the 4.0 update and continued after the update.
  10. Maybe the wiki information would help: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Using_the_Event_Viewer Otherwise, what specific question do you have? Event viewer is usually only used in troubleshooting steps. Are you having other issues that you could describe and get help with? Or are you just generally inquiring about the event viewer information?
  11. @Mike Carron, your original issue was moved out to it’s own thread….perhaps read there and you can get it sorted out.
  12. @dbemowsk welcome to the Universal Devices forums. Around here this area is for support of a ratgdo plugin on the eisy or Polisy that are manufactured by Universal Devices. You seem to be looking for help with the system running HomeAssistant. Perhaps they have support areas that your questions would be better suited for. I'm sure some might have experience with the questions you pose, but seeing that the posts have gone unanswered for several days perhaps nobody can help with this situation. Good luck on your attempt for support!
  13. @raymondjiii I think the biggest issue is MacOS. It's always been a question mark by many. Some it works fine, others have a heck of a time. I don't have anything macOS to test with so only speaking from a Windows side of life. Thanks to @Javi for updating the Wiki for some additional macOS setup checks. I know there are a lot of posts about IoX Launcher being flaky in the world of macos + java. I recall @Bumbershoot had a good post in the past about how to get things running consistently. Hope you get things sorted out again.
  14. @Mike Carron welcome to the forums for Universal Devices. Seems like you should look at the OpenWeatherMap FAQ/Support area for assistance. https://openweathermap.org/faq When I try the first link you posted and click on the "Subscribe" under any options it takes me to a signup screen. The free one goes to: https://home.openweathermap.org/users/sign_up
  15. @raymondjiii after you updated Java did you clear the java cache again? Make sure you check all three boxes in that process! I've had it happen (in the past) that when Java updates it will mess up how IoX Launcher works and makes the icon go away. I can't get the icon to add back to the desktop until java cache is fully cleared. I'm not local to my eisy currently, but I did run the Java update and that process did not damage my IoX Launcher. Are you running any anti-virus or firewall applications? It's possible they're causing a conflict when Java updates. Wiki troubleshooting tips to review: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Admin_Console_icon_does_not_appear_on_the_desktop https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Java_applications_are_blocked_by_your_security_settings https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized/Invisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored
  16. @someguy Please review: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/43175-pg3x-version-3219-outdated/ As @DennisC and the post linked above the option should be on the configuration page. If you're not seeing that option it might mean you are running an older PG3 version. Please confirm what version you are running and if you have run the "Reinstall all plugin" routine. I do not run the Elk plugin so can't give a screenshot, but expect it should be an option with a checkbox.
  17. @Techowl Yeah, the wiki was updated about 2 years ago after Google/Gmail changed how the logins worked. Seems they moved where to get the App Password into the "2-Step Verification" section. Interesting that your provider might have shut down sending. SMTP use by the ISY994 isn't any different than sending from Outlook or a mobile device (usually). It's likely the port changed or their security process changed (like Google). I see this from the Bell Aliant support page: Usually I would expect the port to be 465 or 587. Odd that they don't require TSL or SSL. Were you sending emails to an email address or trying to send email to text? If to text/mobile # it's possible your carrier is blocking that process. Glad Gmail is working though.
  18. @Steves ISY welcome to the forums. Sounds like you’ve gotten file associations messed up. What computer OS are you using? If Windows right click on start.jnlp and click “open with”. From there select “Look for another app on this PC”. Then it gets a little tricky sometimes. You need to look for the Java folder (check Program Files or Program Files(86)), then the “bin” folder then select “javaws”. Be sure you select “always use this app…”. If running a different OS (like Mac or Unix) you’ll need to search online for how to fix file associations. The IoX Launcher method for getting into admin console does not require any browser interaction. The “leave this window open” process is no longer needed. Just get the start.jnlp association corrected and should be able to get in without issue.
  19. Make sure to always review the user manual for how a factory reset should be performed. It has apparently changed somewhat from product to product over the years. The key (and sometimes most difficult part) is keeping the set button pressed through the beeping. Most will release when the beeping starts or it slips and releases before it stops. (Source: https://www.insteon.com/support-knowledgebase/2014/9/30/keypad-dimmer-owners-manual) I have a small screwdriver that is used in eyeglass repair that I use to pull the set button out if ever needed. That way I don't have to remove the faceplate. Have to be a bit more careful not to scratch anything, but with the right motion it pops out easy. Same screwdriver is used to keep it pressed in, but sometimes it does slip out. Thankfully, not a normal occurrence to have to repeat on a regular basis, but a process I used when originally setting up (and reconfiguring) my system.
  20. @markarmer split this out of where you posted as it was a dead thread (over 4 months old). But you are mostly asking UD for something they've said is in the works. Since UD has supported Z-Wave for a while and developed the ZMatter product to specifically support Z-Wave and Matter it's clear Z-Wave is a primary function that they would support a while...perhaps as long as it is a home automation standard. But that's ultimately up to them to determine for how it fits their business model. I think your specifically trying to get an update from this post from @Michel Kohanim
  21. Depends what you plan to plug into it. If just general internet equipment, eisy, and other IoT bridge type devices then a “basic” UPS should be just fine. You might want to have a filter on the plug if the PLM is near because some UPS can suck Insteon, but try without first if you don’t have an available filter. I run this UPS for modem, router, switch, eisy, and yolink bridge. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FWAZEIU think about what you connect to it. Kind of pointless (IMO) to connect something like a Hue Bridge. If the power is out none of the bulbs will work…why keep the bridge up? Although, you also need to consider how long your power outages might be. If you have a lot and for long duration you might need a higher grade battery backup. APC and CyberPower are solid names. Some feel strongly about one over the other, but I find them both reliable from my experience. I don’t try to power big equipment for many hours so just need basic to keep things up. No, I just leave things to their own. If the battery doesn’t last it will stop powering anything connected to it. Most electronics should be okay. If I’m home I usually power things down if the power stays out. The UPS can then buffer against any potential surges when power is restored. I also have whole home surge protection.
  22. @gschoffstall do you have an IP reservation for the Hue Bridge? Sadly, the plugin is always looking to the same IP address for the bridge rather than communication to connect to the bridge. If you had a full power loss where all network devices lost power and connection then it’s possible they rejoined at a different IP when things booted back up. I use eisy and Hue plugin and have lost power from time to time and don’t have the bridge on a UPS and things come back as expected when power is restored. I figure because I do have IP reserved for the bridge. Where did you get these errors? This sounds more like your firmware and UI don’t match on admin console. Make sure you check admin console help -> about and make sure firmware and UI match. If they don’t, clear your Java cache (checking all three boxes in the process). Then download a new start.jnlp file from the UD Website (click on “My ISY” on the top right of the home page.
  23. I've never even looked at this setting. Is this something used? Still, seems like another bug from the company that designed the forums. There's lots of bugs when you really dig in the weeds. Try opening the "Messages" inbox and clicking different messages. I can't get messages to select in there. That's new in the latest "update" from the forum company. As mentioned...their support is horrible...I don't expect things to get fixed. The "mark site read" bug has been mentioned on their "support forums" since 2021 and I guess hasn't been "fixed".
  24. Interesting. Just tried this on Firefox and got the "Something went wrong" and "Error code: 2S119/1" on lower right. Probably something from the makers of the forum code. Their support is the pits (don't get @Michel Kohanim started on it). Will see if there's something on their site about it. Have you tried with a different browser? I just tried on Chrome and seemed to work just fine.
  25. If nothing happens try deleting the .state files mention in the wiki. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized/Invisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored It's possible this will help, but mostly it's been commented that IoX Finder/Admin Console interface is mostly designed for the standard Java JRE downloaded directly from java.com. Running other versions sometimes results in unexpected issues. I do believe you can have multiple installs and can setup .jnlp association with the JRE, but don't have experience with that. Not sure on this one. Might be best to ask UDI directly through a support ticket. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
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