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  1. Geddy

    SMTP stopped working

    Seems like you didn’t follow the setup instructions that were in the link @Techman supplied. Gmail has required that an app password is set now. Gmail doesn’t allow insecure passwords (I didn’t even think it was possible to turn 2FA off now, but I haven’t wanted to try). Be sure you follow these steps: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings#Configuring_(unique)_App_Password I’m not entirely sure if you need a from, but doesn’t hurt to be sure it’s included. Just pay attention to the formatting (again…as described in the wiki). Lastly, if you’re trying to send a test make sure you click on a recipient for the test to go to. If you have more than one it doesn’t know where to send the test and might cause a failure. Using Gmail server (if setup properly) does work. That’s what I’ve used from day one. I don’t use many alerts, but know it worked as of the last 3 days.
  2. I believe this is normal. You can find other conversion comments in the forums that seem to indicate this is expected. Make sure you follow the rest of the steps that @Techman linked to in the wiki. Pay attention that the user/pass will now be the same as admin console access. Once you confirm you have PG3x then run the upgrade process again and you should update to IoX 5.8.4 (the current release) If you did not get upgraded to PG3x in the process then please open a support ticket to get specific help for this issue. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ If I was running a Polisy I wouldn’t worry about upgrading to eisy until UD made an official announcement that they would end Polisy support/development. No need to worry about it at this moment. Also no major need (from why I can tell) to rush an upgrade to the eisy if you have a working Polisy doing what you need it to do.
  3. @Tony-D unsure how to run Java on rpi5, but you need some sort of java platform like what Windows users have for javaws. Perhaps the best bet since you're on rPI would be to use the direct admin.jnlp downloaded from the ISY994 rather than trying the launcher (that has been the standard for over 6 years). Try: http://ip.of.the.isy/admin.jnlp (be sure to change to put your actual IP address for your ISY994) No browsers are necessary. It's all independent of the browser. Once you have the admin.jnlp it should log directly into the ISY994. Note: If you ever update the firmware you'll need to clear you Java cache and download the admin.jnlp again from the updated firmware. If you still have access to your friend's windows Laptop make sure it's on the same network as the ISY994, download the start.jnlp from the UD website (clicking on "MY ISY" on the top right). It should put the "IoX Launcher" icon on the desktop. Use that to access the admin console. Again, no special browser process is needed. It's directly Java related since all browsers dropped the Java script method used many years ago. One thing to consider is if you set a static IP address on the device and changed routers you could have changed your DHCP table and the ISY994 might not be connecting to the new DHCP range. Since you still have your old ISP and if/when you can get into the ISY994 make sure you change it to Dynamic IP so the ISY994 will connect to the new router. You should then setup an IP reservation on the new router/gateway so the ISY994 is always at that IP. DO NOT SET STATIC ON THE DEVICE! Review these sections of the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#ISY_Launcher_cannot_find_ISY https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Installing_the_Admin_Console_Icon_on_Your_Desktop
  4. Not recently. As @Northwoods Ranger said above there were some issues a few days back, but UD fixed them (at least appeared to). I didn't have to do anything for the routines to run again. Perhaps it would be a good idea to reboot the Polisy (full power cycle). I've noticed a few times (as I think others have posted and commented as well) that Echo routines will sometimes not fire and it's apparently an Amazon/Echo issue when they update something underlying that breaks the routines coming from skills. They end up getting resolved randomly. It's somewhat a goofy system (IMO) and sometimes I don't consider it very reliable. I don't run any mission critical processes through Echo routines and rely more on notifications plugin and UD Mobile for alerts. To me relying on a 3rd party system is just begging for issues (as you describe). Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't. If I have an alert it's only going to be critical so I prefer to keep things within the IoX/PG3x system to send me alerts rather than sending out to Echo. I'm not sure how to do this either, but I know if you look at the routine it does have a "View Activity" choice if you click on the three dots in the top right of the routine (I'm on iOS). In there you'll at least see if/when the routine was triggered. How are you changing the variable to trigger the routine? If with program you could just "Run Then" or "Run Else" however you have the program setup and see if the variable triggers the routine. If it's a big issue for your system you might be better off submitting a support ticket so UD can help track the issue with you. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  5. @bw23198 you might be better served by contacting UD directly. Either by their contact us page or a support ticket. Perhaps they have more detailed information related to your energy provider and/or the equipment they use. https://www.universal-devices.com/contact-us/ https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  6. @arzoo you could use the raw text portion of the find/replace option in the programs to potentially find a time reference. Or I would suggest you copy the root folder to the clipboard then paste in a text editor and search for time or other triggers in the text of all the programs. (right click on the root folder and select COPY folder to clipboard - NOT "export") Have you checked the summary tab for the programs? Anything showing "last run" at the time this happens? You originally said it was happening at random hours so maybe you'll see it during the day rather than 1am time.
  7. @RRoyceus split your post out from another topic that was troubleshooting other issues. Which version are you speaking of? That post was for 1.1.68. Have you updated to 1.1.71 for iOS? (that's what's available in beta test as of this reply). Sync should be in the 3 dots at the top of the Home, Automations, and/or Settings tabs. It shows there for me. Tapping the three dots gives: Synchronize My Account User Preferences UD Mobile Backup Bluetooth Wi-Fi Configuration Show Hidden Nodes toggle
  8. @Guy Lavoie just be aware that if using "wait" should the program turn false while waiting the program will stop running (or run the "else"). If you're going to use the wait sometimes it might be better to break it into multiple programs. You can have programs that have nothing in the "IF" statement and you can use the trigger program to process the "THEN" or "ELSE" of another program. In that other program would be the "wait" portion and not be impacted should the "IF" of the first program be re-evaluated and turn false. Good luck!
  9. I seem to recall recent posts about this...might want to search the forums. However, you might find this news post (blog) from UD informative: https://www.universal-devices.com/drip-drop-stop/ Or maybe this one: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/43491-sprinkler-controller-irrigation-2024/
  10. @Guy Lavoie welcome to the Universal Devices forums. A lot of what you're asking can be found in the "ISY Cookbook" that's found in the UD Wiki pages (https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page). The ISY994 has been discontinued (thus probably the reason you were able to get it "cheap"). It still works and is operational at many levels. Some of the documentation/examples in the ISY Cookbook are from older firmware versions for IoX (formerly ISY). Just know official support from Universal Devices is no longer offered. However, the user-to-user help on the forums is always available to help troubleshoot and give guidance. I'm not familiar with x10 signals, but many here are. Hopefully they can help with some of the specific questions you might have. There isn't a "simple" way to make a timer like you're thinking, but there are options. I searched on the wiki and found this topic: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Programs_as_Variables:_SwitchLinc_Emulates_Countdown_Timer (Note the link at the top to a different document as well) One thing to note about ISY programming...the "IF" statement is always being evaluated. Therefore, when your program triggers "TRUE" it will trigger the "THEN" portion. Otherwise, when "FALSE" it will trigger the "ELSE" command. Many programs will only have a "THEN" portion. If you have specific programming questions head over to the IoX Program Support area and post in there. https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/438-iox-program-support/ Be sure to let us know what you're trying to accomplish and read how to post programs to the forums. Posting programs as text is the preferred method. Again, welcome to the forums. Good luck learning!
  11. @andrew77 glad you’re up and running. What was the actual fix so we know and it might help others if they have similar issues?
  12. @majkman what version of PG3x are you running? Are you on Polisy or eisy? If on Polisy you might need to upgrade to PG3x if you haven't. Details on that can be found in the wiki. If you're on eisy make sure it's updated. Current version should be 3.2.27. If you're not there then you should update. Last option would be attempt to install in a different slot and see if that works.
  13. @andrew77 best bet would be to open a support ticket with UD. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Sorry I can't help on the macOS side as I don't run that and don't have access to anybody running it. I'm 100% Windows. Seems like macOS throws curveballs now and then with the Java process.
  14. What firmware are you running? (Give specific number) Have you power cycled your device? It might be something a support ticket is best suited for https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  15. @hart2hart make sure the remote connection to the portal is still active. Log into the portal and check from there. In the past mine randomly was reset to no and I just had to reactivate that from the portal side and it worked. It’s been a few months now and others had issues at the same time, but I just checked mine and it’s still “yes”. If you’re still yes then I’d suggest opening a ticket with UD.
  16. @Techman it would be good to point out too that this process only works for items NOT IN A FOLDER. So would have had to move the original device out of the folder it appears/appeared to be in then attempt the “replace with” process. @MKonrad glad you got it sorted (seems like it anyway). I think you can also right click on a device and should have a menu option to “add to scene”. Then you select what scene to add it too. In case your device tree is very long and difficult to drag as you said you did.
  17. What computer OS are you running? On Windows go to configure Java (use the search function from the “start” menu) then delete temp files. Clearing the Java cache is key and has been forever! So shouldn’t be the first time you’ve done it, but if you don’t keep you systems updated it’s possible you don’t recall the steps. Go to UD website and click on “My ISY” near the top right of the homepage. It should download start.jnlp (note…if you have existing start.jnlp or admin.jnlp files on your computer please DELETE them before you download a new file! Just makes things simple and clean!) Lastly….all this is covered in this post:
  18. @andrew77 looks like something has possibly been corrupted. Since you were on 5.8.0 firmware it's not like you ran an update recently so it likely wouldn't be a failed update. I somewhat agree with @CoolToys that you should bring the system up to date by running the update process. Be sure to allow a lot of time for the update to run. There have been several IoX and PG3x updates that you're probably missing (since 5.8.0 was released in January). Don't pull the power on the eisy until you've run the updates and rebooted and attempted a good log-in with admin console. Be sure you clear java cache (checking all three boxes) when you run the firmware update. Otherwise, use the "Cloud" so you don't get an error about Firmware/UI mismatch. Is you're still having issues perform a full power shutdown (following the wiki for multi-function button presses). Once the eisy is powered down unplug it, then unplug the PLM. Then plug the PLM back in and after 10-20 seconds plug the eisy back in (I think the light should be steady on the PLM before you plugin the eisy). Allow some time for it to fully boot (60-90 seconds - to be safe - maybe longer if you're running a lot of plugins) before trying to open admin console again. If you're still getting the EXACT same errors then open a ticket with UD to get help directly. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  19. @CoolToys "Switched On" or "Switched Off" is found using the "control" option. On/Off is typically in the "Status" option of the Then statements.
  20. See the post just made by @bmercier:
  21. @thruster999 Looks like there is a portal connection issue. Not sure when it started, but seeing other posts about there being issues so could just be your problem as well. But to check if your license is active you can login on the portal (https://my.isy.io/) Then click under "Tools" -> Information -> ISY Portal Access License In the new window it should show "License Active" and should show your "License Expiry Date" Link to other posts: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/43875-eisy-portal-integration-offline/ And looks like UD is aware and fixing the portal connection based on this post: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/43877-portal-problem-2024-07-18/
  22. @FarmerGeek yes, UD announced its "retirement" (end of support) over a year ago... https://www.universal-devices.com/finalbye994/ More recently is an announcement of a price increase for the UD Portal to support the ISY994... https://www.universal-devices.com/994-portal/ While the ISY994 will continue to work it's official support has ended and the increased price for the portal might not be as attractive for many. If you're competent with operating and supporting your own device then it's possible to use as long as it works for your needs. The eisy operates the ISY system (now IoX) just as the ISY994 does, but adds a lot of benefits with the plugins from wide range of developers.
  23. @JP as @hart2hart suggests, it sounds like the "IF" is becoming false while the waits are in process. As soon as the program becomes false it will quit running. Try removing the waits and see if the program performs all the lines in the "THEN" statement. If you must have the waits then @paulbates suggestion of having 2 programs with one blank "IF" would help as it wouldn't re-evaluate as the program is possibly currently doing. As @paulbates posting a text version of the program is preferred. It helps others help you directly with comments/changes to the program. Text is also easier to read on mobile devices. Screen shots become tiny and have to be zoomed in and moved around a lot. Right click on the program and select the last item "COPY to Clipboard". Then paste as text in your forum post. This way the program is available for others to make suggestions/changes.
  24. @carealtor I'm in the same camp as @paulbates. I tried HA a couple of years ago (before HA could run on the eisy). I found it overtaxing for my needs. I've got a very simple setup and the eisy handles everything just fine. Add in the few plugins I run everything is simple and automated just the way we want/need it for our household. One thing I have seen mentioned on the forums is the intense effort to get HA setup on the eisy and keep both systems running independently. It mostly depends on your tech abilities. I would probably suggest to keep them on separate devices. Sure, there are a lot on here that have "mad tech skills" that can handle them on the same device, and that's great....for them. I'm want to underscore the comment from @paulbates about being a few years down the road and having to "rebuild" everything. Heck, for me it could be as short as a few months and I'd forget what I did to setup things. No one answer will get you what you need, but if you're tech savvy and wanting to try it go for it. If not, I'd suggest using a different device for the HA install. There's a lively thread discussing those options in this same sub-forum area.
  25. Look here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/395-yolink/ and here: https://github.com/Panda88CO/udi-yolink/blob/main/README.md and read the UD wiki eisy User Guide: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide These links should give you the basics for what can be done. If you’ve gone beyond Yolink be sure to look around the PG3 forum area for all the other plugins that are available with the eisy (and Polisy). Note that there are free and paid plugins. To see the full list of available plugins check here: https://polyglot.universal-devices.com/
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