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Everything posted by Geddy
@CraigB1 when you're in Admin Console please check the UI you're using. Make sure the firmware and UI match. Help -> About Also, have you changed the font size in the themes that it might be too large to show the time/number in the window? (I recall there was a size that once caused some options to be too large for the boxes, but I forget what font size that was.) Lastly, check that you're not enlarging the admin console through Windows settings to magnify the display as it might be chopping off the bottom portion of the window and you don't notice it. (Look at: Settings > System > Display, then under "Scale & layout" I'm not using the ISY994, but am on Java 1.8.0_431-b10 and don't have the issue. In your testing have you been sure to clear the java cache and selecting all 3 boxes? Then delete any old versions of start.jnlp or admin.jnlp you might have and download fresh from UD site or admin.jnlp directly from your ISY994. With your cropped screenshot it's hard to determine if you've got a display issue or something else happening. To be certain...are you saying you don't see/have the "Add to 'If'" or the "Update" button?
Backup issue - Could not parse Configuration File
Geddy replied to joe.murphy@snet.net's topic in IoX Support
@joe.murphy@snet.net split your post out from old thread since the other one was solved (and old). If you haven't updated from PG3 to PG3X (if you're on Polisy) please attempt that then run the update package process in Admin Console again. Be sure not to be logged into both PG3/PG3x and Admin Console at the same time. Method to upgrade to PG3x - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Polisy:User_Guide#Upgrading_to_PG3x Otherwise, please review and advise: your Firmware and UI (and don't just say "latest version" please post version number). Confirm what device you are using. Make sure you are not running any Anti-virus, firewall, or VPN and are on the same network as the device you are backing up. Make sure your Java version is up to date (Version 8 Update 431 as of the date of this post). -
Can you post the 2 programs you tried? This time right click the program and paste as text. The initial program seems that the IF would become false would then run the "ELSE" during the wait period. In the case the light wouldn't turn off. Technically shouldn't have worked with zigbee, but you say it did. Was it this exact program? What @paulbates was suggesting with 2 programs is to trigger a program without an "IF" statement and allowing the "wait" to run as expected. What is the icon color of the program you posted above? (without testing/running it again). If it's partially red then it last ran false. Might have been false during the wait period thus not finishing the "Then" progression.
@grossmd moved into the Hue Plugin area. I'm assuming you're using the Hue Plugin for the lights. I'm not entirely sure if the plugin is designs to support the outlets. The Plugin was developed several years ago and then migrated to PG3, but don't think the underlying code was updated at that time. Do you have the Z-Matter dongle? I wonder if you could attempt a direct connect through Zigbee for the outlet. I know the lights are able to be connected that way (though I haven't tried it yet).
No! Please don't wake the car (IMO). Some might want/need info while the car is idle/asleep, but in my use I'd prefer not to phantom drain the car just to send data to the eisy. I like how Tesla's own app has been able to not wake the car until you send a command to the car. It would be interesting to learn what others are attempting to do with the plugin and the car that they would need the car to be online/awake more often. I prefer to leave the car in sleep mode as much as possible to save the phantom drain.
@Andy P welcome to the world of YoLink! It's been fun to grow that system for me. I recall using the iOS notes app and then getting the codes from the iCloud site. That way I wasn't passing secure info through unsecure email severs. @dbwarner5 I do like being able to do that between iPhone and iPad, but haven't broken down to overpay for a computer yet (doesn't fit my "work" life). NOTE: Be sure not to have a blank space before or after the UAID and Keys. That's been the issue with some in the past.
Have you restarted it lately? Make sure you close admin console (if it is open). Restart the plugin. Refresh the webpage.
@gempro Split your post out of a "dead" thread so it would get more attention.
@Edmund Lam are you running "strange" networks inside the location? Do you have VLANs or other firewall services setup? Make sure your computer is on the same network as the eisy. Sometimes higher end routers or multiple networks in a location can stop the simple communication that IoX Finder users to locate the eisy. Since you can get in by manually adding the address my guess is the issue is with networking blocking the communication for simple "handshake" being attempted to locate the device when you run IoX Launcher.
@breischaft I've tried Alexa commands a few times during the day today and haven't had any delays. Certainly not minutes like you're experiencing. I would suggest you open a support ticket with UD to see if they can help diagnose if this is a portal issue on their side or a system issue within your setup. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Please be sure to post any resolution they give you so that we all can learn from this and might help others should they have similar issues.
@haroldunger FYI - the preferred method of sharing programs is to right click on the program and select the last menu item of "Copy to Clipboard" then paste as text into your reply (make sure you use COPY and not export). I've removed your doc file and added as image, but to make it easier for those helping you on programs having the text version makes it easy to edit and highlight the changes. The way around having the light adjust if it was already on would be to set a status with "NOT" in the statement. This is one I have for a light that needs to stay on during the night: Backdoor Light - If From Sunset - 1 hour To Sunrise + 2 hours (next day) And 'Backdoor' Status is not On Then Wait 10 seconds Set 'Backdoor' On Use the "Status" rather than "Control". In your situation could simply be "If {node} Status is not Off" then don't run the program. Since your time is specific to Sunset + 30 minutes it will only trigger at that time. Otherwise, can change your time From/To and if the light is turned off during that window then your program would trigger true and run the "Then" portion. I used to run a program that would dim a light as the night went along. It would be shocking if I had the light dimmer than the initial setting (if we were watching a movie and had the lights down <30% it would suddenly run it up to 80% when the time trigger happened). I ended up splitting that program like @dbwarner5 into two programs with a status that it would only then run if the light was higher than the initial brightness. Make sure the other program doesn't have an "IF" and I like to have it disabled. Program 1 would run the "Then" of Program 2.
yes, per the recent update announcement:
Migrating from Insteon Hub to EISY
Geddy replied to GregKY's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
@GregKY Welcome to the UD forums! I'm sure you'll get lots of help in the process should you continue with a product from UD. If you're using an Insteon hub then I would suggest contacting them for support. They've got a good support staff to try to help resolve any issues you're having with a current product they offer. They have recently updated their hub so perhaps if you're accustomed to what that offers you might be better off staying with their new hub. It sounds like you're taking the plunge into the Universal Device product line rather than replacing an older ISY994 (or even old ISY device). There's a big learning curve to work through, but again lots of users here that will help on the way if you do indeed change to the eisy. But it would help all of us if you describe a little more about your current hub and your automations that you're looking to control. The eisy has a lot of plugins that can control more than just Insteon devices. You can find the plugins in other areas of the forums to get an idea of what the eisy can fold into the IoX/ISY mode of automation. Again, welcome to the forums! -
As stated above you're probably seeing that it "last ran" the THEN statement (reference of color meanings in the wiki) Meaning the program last ran true. Nothing to worry about just from looking at the color of the program icon. Look at the program summary tab and confirm the last time the Sunset program ran. Also, for future program posting please right click on the program and select "Copy to Clipboard" (the last menu item) and then paste the program as TEXT. Pasting images of your programs aren't helpful for those trying to assist with the programs. Having the text allows those helping to edit the lines and not just suggest changes to an image. What threads are you talking about? I can open them back up and merge this into those threads if you think it's an ongoing issue. Otherwise, at least linking to them might help others that are trying to help now and not having to rehash troubleshooting steps that were done months ago. Threads are typically closed after a solution has been posted and no other posts have been made for a couple of weeks.
You need to use "javaws.exe". (Java Web Start) Putting the Java folder in "Program Files" rather than the (x86) file just means you've installed the 64bit version. That's perfectly fine and not an issue. Do you by chance run OneDrive (or other cloud storage) and backup the desktop and run on multiple computers? I ran into an issue that I was backing up the desktop on two different laptops and it would always break the IoX Launcher process. I ended up having to turn off backing up the desktop. I don't make a habit to keep things on my desktop so it doesn't really need backing up. It's mostly just shortcuts to often used apps, but that's what I use the taskbar for now these days so my desktop typically only has IoX Launcher on it. If you are running OneDrive once you have IoX Launcher showing right click on it and select "Always keep on this device" (I'm not sure if it helps, but I did that too and haven't had any further issues). Make sure you remove the old version of Java and download the current available version from java.com (Version 8 Update 431 - as of this posting). There are reasons that Java updates. It's not advised to run older versions for java security reasons.
Check this post: (Info in this post might help) How many z-wave devices are you running? Some have found it easier to reset the z-wave devices than try to migrate them if they have only a few. TIP: One thing to make sure to do though is make a copy of all your exiting programs in the ISY994 before you migrate. On the root folder in the program tab right click and near the bottom will be a COPY folder to clipboard (something along those lines). Paste that into a text editor (like Notepad on Windows - NOT Word! - you want to keep the raw text as is). Make sure you use the "COPY" folder option and none of the "export" options. This will allow you to review and perhaps fix any programs that do not migrate properly (it's been known to happen and this step will save you house of fixing broken programs).
@ScottAvery are you running any anti-virus or firewall software on the computer? Above you mentioned adding java to the firewall. Be sure to turn off any anti-virus or firewall running on the computer that aren't the default Windows 11 system applications. Third party virus/firewall products have been known to cause issues similar to what you experience. Since you are able to connect to the web PG3 portion perhaps trying to access the device using the URL available in the portal site (be sure you use your portal credentials when logging into the eisy). Tools -> Select Tools -> Information -> ISY Information -> Admin Console URL That should at least allow you to get into admin console to adjust your location/time zone.
@mrxmas If running Windows indeed seems you don't have Java installed (as @paulbates mentions). Install Java (as mentioned above). If you have then the .jnlp file association is messed up and you need to set it or update it. Right click on start.jnlp and select properties (or even "open with). If you open properties then see what it says in the "Opens with:" line (again...only if you're running Windows) Click change and then you might need to select "more apps" and find javaws.exe on your system (for Windows it should be in Program Files -> Java -> Java (version) -> bin) If you're not on Windows please be sure you read the link I posted above.
Changed Router and can't get LAN to connect to ISY.
Geddy replied to Deane Johnson's topic in ISY994
@Deane Johnson Since the device seems to be online what happens when you try to open admin console to connect locally? Are you having issues there or only on the portal side? Be sure you review the wiki that relates to changing the router: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Changed_ISP.2FRouter_-_Can_no_longer_access_ISY More than likely you had static IP set on the device and it's not connecting to the new router, but you said it shows connected online. Is there a green light on the my.isy.io site showing the ISY994 is online? My guess is it's not actually online it just shows the history of it being there and you need to fix the IP address. That's tricky. If you still have your old router I would reconnect it for a bit to get into the ISY994 and remove the static IP option and allow it to auto DHCP connect with the new router then setup an IP Reservation in the new router. This process is a lot easier than resetting the ISY994 as suggested in the wiki. If you don't have the old router then you could set the DHCP table in the new router to the same as what was in the old router and it should reconnect. Either way, once you get back into the admin console of the ISY994 please turn off the static IP and set it to Auto DHCP. -
@ThisIsTheWay are you running the HarmonyHub Plugin? I'm not sure how that one works so might need @Jimbo.Automates help with that. Looks like the Harmony Hub is trying to log into IoX and doesn't have the correct user/pass (based on the "Auth: -10104" error looking at the wiki). Otherwise, be sure you've set up the plugin correctly following the "more info" on the plugin page.
@ThisIsTheWay clearing your java cache and downloading a new star.jnlp gets rid of the other error that your screen show shows. That's meaning the Firmware and UI are not matching. You can avoid that by using the "Cloud" connection that downloads the proper UI from the UD cloud. However, if you ever choose "Local" you'll need to follow steps 10-13 in the link above.
@mrxmas what OS is the computer? (I only ask because it seems very easy on Windows and has special steps on macOS) Please review the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Installing_the_Admin_Console_Icon_on_Your_Desktop First thing is to get java from java.com (current version is: Version 8 Update 421 - as of this posting). Then follow the steps in the wiki.
@Guy Lavoie my "assumption" would be that it could be used via USB. I believe the USB enclosure was also available prior to eisy. Looking at the enclosure product information it does reference Polisy so seems like it would work. It would be best to contact UD directly to ask the question and get the answer from them. Support tickets are quick and simple for such a inquiry: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Please be sure to post back to let us know.
If memory serves I think the Z-Wave backup process only works for ZMatter products. I don’t think IoX has a backup ability on a 3rd party Z-wave controller. That’s why you don’t find it in the menu.