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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @garybixler do you happen to have TinyMCE installed on your computer? Seems to be a 3rd party app. Edit: I see what you’re talking about when visiting from an iPad. Might be something UD has done.
  2. Geddy

    2413S to 2413U

    Should be as easy as following the replace modem process in the wiki. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Replace_Modem_(PLM) Knowing that many have done this with the release of the eisy there have been a few posts of issues they faced. I would expect those that didn’t have issues just don’t post. Since you just replaced the PLM if you didn’t have issues then it should be the same process, but plugging in the USB PLM. As always UD is available for support if you run into issues. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  3. @DennisC that's great! Sadly, I think @matapan is still using the ISY994 since this is posted in the ISY994 -> Z-Wave 300/500 area. (and they said "works with the ISY994") PS: @DennisC you just made me buy one to test on the dryer since the "cycle end alert" sound seems to have started to fail on our dryer.
  4. @armymutt having never attempted this I’m not 100% sure, but… With admin console (and UD mobile) CLOSED try a restart of the plugin in PG3x web UI. Once the plugin restarts see if the nodes changed. Since the Hue plugin is not recently updated it might not update the node names easily and they might need to be to be deleted from the plugin and restarted to bring them back in on the PG3x side. Once you confirm the node names changed in the plugin you can open admin console and it might update the nodes in admin console. Then be sure to also run a sync on UD Mobile to get the node changes synced there.
  5. Try a Google site search. A post that long ago has been auto archived. The site search on the forum page doesn't find archived posts, but Google site search should. Might need to play around with the keywords you're looking for. Just so it's noted here...what Firmware area you using? Also make sure you confirm that the UI for admin console matches the firmware (help -> about).
  6. I use the plugin with my eisy (so on PG3x) and have not had this issue. However, we don’t get that many power outages (thankfully). Perhaps the issue is more network related than IoX/PG3 related. From what I’ve seen commented in the past there is NOT a way to reboot after power loss. Some that want(ed) a way to reboot the eisy just had it on a WiFi plug and did a hard power cycle if they weren’t local. Kind of risky (IMO). I don’t use any motion sensors so can’t tell you if they would work without the hub or how the system handles them through the hub. But for lights the plugin works as expected without any issues. I must be lucky. Of course basing issues only on posts here is very slanted…most that don’t have issues really have no reason to post. So only the problems are (mostly) seen here.
  7. Perhaps more details might be helpful. Log into PG3x and download the current log package for the plugin. Then change the plugin logging level to “debug” then restart the plugin and allow it to stabilize. Then download the log package. I’m sure the developer would want that to try to help diagnose. If this has been an ongoing issue it might be better to open a ticket with UD to see if they can troubleshoot with you and the developer and the underlying systems. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  8. This might indicate network issues. From the wiki error page it means “HTTP_CLIENT_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT” https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Errors_And_Error_Messages Try opening a network resource and saving it (not making any changes) and see if you can press test for that one then. You might need to do that for all of them.
  9. @Kevin Connolly hopefully Insteon can let you know. I’m not sure if it was anything people might have thought about in the past. I’d say if anybody might have such information is might be @Brian H or @IndyMike as they are very experienced with the inner workings of the devices. If you do get a reply with the info please be sure to post here to let us know and to have it available should others ever need to search for such information.
  10. I agree with @DennisC, if you’re “a newb” then SSH would be my last attempt at doing this. is your eisy able to be close enough to be wired into your router rather than using WiFi? I would usually suggest a wired connection if at all possible (one less “unknown” to deal with if/when you have issues). UD Mobile is able to handle the WiFi (or wired) connection, but I’m not 100% it would connect without a WiFi password since 99.9% of networks should have passwords. If you have attempted to get it to connect with UD Mobile and it doesn’t work then you might consider opening a support ticket to see if there is a way to “force” it to connect to an unsecured WiFi network. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  11. @andrew77 My first steps would be to check on the admin console and controlling devices. I would then review the program/summary tab to see if programs triggered when was their “last run” time and what is their “next run” time? Then, I would attempt to run the “if” or “then” of your programs. If you have issues when using admin console then check these trouble shooting tips from the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#INSTEON_2 If things work as expected with the admin console controlling devices and programs then it’s more than likely something with UD mobile and Echo.
  12. @awysocki eventually “ZMatter” will include the ability to control matter devices. UD just hasn’t released the Matter ability yet. They’ve posted that it is still in the works, but no timeframe given for when it will release. Currently ZMatter can control Z-Wave and Zigbee devices.
  13. @Kevin Connolly you might want to also ask on the Insteon forums or ask Insteon support directly since the PLM is their product. You might also want to try a Google site search to dig deeper on these forums. The search function on the forums only finds “current” posts. Once older topics are auto archived only Google site search seems to find them.
  14. Try auto linking. Otherwise, make sure that you're putting in the address correctly. Ds and Bs sometimes look like 0 (zero) and 8 (eight) and vice-versa. I rarely will type in an address to link and rely on auto to make the connection. If new (to you) device please be sure to select "Remove existing links". Many will always suggest a factory reset before adding a device (even if brand new from the factory) as sometimes even factory testing can create links in devices that could have unexpected results once added to a system. This being in the ceiling fan it's probably not the easiest device to get to and near impossible to factory reset without assistance.
  15. If you want/need something from the “mfg” you’re best bet is to open a support ticket to ask the question directly with Universal Devices. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ Since we are just like you (users of the devices) we don’t know any more than what’s available on UD’s site. My general idea would be that most consumer grade electronic devices don’t typically operate well above 100F. Just from checking a few devices I found by looking up online.
  16. @4481hoods odd place for it to be. What OS are you on? I’m on iOS and UD mobile version 1.1.64. It’s in the top right of the main “Home” are as I posted above and available on the top right of “My Devices”, “My Programs”, “Variables”, and “Network Resources”. If you only found it in one place maybe you’re on Android or different version. I’d be surprised if it got moved to only ONE area.
  17. @4481hoods Make sure your app is up to date. What operating system are you using?
  18. I think this moved recently. On the home tab click the three dots on the top right and synchronize should be there.
  19. No, eisy only runs PG3x. Also, don’t update the Polisy as an update removes PG2 from it. PG2 has been discontinued and removed from current systems. If that’s a deal breaker then keep it running as you have it for now.
  20. Excellent! For the errors you're seeing you might want to power down the ISY994 and the PLM. Then plug the PLM first for about 60-90 seconds then plug in the ISY994. If you haven't power cycled since the power came back on it's possible the PLM wasn't fully active before the ISY994 tried to initially communicate to devices and it's just goofy. Depending on the storms it's possible you took a surge to the house and could have knocked the PLM out of commission. But I'd try a clean power cycle first before assuming it's dead. But 7 years on a PLM is good, all things considered. Once internet comes back try to go back to the IoX Launcher method. The admin.jnlp is a good fallback in a pinch (like this), but if you use the "cloud" connection method in the IoX Launcher option it always assures you have the correct UI for your firmware. Good luck!
  21. @FerventGeek I just want to ask and confirm... Are you currently using an ISY99 (as your text says)? Or are you using an ISY994? There's no migration path from ISY99 as those were discontinued ages ago. The old ISY99/994 cannot use the USB PLM so you can't set it up with your existing device. For the rest, you might be causing issues and a lot of extra work trying to change from serial to USB based PLM, but I think it can be achieved if you follow the directions and perform the PLM replacement process along the way. Mobilinc portal will not work with eisy so will more than likely break what you've got. But I don't think it worked with Polisy either so not sure what you're doing with it. You've probably got it directly feeding to the old ISY (99 or 994?) device rather than IoX on the Polisy. There's no migration from PG2 to PG3 as it's a completely different system. So more than likely most of those integrations will be lost and need to be purchased and setup in PG3x and set back up any scenes and programs you have for them. First and foremost, in the ISY99/994 device right click on the ROOT program folder and select "Copy Folder to Clipboard". Then paste that into a text editor (for Windows use Notepad). DO NOT USE A PROGRAM LIKE MICROSOFT WORD! This will give you a full (text) copy of all your programs so you can set them up following getting the eisy/PG3 system up and running.
  22. @tmorse305 looks like the same issue @Techman had recently.
  23. @LFMc when running the "start.jnlp" file it is trying to connect to UD's site to download the IoX Launcher. If you've got the IoX Launcher icon on the desktop it should open without the need for internet. Then make sure you use the "local" option to connect to your ISY994. What computer operating system are you using? I think you're running something other than Windows (if I recall). Typically, (speaking as a windows user) "start.jnlp" is only needed ONCE to install the IoX Launcher icon to the desktop. Then all you click/run is IoX Launcher. Rather than using the start.jnlp file you could attempt to use the local admin.jnlp downloaded directly from the ISY994. I forget on the ISY994 if you need a port or not, but try: http://ip.of.isy.994/admin.jnlp If that doesn't do it add a port :8080 or just :80. Then run admin.jnlp and it should get you in. Otherwise, if you've got a phone you can use as a hotspot to get internet on the computer for the start.jnlp to run that would be an option to at least try to get IoX Launcher back on the desktop. @Techman - funny suggestion of downloading IoX Launcher if he doesn't have internet!
  24. @MNTheatreGuy wanted to check and see that your ticket was resolved. Did you get the system to update? What steps did you go through to get things to work?
  25. Geddy

    WLED Node Server

    @K-bert good to hear it's being put out to others to try to pick up and maintain. Hopefully somebody will be able to take it over and get the additions you're looking for.
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