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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. I just forgot if you were connecting to an eisy or Polisy and I was too lazy to scroll up and find out as I typed it so "device" was just my filler. The other posts that I found (using Google Site Search) for the error referenced using the portal URL so that made me wonder if you were using something that started with "https://my.isy.io/isy". Seems that sometimes people will save that URL and reload the finder address and something in the address might have changed causing the issue. The three aren't the same. Each are independent (in a connection situation...typically). I'm sure down in the weeds somebody could correct me on this, but for this instance just pointing out that it wouldn't matter.
  2. What's wrong with Insteon's Fanlinc? I've used several for many years and found them to work great.
  3. When you were getting the error how were you trying to connect to the device? Were you local and were you using the auto found addresses for the device? I see some old posts relating to this error dealing with people trying to use the Portal URL to access the device. If you're local you shouldn't use the remote URL found on the portal. Just use the IP or eisy.local (https://eisy.local:8443/desc) that should be found automatically. It's possible you would want/need to clear the .state files from your temp directory. You can find reference to that in the wiki. Would be interesting to learn what you're doing here. Sounds like you and @mjrush are performing a strange search that I've honestly never attempted. Are you searching for a program? That should only find once (I assume). (how do you search for missing programs?) I usually just try to find devices. Find/Replace is usually a troubleshooting step when trying to find a random program that might impact a misbehaving device. I did notice if you use "Raw Text" that capitalization must match. I tested to find "night" and it didn't find anything. Changed it to "Night" and it found many locations the word was used. I would suggest making a copy of the full program tree. "Copy folder to Clipboard", paste into notepad, then perform a search in there and see what programs are being referenced to see if it has some missing devices.
  4. Do you have a way to contact the prior owner? Ask them to remove from their portal account. Otherwise, open a support ticket and ask them to delete existing portal registration. Include the UUID of the device. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ Right click on the devices and then "delete". Right click on the program(s) then "delete". You could also attempt a full factory reset using the multi function button: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Polisy:User_Guide#Multi_Function_Button
  5. Geddy

    PG3 stopped

    https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Multi_Function_Button This describes what the button presses will do. I would try the 5 button push to "reboot" it. Otherwise, go for 6 presses to power it down (if it doesn't shut down after 6 presses and 30-45 seconds it's "hung"). Once the light is red pull the power supply for 20-30 seconds then power it back up. It it appears "hung" pull the power, wait 20-30 seconds then plug it back in. Since you already did a power cycle it might be something to open a support ticket to get some assistance: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Can you get admin console to load at all? Can you load this page in a browser: https://eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt (if it doesn't resolve try replacing "eisy.local" with your ip for the eisy.) Just trying to see if the device is active and online in any form/shape. Typically if PG3 goes offline randomly something might have crashed. It should have attempted to recover. The power cycle should have helped (especially since you said you pulled the power for 15 minutes). Since you've got a blue light it appears it might have started up okay, but if PG3 still isn't running something could have hung in the boot.
  6. No, what you describe is not normal. Could possibly be a bad power supply (that would be odd though since you said this is a "new" device) or the device could have been updating even though you waited a while before pressing buttons and pulling power it still could have been in the middle of an update and then was getting hung with each subsequent power pull. Since you said this was a new "out of the box" unit, but it might be "old" (not shipped within the last 6-12 months?). There would have been a lot of code to update if it was old. No telling how long it should have taken. The part about starting the update through admin console should ultimately give you a pop-up that updates are complete (see the screen shots in this post for alerts seen on admin console). Also, if you're running UD Mobile and connected to this device on your portal account it usually sends notifications of the update as well (that they start and complete). But I don't have 2 devices so I'm not sure how alerts work for multiple devices. If might still do you some good to open a ticket with UD Support and see if somebody can review the logs from a (current) power cycle to see if something is messed up in the start up process. I suggest current since logs are rotated at midnight so unless you're good with getting in with SSH the current log wouldn't have any of the power cycles that happened before today.
  7. The "socket timeout error" could be a communication issue between the ISY and your computer. Be sure you've got a good network connection to both devices. Confirm the cable is properly seated in the router/switch and the ISY994 device. If you're on a wireless connection to the ISY994 maybe try a wired path if available. You said you're not running Norton or VPN, do you have any other antivirus software running? I'm not certain of the other error. It could mean the SD card in the ISY994 is damaged and it's not passing a verification process. Both could also be related to Java... What version Java are you running on your computer? Have you ever added a min/max value for the Java Runtime? https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Admin_Console_is_very_slow_or_hangs Can use higher values. The wiki just suggests setting to 512, but can use 1024 or even more if your system has a lot of available memory. Some posts have indicated possibly adding min(initial)/max as the same value, but I'm not certain if this helps any. -Xms = selects the initial memory allocated -Xmx = selects the maximum that can be allocated.
  8. @chris.com You can find it here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/441-bluetooth/
  9. @fanpatsdec first - easiest/preferred way to post a program is to right click on the program and use the "Copy to clipboard" option (last menu item). Then paste it as text in the forum post. This way it helps others if they need to suggest an edit to not have to re-type the program or try to describe the change. You're the second person that's had an issue with "fast on/off" not triggering. I don't think this would be a bug, but might be a concern that should be reviewed by a support ticket with UD. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets For testing try changing from "Fast off" to just "off" and see if the device triggers the program. The other user appears to be having issues with communication not even seeing the device trigger in event viewer. Open event viewer and set it to level 3. Then operate the switch for both on/off and fast on/fast off and then copy the event viewer to a text editor and see what the IoX received for events.
  10. @andrew77 I don't see anything in the program you posted that would cause this not to run. I was going to say if you had the wait at 25 minutes maybe something was turning the fan off (or turning it on again) while the wait was in progress that cause the "IF" to re-evaluate and restart the wait or make the program "False" and not turn it off. Try watching the program tree if the status of the fan is "ON". Does the program turn solid green? This would indicate the program is running. If the status of the fan goes to off then the program icon would be partially red , indicating "FALSE" state last time it was evaluated. I just tested your program and my fan turned off as expected and the program appeared with the red icon because now the "If" is "false". Try "find/replace" (right click on any program and it's near the bottom menu option) in programs for the "Bathroom Fan" and see if you have other programs controlling it. There might be something else causing the program to turn "False" before your wait is complete. I tested while remote to the location and used UD mobile to turn the fan on and status on admin console showed "on" so program was true and turned the fan off (I lowered my "wait" to 10 seconds for quick trigger). Remember if anything causes the "IF" to re-evaluate during the wait the program essentially restarts. It's possible your 25 minutes is restarting and still going longer than you expect it to. Perhaps use "Switched" for the fan device to trigger the program. That way it's a physical process of turning the fan on that triggers the wait.
  11. Have you considered using Insteon's "feedback" form to request they bring this product back? https://www.insteon.com/general-feedback/ I know in early newsletters and maybe even recent ones they do ask users for feedback for possible product requests. It might be something that they've considered bringing back if there was a market for the product. Worth asking at the very least.
  12. @dex split your post out from where you had it since you kind of forked off to ask about something completely different and didn't seem to answer the question posed by @robgarrett - wanting to stay more in the toggle style switch. My neighbor just started with some Eve products. He does not have an ISY so not trying to tie into anything that would relate back to here. He said he's been fairly happy with the products, but probably too soon to tell. I think he's only had a couple of switches for a month or two. So far I've only heard a complaint about the switch apparently being flat rather than flapper like. He just programed them to turn outside lights on and off on a schedule rather than other triggers. I've not seen it to experience it.
  13. Something you should know too is that many carriers have limited email to SMS overall. So while you might think you're good with a 2 min delay it could be the carrier limiting the delivery all together. It's been an ongoing issue on the forums for the last several years and only seems to be getting worse by some posts I've seen. (just search: "at&t limiting email to sms" and see all the issues popping up) There's no "good" way around it with only an ISY994, but one suggestion has been using a dedicated email client on a mobile device (like Spark email app) and only have the ISY email account checked on there to get alerts through that app. I believe there's a way to use UD Mobile and network resources to send alerts, but I've never attempted to do that so would just refer you to the wiki to read more about UD Mobile.
  14. Geddy


    @TUhl01 or perhaps try: eisy.local:8443/WEB/sysconfig.txt - kind of got off target of what @chris.com was looking for though. @chris.com if you read some of the other posts in this area you'd see what others have been doing with this plugin and perhaps the steps you were asking about for setting it up. As you mentioned though, seems like the latest version has some options that aren't (or weren't) fully available at least until the UDX system is updated.
  15. @JMC I think you've had this issue before. Not sure what you did to get it sorted out before. I know @bpwwer was also in on a recent post about this. I don't use that OS so can't help with what you're attempting. Looks like last time you removed IceTea and reinstalled and stuff worked. Old posts you had about this (or similar):
  16. Glad you got it sorted out. Was about to reply... This is an SMTP error specifically "SMTP_WRITE_FAILED". Are you sending a bunch of messages all at once? https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Errors_And_Error_Messages What are you using as your SMTP server? If using the UD default option and sending a lot of email at once you might be better served with a Gmail setup. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings#Configuring_gmail_Account
  17. @JMC what computer OS are you running? have you attempted to clear Java cache? Make sure you select all three options. Typically the third box is unchecked. By checking that box it should remove the desktop icon and underlying connection with it. Allowing it to be re-added when start.jnlp is run the next time. Delete any start.jnlp or admin.jnlp files on your system. Download a fresh file from the Universal Devices website (https://www.universal-devices.com/) and click on “My ISY” on the upper right of the homepage. Most of these directions work for Windows and macOS systems. If running something else please let us know what it is and maybe others can chime in.
  18. What kind of results do you get when controlling a device from admin console? Post the event viewer of that interaction. It will help make sure the hops and ACK is received. I ended up having a 4 outlet setup installed where my network/TV/ISY sit. Most network devices and A/V equipment are on a UPS, but the PLM is directly connected to the wall. I have whole home surge protection at the panel. Thankfully the UPS doesn't seem to impact communication for my setup. Some have suggested putting noise filters in and plugging the UPS into those. If I have an issue in the future that would be my step to reduce signal issues. When you moved the PLM did you power cycle the ISY994? If not, please reboot the ISY994. Make sure all your connections to the ISY994 and PLM are secure. What computer system are you using to access admin console? Are you on macOS? Would you make sure you verify the UI and Firmware match (Admin Console -> Help -> About)? Just wanted to be sure before getting too far along. Event viewer is normally not "empty" unless you just pressed clear and posted that screen shot.
  19. Because your program is “switched” so that’s only when physically operated. Otherwise you need to use “status”, and it would trigger from admin console. If the event viewer doesn’t see a physical switch event (on/off to fast on/fast off) then it’s not sending a signal to the ISY994. The switch could have gone bad, but if able to control from admin console does seem to be a noise issue or failing switch. If you operate any other devices in the program (or in the same area) do you see the changes in event viewer?
  20. In admin console right click the program and select "run then". Do you get the results expected from the "THEN" portion of the program? If so, as @Techman suggested post the program. (Right click on the program and "copy to clipboard" then paste as text in the post. That's better than a screenshot or photo of the screen. It helps those trying to help you by not having to re-type edits in a reply and also makes it searchable should you ever want to find it again in the future.) Just by chance...have you rebooted the device since the time change?
  21. In Admin Console open Event Viewer (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Event Viewer). Set it to Level 3 "Device Communication Events". Then go operate the device for fast off. Depending on how much other activity you have going on it might scroll quickly. Can click the "Copy to Clipboard" icon and then paste the log into Notepad. I'm not 100% sure, but you might be looking for something like "LTOFFRR".
  22. Yeah, as @Techman suggested...open a support ticket with UD to get the Polisy updated to current IoX and PG3x then you could try the migration process. The underlying issue is not being able to get things running again with the new PLM and the ISY994. If you don't have a good/current backup you could be migrating to the Polisy with similar issues. I know there was a few IoX versions that would get frozen trying to update on the Polisy, but it's been so long I don't remember the exact versions.
  23. Geddy

    Best PLM for Eisy

    Correct. Sorry. On the folder copy it adds that. Otherwise, for individual programs it's just copy to clipboard. It is still the "last" menu option. Not really. There's no verification process (at least that appears to a user). Typically a bad backup will stop and give errors. Another user recently had issues and was having problems with the backup process completing. Do you run any Z-Wave devices? Make sure you make a z-wave backup then the ISY backup so it's all inclusive. When the ISY is in "safe mode" that means it does not recognize/see the PLM. Make sure the PLM is plugged in 30-60 seconds before starting up the ISY994. Also, there should be a solid green light on the PLM. I'm not sure what you mean. You mentioned that PLM is working. If things are working as expected then make a backup now and use that backup to migrate to eisy. Shouldn't need to involve Insteon Support in the process of backup the ISY994 or moving to eisy. That's all UD Support and UD Forum assistance.
  24. Aside from the assistance @Techman has offered I'm a bit confused. Can you confirm something for us? Is the ISY994 still running devices or have you moved to IoX on the Polisy? Your comment in the last sentence made me ask this: "I'm just trying to get Isy running on my Polisy" If the ISY994 is still the controller for the Insteon devices and you changed the PLM did you go through the process outlined in the wiki? Do you have any battery devices that you haven't re-linked correctly after replacing the PLM? If the ISY994 is no longer in the mix (then why did you mention it?) you might need to open a support ticket directly with UD to get help getting past where you are on IoX and PG3. I don't know if the Polisy is stuck because you aren't on PG3x on the device or if there's something else hung up at 5.4.4. Open a support ticket with UD: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  25. If you don't know which Universal Devices product you're using you probably aren't using one. You can review their website for information related to what they offer: https://universal-devices.com/ It sounds like you're just using a Hue Hub and directly operating it through Alexa. Not sure how that works so I can't help you. Maybe others can, but you're probably better off looking for specifics for Alexa and Hue products. Good luck on your adventures!
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