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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. Either you've got a bad motion sensor or you're not entering the address correctly. Since you (and others that @MrBill linked to) are having issues I decided to install one that was still in the box. I got it connected within seconds of typing in the address and putting it into linking mode as @Techman describes above. If yours was in the box for a long time it's possible the battery charge died. Although doubtful as mine is showing as "R3.1 4317" (43rd week of 2017?). It's reporting battery level of 92% and I just pulled the tab off the battery. Looking at your picture it's entirely possible that the address is: 45.D1.8C, 45.01.BC, or 45.01.8C But seeing yours is R1.0 5016 I wonder what the R1.0 is and if that's a big difference than what I just attempted to install. I will say, not having ever attempted to use one of these soon after it was installed it quit communicating to admin console. I since have re-established and it appears to be operating as expected. I'm on IoX 5.6.4 Motion sensor was maybe 15 feet away from the PLM during my testing.
  2. @Eric best to submit a ticket to UDI to get this fixed with you. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets First make sure you're following the steps here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY I suspect you might have a license on the eisy. Bullet bolded below says not to have it licensed or only have a trial. If you've got a license on the eisy you will need UDI to help complete the migration.
  3. @RedReiter83 on the right side there is a drop down box that appears blank in your screen shot. See if you can get that to open and select "Production Store". Then perform a hard refresh (Chrome is Ctrl+F5 (Windows)). Please also note that the current version for PG3x is 3.2.1 (as of this posting). You are showing 3.1.36. Not that it is directly related, but please update to the current version to make sure it's not a lingering bug. Report back after updating if you still have the issue.
  4. For some reasons sometimes the "Reboot" in the admin console doesn't force a full reboot/power cycle of the device. Since you mentioned your eisy is in a difficult spot to get to if unplugging isn't easy if you can get to the power button (aka "Multi function button") you can use that to reboot (5 button presses) or shut down (6 button presses). Another option might be to put it on an on/off outlet (maybe not z-wave or zigbee) that can be controlled by a 3rd party app should the eisy become unresponsive. Some have commented about using a Kasa outlet to be able to use the Kasa app to cycle the device. Not the "cleanest" of ways, but an option. Finally, I think Michel's comment about a ticket might have been to help troubleshoot what happened so they (UDI) can learn from the issues from the update. Glad the power cycle worked!
  5. Glad you got it working! Seems like could have been a corrupt Java install since removing it and all directories helped resolve the issue. As for the eisy not showing up it could be your network not allowing it to announce itself correctly. Once you add it though you should save the list in an easy place should you need to load it later. With the ISY Finder window populated with the eisy (and your ISY994 while it's active) just click "SAVE" and it will offer a file name like "ISY-Finder.Wed 2023.08.16 04.30.36 PM.state". Save that locally in a quick and easy to access directory. Then if the entries go away you can hit "LOAD" and find that .state file and it will get you back in business. When adding manually try to add: https://###.###.###.###:8443/desc <-- change all the # to your IP address for the eisy. https:// eisy.local:8443 /desc <-- remove the spaces I added (https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Can't_Find_eisy) Also, make sure that you set an IP reservation in your router for the eisy so it's not always changing IP address on you. My router usually has no problem with the IP address being found for the eisy, but is slow to resolve the eisy.local address. The ISY994 was able to set a static on the device, but that created a lot of issues for casual users over the years that UDI removed that ability in the Polisy and eisy so IP Reservations are the only way to keep it from getting a different IP when the network lease for IPs expires or network restarts.
  6. "dongle"? The isy994 didn't add Z-Wave with a dongle best I recall. Is it actually an internal Z-Wave board (oh, and I edited the title to be Z-Wave - I wasn't sure what "D-Wave" is). What series is the Z-Wave device? Since you were on v5.4.3 I will assume it is a 500 series board. But could be 300 series just not in use. I think somebody had just posted they were wanting a 500 Series board...yeah... @ScottAvery ... did you find a Z-Wave board yet? Might PM this user to make an offer for this ISY994 w/ Z-Wave if they confirm the series.
  7. If you're seeing something like this: You might need to delete the UD*.state files. First, stop all Java Web Launcher processes (i.e. make sure nothing showing IoX Finder or Universal Devices Administrative Console are active). https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized/Invisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored If there's not multiple .state files in your folder it might be worth performing a search for UD*.state on the root directory and/or making sure hidden files are shown (though these typically aren't hidden, but you never know). You keep mentioning "admin.jnlp". If downloading directly from the ISY that's fine, but please make sure you delete all OLD copies of that file anywhere on your computer. For the last five years IoX Launcher (formerly ISY Launcher) has been the suggested method to access the admin console. IoX Launcher is the process @Techman links to above "start.jnlp".
  8. Seeing that this problem is over 3 months old, and applied to a different IoX and PG3/PG3x version, what is the "same problem" you are experiencing? Seems like there are multiple problems above so your statement isn't very clear to receive help. If you're unable to log into PG3x perform a full power cycle of the device (not just a reboot button push in Admin Console). Have you attempted an update recently that caused this issue for you? You're best off starting a new topic and describing your issue exactly so that you can get help for your current issue.
  9. Probably best to follow the directions in the wiki for that: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings The wiki is more the living documentation type so it's been updated to be more accurate. The Cookbook was written/released once and hasn't been updated. It's mostly just a copy of the wiki at that moment in time and relates to 4.x firmware (in most situations...if memory serves.). While a lot of the parts of the cookbook still apply some parts are very outdated and the wiki is the more current documentation to reference.
  10. @someguy moved your post to the specific Rachio area since it's specific to that node server feeding info to IoX. Perhaps: close Admin Console, open PG3x web interface, Click "Restart" for the node server, open Admin Console, on the root of the node server if there is a "Query" button press that. Or perhaps right click the node server and select "Query". I've never had a need/want to delete a node so haven't had to add one back. But know closing admin console and re-opening it sometimes brings things back in sync with what PG3x might be feeding to it. Perhaps just need to force the restart of the node server to push the nodes back to IoX. Need to ask the developer on that. It might be better to work with them to figure out why they're blank in the first place. Most developers will watch their node server forum area, but you might need to mention them to get their attention. Sadly, for this node server looks like the developer isn't around to support this (looking at other posts here). Might be on your own for resolutions of any issues.
  11. No clue. My PLM isn't in a location that I can see/notice the LED so it doesn't bother me. More than likely there could be a program condition that is firing something back to the eisy, but that's just speculation. You can look at the summary tab in the programs tab to see if a program ran recently. If you're really bored (and apparently you are because you're watching a LED on the side of a device just plugged into the wall) you could open Admin Console then Event Viewer and set it to level 3 and watch for Insteon traffic. Otherwise...stop staring at the PLM! You'll break it! So you got the query program cleaned up? Glad that was simple!
  12. @wacvmd personally wouldn't ever press such a button unless UDI/UDI Support said to. I think somewhere in the early days of the eisy there was some troubleshooting functions that allowed UDI to get more information from users and that button just hasn't been removed. For the most part the only button needed for updating the Polisy or eisy is "Upgrade Packages" then "Reboot". I think even Enable TPM and Upgrade Bios were for Polisy and not sure they even apply to eisy. But not 100% certain. I just don't make a habit of randomly pushing buttons unless specifically told to for a good reason.
  13. @RRoyceus, you keep using the words "write the changes". Are you hitting the button on the device that says "write changes"? As @Techman and @MrBill said in the replies above to set the "On Level" you have to hit the "On Level" button to the left of the dropdown. This is what sets the ON LEVEL for that device. I wouldn't look for raw text of on level, but rather the devices you indicate it happening two "before and the one today". This would find any program that references those DEVICES. Perhaps there's a random program that you don't recall making that's somehow been corrupted or changing the "ON LEVEL" and you didn't realize it was happening. Otherwise, you can ineed look for "On Level" in your programs. Just change the Find to "Raw Text" then type in On Level in the next line: That will take you to any program that references an "On Level" setting. Make sure that's set to 100 (or whatever you want it set to). Then SAVE the programs. Then find it again...going through that process until you get back to the first program you fixed. Note that setting an "On Level" in the program does not turn the device on. It simply sets the "On Level". So if you have to use the "ON" function. Should look like this: Then Set 'Master Bath' On This is the CORRECT display for programming to turn a device ON. There should not be an "On Level" used. It should just be "ON". At least for MOST simple programs of "If x, then turn on". While this is one way to "fix" this, it's not the most ideal way (IMO). This will ALWAYS trigger this light to 100% when this program runs. While this might work for this situation sometimes you might want the light to not be at 100% when motion is triggered. Since you're using a motion sensor to trigger a light I'm wondering if the motion sensor isn't triggering correctly and not even running the program. Have you looked at your "Summary" tab on the programs to see what's run recently when you have this issue? Please help us understand, you said the devices are being set to an "on level" of 0 (zero). Where do you see this? Are you look at the admin console and the device itself? If it looks like this when you're viewing it what do you see is "0"? While the screenshot clearly has an "on level" of 100% the "ON" percent is currently 0% for this device because it is "OFF". When I use the "On" button in Admin Console the on line changes to "100%" because the "On Level" is set to be 100%. Are you expecting that the "ON" % should be 100% if the "On Level" is 100%, but the light is off so you're reading that as "0% On Level"? Finally, no, this appears to be isolated issue that you're having (at least here on the forums). I run nearly all Insteon devices and have a couple of programs that adjust the "On Level" given the time of day as well as using Alexa to turn other lights on/off during the day and do not have the experience you are having. Earlier you said this problem started when on the Polisy. Since you're just now bringing it up there's little chance that anything that changed in your system recently triggered this. My random thought is that if might even pre-date the Polisy if you used the ISY994 and went from 4.x to 5.x firmware on the ISY994 there was an event in the update process that enabled all programs. You might have made a program ages ago that you thought was disabled, but silently became enabled in an old ISY994 update that you only noticed/experienced recently. Just a theory, but could certainly explain why it was happening during the Polisy time and moved to the eisy. Either way..."just living with it" isn't a solution for most. Glad it might work for you. You've been given a lot of tools to try to hunt down the culprit and fix it. Please post back with any additional findings you might make that somebody can truly get this issue resolved for you. Good luck!
  14. @PapaBear nope you used "export to clipboard". The very last item is "COPY to clipboard". It will provide a very nice and clean version of the program. Like this: 00-Query All - KEEP If Time is 3:10:10AM Then Set 'eisy' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  15. select the program right click choose "copy to clipboard" paste in a reply That's the BEST way to share programs on the forums. It allows them to be searchable for others that might have issues, and helps anybody trying to help adjust/alter your programs by not having to type out changes.
  16. @PapaBear did you migrate from the ISY994 to the eisy? It's possible that the program used the old name for the ISY994 and there might be a new device name in the eisy. Just select the program, adjust the device to the name of the eisy and save the programs. It should clear up. If not, you can delete the program and re-create it manually. Note that the Polisy and eisy do not come with the (old) default "query" program.
  17. Updated and installed almost okay. Had to perform a full power cycle to get the Z-wave portion to become responsive again. There was not an alert to reboot, but eisy did seem to reboot in the process based on notifications to UD Mobile. However, z-wave was "unresponsive". Used the "reboot" button to try again, and same alerts came through UD Mobile. But not until a full 6 button press and power cycle did the z-wave work.
  18. @ScottAvery what is the reason is to go to the 500 series in the 994? You might also want to check out the Coffee Shop area of the forums as there were some 994 available there a while back. Not sure if they had 500 series z-wave cards or not. Even a couple Polisy seemed to be available. UDI sent several messages about this in the last year. It's possible you have change emails since your purchase. I would suggest you log in to your account at https://www.universal-devices.com/my-account/ and sign up for the newsletters seen on the right side of the page to get future updates.
  19. Great! That's one step in the right direction. Okay, it appears you haven't launched admin console yet. At least because there's no entry for it the process didn't actually start. You have to click on the line in the IoX Finder window. It should pop up the Admin Console (Lan) or Admin Console (Cloud) lines. Try using the "Cloud" option (even though you're local). What happens then? (as seen here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Quick_Start_Guides) Just rebooting doesn't format the SD card in the device. I've never attempted a reset of the ISY994, but don't think that formats the microSD either, but could be mistaken (again, I've never tried it so don't know the full extent of the reset). My expectation is that your SD card is still using the firmware that you've always had. If you want to start clean then use an unformatted card. And follow the instructions I posted above and @Michel Kohanim shared again. As you said you had issue with Telnet to the device. I don't run Win11 so not sure if either Win11 or your network might be blocking your Telnet connection somehow. That's beyond my experience and can't give any steps to troubleshoot Telnet errors. That's a search engine question waiting to happen. This belongs right here...this is fine to ask as part of your current situation. Yes, eisy works pretty much just as the ISY994 does from most users standpoint. It adds a lot of extra functionality if you have a more complex automation system you are trying to control. In my case, it works just as well as my ISY994. However, there are a few posts here of people having issues, but they're usually dealing with a lot more complex systems than it sounds like you (or I) have. The down side is since your ISY994 is reporting that you're on 5.3.0 you would not currently have a good migration path to the eisy and would need to set everything up new. I think your best bet is to fix your current issue and get the ISY994 up and running again. Then, because you're on 5.3.0, you need to update to 5.3.4 THEN you could consider if you wanted to migrate to the eisy.
  20. As @MrBill said above and I linked in prior post the steps to create a "valid configuration" have been in the wiki. You need to follow those directions to get a full firmware installed. If you follow the steps in the wiki linked in my reply (just after your reply) you'll have what you need.
  21. @salex319 moved your post into your existing thread.
  22. This sounds like a Java compatibility issue since you're having the issue with two computers. What version of Java are you running? Admin Console is best operated on the general available version from https://www.java.com/en/ (currently Version 8 Update 381). If you're running a different version follow these steps: Clear Java Cache (again, checking all three boxes in the process) Delete any admin.jnlp or start.jnlp ANYWHERE on your computer. Search for ud*.state from the root and delete them Uninstall ALL Java versions you are running Reboot Run the java uninstall tool just to be sure - https://www.java.com/en/download/uninstalltool.jsp Download/install java from https://www.java.com/en/ Download start.jnlp from UDI site - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp Run start.jnlp When you get the IoX Finder window that lists your ISY994 it should include a firmware version on the right side of the line. It's in the "Version" column. Let us know what version you see there. To your earlier questions: Yes, if you open Task Manager you should see under processes a Java Web Launcher entry that probably has nested items in it. Expand that and you might see "IoX Finder" and "Universal Devices Administration Console". If you right click on the Admin Console you can select "Bring to front" or "Maximize" If that doesn't appear then you have a .state file somewhere that has been corrupted and is hiding that window. That's more than likely "udi_frame.state", but I'm not 100% sure just a guess. I don't think your issue is SD card related. But if you're dead set on attempting anything with the microSD (uSD) then follow the steps in the wiki found here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card (Note: these are written for older devices, but most should still apply to the ISY994. As @MrBill mentions above the version of Admin Console loaded from the ISY994 is an old version that is just enough to get the card accessible from the ISY994. You then need to download the firmware (hopefully that you note in the above information) and update that manually. The current firmware for ISY994 is found referenced in the "Current Release" area of the forums. Please pick the correct version and follow the steps to install then you should restore a backup (hopefully you have a recent one) or else you will need to setup the entire system again. Beyond all these steps, there's not much the forums can help with. We've tried our best given the situation you describe based on our experience. If you're still having issues you would need to begin a support ticket with UDI (https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets). Since the ISY994 is no longer being supported and there is no free support you will need to pay for the assistance. Good luck!
  23. Please let us know what computer OS you're using (Windows, Mac, other) and also just confirm Firmware of the ISY994. You might need to delete the state files. Please review the wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized/Invisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored But at least the ISY994 is showing up in IoX Finder window for you to click on Admin Console. What firmware are you running? I'm not entirely sure what you've done with the SD card (uSD?). But if you reset the device and using a new microSD then you need to load the last working version you had and then restore a backup. But if you're not getting any sort of admin console window it's possible it's minimized somehow. Also, when you clear java cache make sure you select all 3 boxes in the process to actually remove the IoX Launcher install and download a fresh start.jnlp and run that to put the icon back on the desktop.
  24. @johnstewart what firmware are you running? And are you running any z-wave currently? If what you're running is working then I'd stay with it for the ISY994 since it's no longer supported by UDI without paid support. The primary warning is from 4.x to 5.x firmware on the ISY994. It's been out so long and I did the upgrade so long ago that I can't remember all the pitfalls, but the main ones are any programs that used "adjust scene". Due to a major overhaul of how scenes were handled in 5.x (due mostly to the introduction of Z-wave..IIRC) the programs need to be updated. Sometimes that's as simple as just selecting the program confirming the scenes and saving all programs again. If you're on a firmware pre-4.9 then you should at least update to 4.9. Going up to 5.3.4 is advised as long as you don't have/use z-wave or have a z-wave 500 series board. There's a post in the z-wave area for the 994 that describes how to tell the difference between the 300 and 500 series. In all, the key steps to going to the 5.3.4 firmware would be make sure you make a good backup. Save programs to a text file (right click on the root program folder, last option is "copy folder to clipboard" then paste in a plain text editor (i.e. notepad in Windows - DO NOT USE WORD or other word processing type file as it might auto correct/format and you don't want that!). After you run the update clear java cache, download a new start.jnlp (IoX Launcher) file from UDI and you should be up and running. If you do update and run into problems please start a new thread for help with that issue as many might not read this post if you start posting about firmware upgrade issues. Good luck! PS: Note that if you wanted to upgrade to the eisy and wanted to migrate from the ISY994 to the eisy you would need to get to Firmware 5.3.4 as that is the only migration path option.
  25. Correct. There aren't any speakers on the eisy so no beeps. Flying blind on updates most of the time! I think a recent change in admin console does somehow alert you that updates completed if you leave the window open during updates. I haven't really worried about it as I usually run updates late at night when I'm the only one active and come back to it a while later and check that things are running as expected. I'm not sure about that. Since I don't have a Polisy I'm not sure if that would go away or not. What version IoX are you on? I'm not sure if UDI has something in the IoX Launcher code to know it it's connecting to a Polisy or not. For my eisy I just have the following: Have you cleared our java cache and downloaded a new start.jnlp to see if it went away?
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