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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. It's doubtful that "soon" will be achieved. If memory serves there were posts made around the time of shutting PGC off that it had to be completely rewritten. I think most, if not all, the node servers that could work have been ported to PG3. If not released yet, one is probably in the works. Perhaps the biggest unknown is the Ring node server; comments have been made about how the Ring side has stalled any development progression. The PGC section of the forums has a list of node servers that were available prior to it shutting down. Compare that to the list of PG3 forums to see if what you're using is available. (there might be a few forums not yet created...I need to review that list soon and add them.) But based on posts here development is currently focused on Polisy (PG3) and ISY on Polisy. These are the UD offerings of the future.
  2. In putty you just need the Polisy IP address. Port is 22, type is SSH. This is my putty session info: Read the Polisy User Guide from the wiki for further assistance with migration steps and making sure the OS version is up to date so PG will install.
  3. Make sure you've manually refreshed the webpage. Sometimes it also takes logging out of the dashboard, closing the browser, and coming back and still refreshing. More than likely it's just a web cache glitch. If not, restart the ISY service again. What process did you use to update the system? In the PG3 dashboard look under System and "Reboot ISY". You might hear a beep if you're close to the Polisy. If this method doesn't happen to work then try to reboot the IoP from the admin console configuration tab. Post back either way to let us know if it worked (or not).
  4. @EVENALAINEN First and foremost make sure that you have a network cable connected from the ISY to your router (or network hub). The device must be able to access the internet for Portal access. Then make sure you've followed the directions on setting up the portal account. Are you on ISY994 or a new Polisy that you're setting up ISY on Polisy (IoP)? If on ISY994 - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Installation_Instructions If on Polisy - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Setup_ISY_Portal_for_Remote_Access.2FAlexa.2FGoogleHome.2FIFTTT Also, please let us know the firmware of the ISY that you are using. From the admin console use the "Help" menu then About and take a screen shot (image) of the Firmware and User Interface (UI) that you are using. These MUST match exactly. If they do not then follow the steps in the wiki for installing and using the ISY Launcher.
  5. @gadgetfreak Thanks for the reply and thanks for going through these steps. When you say the two lights are on are they on fully or is it light bleed from the power light being on very bright? In the ISY bootup did you get this pattern for the lights? "Power, RX&TX, momentary blink of Memory/RX and TX, and then Power only" If no lights blinked then there could be something wrong with the ISY. But I'm not sure why just the left two lights are on. Typically just the power light being on is a power supply problem. If it's another issue the error and memory lights would be on. Can you snap a picture of the lights and post just to see? Ultimately, I would suggest you open a support ticket with UDI and let them know the steps you've gone through and include pictures of the screen shots above (showing FW/UI) and PLM status. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com Going into a holiday weekend support might be a little slower to reply, but I think we've kind of explored all we know how to try to help (at least from my experience) with where you're at. Hopefully support can take a look and tell for certain. By the way...are you able to get an error log of any kind from admin console? How recent of a backup do you have that you would attempt to restore if you did reset the ISY? That's worst case type fix right there and I'd wait for support to suggest that path of "fixing". But just good to know you've got a backup. Just how recent is it? Good luck! Thanks again for going through those steps. Hopefully you're back to operations soon, but know it could be a while to get squared away.
  6. I assume you mean for this service - https://www.ebay.com/itm/284790289019?hash=item424ed2f27b:g:yF0AAOSwLNRiaspc Yeah, that would be bad luck if it did, but as @oskrypuch points out these are v2.1 PLM so they are indeed a little older. But to both go bad at the same time...unlikely. But not impossible. Just perhaps do you have whole home surge protection? Or might you be having any power surges in the area? Just a random question...no real evidence that something could have caused this, but always good to ask the question. As I said...let's keep calm and work the issues. Sadly we're going into a holiday weekend so most will be taking some time away from the computer and work. But, just take the time to do your research and consider the options, but I think the best thing will be that the PLM can be repaired and things will be right in your system again soon. It's quite possible that in your hurry to try to "fix" everything you've really thrown a lot at the system and have it in a very confused state. As I see it you replaced the PLM, you replaced the ISY994, and you've tried various cables between the two. There's a Troubleshooting section in the wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Troubleshooting_2 It would have been wise to walk the process of troubleshooting. Rather than just trying new devices. I think if you can regroup and put your original ISY994 and original PLM in service and see how the system acts you will be able to provide us valuable information and gain some assistance through here. However, ultimately it might need to be something that you put in a support ticket with UDI and just double check the steps and processes to try to fix the system. Indeed! And sadly on a holiday weekend to boot. Always when you don't want to be hunched over trying to fix electronics. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy some down time. What I would suggest doing though: Read this flowchart for troubleshooting - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Troubleshooting_Flowchart (it's "old", but still applies in most cases) 1 - plug in original PLM (wait 1-2 minutes) Make sure the lights on the PLM are solid - see step 2 #5 on the flow chart link above 2 - using ORIGINAL CABLE (if possible) connect PLM to ISY994 my reason for trying to use original cable is just take anything "new" out of the equation as part of troubleshooting you will replace the original cable with standard network cable 3 - Plug in ISY994 - WATCH THE LIGHTS (Perhaps video with your phone for your own review) Monitor the light pattern at bootup (as described here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs.2FLights) 4 - monitor the lights on the front of the ISY994 after about 3 or 4 minutes. You said you had two lights on. Were they stead or were they blinking/flashing? Take a picture (and post here) - which lights are on? Refer to link above to let us know what lights are on. 5 - attempt to open Admin Console - before doing anything else go directly to "HELP" in the menu. Help -> About Tell us what your UI and Firmware are (make sure they match EXACTLY! (down to the date code) Are you using the ISY Launcher method to open Admin Console? Don't worry/pay attention to "safe mode" at this point. Just make sure UI/FW match. 6 - Update us with current status for ISY994 and PLM - Is PLM light solid? Are there strange lights on the ISY994? Is only the power light on the ISY994, but might be dim? Is ISY994 in "safe mode"? What is your Firmware and User Interface version? (you said 5.3.0, but just confirm to us that they match - maybe post a screen shot) In Admin Console download an error log - save locally for possible future use/review. Tools -> Error Log -> Save to local drive somewhere (don't change the name) In Admin Console open Event Viewer and set it to level 3 Tools -> Diagnostics -> Event Viewer Copy current event viewer and paste to Notepad Click the icon between "Save Log To ..." and "Close" CLEAR event viewer (so nothing is there) try to turn on a simple on/off device. What is seen in the event viewer? (Copy and paste in to notepad and paste here for reference - use same button as above) Once you get this and you're back to where you were originally now let's see what the issue is. Look into any old power supplies you have. See if they fit the power and size mentioned in the wiki for powering the ISY994. Good luck. Post back what you've done and findings from above. As I said...some might not be around here for the weekend and holiday, but there are a lot of helpful people on here so based on your findings I'm sure somebody will step in and help.
  7. It's okay. Just take a step and relax and work the issue. It's not something you'll have to rip everything out this weekend. It's a minor inconvenience that you'll need to operate a few switches manually while you work through this, but it will be okay. Lots of people have been stepping in to help out. Just taken it nice and slow and methodical.
  8. Sounds good. Good luck! Perhaps start a new post if you have more issues with those unresponsive devices since this thread has a post marked as the solution any further updates here might not get noticed. Have fun finishing up the desk and hot tub!
  9. @gadgetfreak in the post by @Brian H above with the link to the Wiki includes info about power supply for the ISY. Check any old router/cordless phone devices you might still have power supplies for. Sometimes they're able to fit the bill. UD sells a replacement power supply, but you can find general power supplies at most online & local electronic stores. From the wiki: Yes, the power supply going bad can do funky things with the ISY. It will give it just enough power to boot and appear to be working, but when you log into the Admin console and try to change views it adds enough power draw to cause issues similar to what you are describing. And you say second failed power supply - you just said you changed PLM. That's not a "power supply". Did you actually change power supplies or did you change the PLM? Did you ever answer this initial question? Make sure the PLM is plugged in before you plug in the ISY994. That's why you are getting "safe mode" when you opened Admin Console last.
  10. @andrew77 It's been several days. Wanted to check in to see if you were able to get everything working again. Hope all is well and you're off and running!
  11. @JTsao google told me about this site - https://ttsmp3.com/ Not sure if it's good or not. I'm sure there are others you can find.
  12. Geddy


    If you missed it (and wanted to see what you missed) you can watch it now from here - https://www.silabs.com/support/training/what-does-the-matter-protocol-mean
  13. @andrew77 seems like you've got more issues than user to user help on the forums can provide. You should open a new ticket with UD Support for this behavior and describe as best you can. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com The reason I suggest trying to get support help is because your issues seem to be changing often. It's quite possible you have some power supply issues within the house. You say you had a storm come through and knock the power out for 8 hours the other day. Are power outages normal in your region? Do you have any other power supply issues? Nothing with Insteon will just be 1 line in the event viewer. That causes me to consider that you have line noise somewhere in the house. That's a whole different issue and is very difficult to locate. You can't just consider anything "new" you've added to the house as it's been commmented on by others that old wall warts have even triggered line noise that blocks the powerline traffic for Insteon devices. Take a look here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=INSTEON_Signal_/_Noise_Troubleshooting Also see what @MrBill has commented on in the past for testing for noise: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/35216-programs-not-working/#comment-330289
  14. Does this mean you created an account at my.isy.io and setup the portal from there? When you login does the UUID show and is there a red dot next to the UUID? If you haven't gone to the Portal site you need to go there. Sign up for a 30 day trial. Add the UUID and it should send a signal to the ISY on Polisy that will need to be approved. The IoP needs to reboot. In the PG3 interface you should have an option under "System" to "Reboot ISY". This will reboot that system. Give it a few minutes to complete (I believe PG3 gives you alerts to the process). Make sure you are not actively in Admin Console when you reboot the IoP service. Once it reboots you should now have a tab for portal approval. If after reboot you still do not have a portal tab please open a support ticket to get assistance with the proper steps to achieve this. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com You lose me on the discussion you're having about DHCP and Static. Currently ISY on Polisy does not allow to edit the IP for the IoP service. This is because there are some relationships between IoP and PG2/PG3 that require the ISY service to be at a known IP address (basically). Make sure that you have read the Wiki for the Polisy User Guide for more information and setup guidance.
  15. Do you make notes on devices? Right click "Notes"? Seems that I see comments that *.prp files are just notes files. You might have empty notes and thus making zero file sizes that can't be closed or opened properly and topology is having issue with them. I've seen comments to remove them via telnet, but I can't tell you how. I would suggest opening at ticket with support to get assistance with the removal process. They can also help you evaluate if it might be a sd card going bad. (Please note that the ISY994 takes a Micro SD and can accept up to 32GB. Make sure that it is a newer brand name with A1 rating. Only if you end up needing to replace the card, but I don't think that's the case just yet.) Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com
  16. @andrew77 I'm glad it's seemingly working! That's great to hear. Are they wired or battery devices? What are you attempting to do with them? Just turn them on/off in admin console? Before you remove/re-link/restore them try this: In admin console: open the event viewer (found under Tools -> Diagnostics -> Event Viewer). Set the level to 3 "Devices communications events". Select any device (that you think it's working correctly) and try to turn on/off and watch the event viewer. In the event viewer you should see something similar to this: (I just chose a random on/off switch I have and turned it on then off from the admin console) [INST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 46 0D F9 0F 11 FF [INST-ACK ] 02 62 46.0D.F9 0F 11 FF 06 LTONRR (FF) [INST-SRX ] 02 50 46.0D.F9 44.D1.80 2F 11 FF LTONRR (FF) [Std-Direct Ack] 46.0D.F9-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3 [D2D EVENT ] Event [46 D F9 1] [ST] [255] uom=100 prec=0 [ 46 D F9 1] ST 255 (uom=100 prec=0) [INST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 46 0D F9 0F 13 00 [INST-ACK ] 02 62 46.0D.F9 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) [INST-SRX ] 02 50 46.0D.F9 44.D1.80 2F 13 00 LTOFFRR(00) [Std-Direct Ack] 46.0D.F9-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3 [D2D EVENT ] Event [46 D F9 1] [ST] [0] uom=100 prec=0 [ 46 D F9 1] ST 0 (uom=100 prec=0) Now, physically go to the device and turn it on then off. Go back to the admin console and see what the event viewer is showing you. I don't have any battery devices so I cannot show you what that might look like. But you shoudl see the TX and the ACK lines for sure. If not then there are communication issues and removing and re-linking then right-click "restore device" might be best attempt. At least the ISY is functioning again.
  17. Why are you trying to telnet? Also, if you're on macOS what version? Apple removed Telnet from recent versions of MacOS so you would need to find way to add telnet in to be able to use it. But, why are you trying to telnet to anything? If you start at step 3 (with a blank/new microSD card) then telnet isn't needed. @Michel Kohanim brings up the network issue. You mentioned your on Orbi (mesh?) system. Do you use any switches/hubs that you can hard wire your computer into the same device that the ISY is connected to? It's quite possible that your network is causing issues talking between wired and wireless devices.
  18. If you know the address of the ISY then just setup a low reservation for it and the device should attach to that as intended. You're just adding an extra step of trying to force the ISY to join at the low IP then reserving that in the router. If it's already connected to the router you know the MAC address and can just setup a lower number in the reservation. Then power cycle the ISY and it should connect at the new IP. But your way should work...especially if just a quick change. It's just an extra step.
  19. Geddy

    old polisy pro

    @kzboray - the only issue with the button pressing option was that I think it was only implemented in 13+ to work that way. It worked somewhat okay in 12, but when I got my Polisy it was v12 (something) and I remember having to go through the SSH commands to be able to have the button presses register as the way to upgrade the system.
  20. Geddy

    old polisy pro

    How are you trying to paste in command prompt SSH? Just right click and it should paste what you've copied. Otherwise, I would suggest Putty SSH for a slightly different approach. Sometimes it's a little more user friendly than what's built into Windows. Although, it's all in what you're used to, and right now you're not used to any SSH processes. If you follow @kzboray directions above they are the same commands found in the wiki. This should still work for what you've got. It appears you're logged into SSH okay in the window above. I don't have the old version anymore so I see a slightly different script after logging in via cmd ssh. But you're in there. If you're typing "admin" at that point it does respond "-bash:..." as you have. So you're logged in. Open the wiki link in another window so you can see the commands and copy from the browser then paste in the CMD SSH window just by right clicking. Then hit enter. Once you type the "shutdown" command...seriously wait a long time! Some people have reported it taking as long as 20 minutes, but I seem to remember at least 5-10 minutes. Final thing to ask...do you know when you ordered/received you Polisy? If after you go through this process look at the lights on the front of your Polisy. If the left is steady you should be good. Otherwise, check the wiki for possible issues. But, let's at least get you through running these SSH commands first.
  21. @andrew77, how do you know the zip file isn't empty? And since you're trying to restore the ISY does that mean you were successful in accessing via admin console? You mention telnet and formatting the card above. If this is a new card you can skip that step. Are you 100% sure that your Safari is setup to NOT unzip the file on download? Apparently this is a known MAC issue with Safari and must be changed in the Safari settings. Make sure you follow the steps here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card Start at step 3. Also, what did you do with the original SD card you removed? Since it might have been a power supply issue perhaps the old SD card was indeed still good and still has the original setup on it. Perhaps put that back in and see if the device starts normally. Final note - if you have a PLM make sure that it always powered on before you power the ISY994 and do anything with the firmware so it will not start in safe mode.
  22. As an added note. Some old devices that you're not using any more might have power supplies that would work. Or at the very least if you're using it and you wanted to try a new power supply out you could attempt that before buying something new. Depending on what you have you might be able to find specs for the power supply online. Make sure you check what you're using before blindly plugging something in. It might be an option of testing if you had something handy to assist in further troubleshooting if power supply is indeed bad. Based on the issues you're now describing though it very well could be since it seems to be there sometimes and not there other times.
  23. @andrew77, Here is what UD sells as replacement power supply - https://www.universal-devices.com/product/12v-1a-power-supply/ Since you have an active support ticket trying to help this I would ask Michel in the ticket about the power supply issue and ask if what you're finding would work if you don't buy what UD offers as replacement power supply.
  24. Maybe see if the wireless tag support folks can help identify them? https://store.wirelesstag.net/pages/support Or even their forums - https://groups.google.com/g/wireless-sensor-tags?pli=1 Just logged in on the web portal and iOS app and can't really see if tags appear different in there.
  25. You've apparently got too much time on your hands. If that's what you're "worried" about. I mean, I guess it's something if you sit and stare at it, but there's something to be said about life beyond the screen. <- screen clip - you know...it gets the job done.
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