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Sad news

I’m sorry to announce that the person known in these forums as Stusviews passed away last week.

The way he just kept moving, kept participating, kept attending concerts and parties, kept writing and troubleshooting and creatively problem-solving, you would have never suspected the years-long battle he was waging behind the scenes with cancer unless he told you.

As former electrician and retired high school teacher, Stu had the skill, the patience, and the generosity of spirit to help countless people enjoy the fun and utility of home automation.  He holds a record in the Smarthome forums, having contributed more than fifteen thousand posts! there since 2007, plus thousands more contributions on other, related automation forums like this one.

Stu was one of a kind.  He will be missed!

(I’m planning to travel to Los Angeles to attend a memorial party for Stu.  If you’d like to leave a message of condolence, or if you’d like to share a funny story about a time he helped you work out a “GremLinc”, feel free to reply here or send me a private message, and I’ll pass them along to his family.)

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Very sorry to here this. Stu was an energetic "force" on this forum. He will be missed. 

Thank you for letting us know. If you find out if there is a fund / charity that the family recommends for memorials, please post back here


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I am so sorry to hear this sad news. Over the past few years I felt as if I knew Stu personally. I learned a lot from him and even debated him on Insteon versus Zwave.

He was one of this forum's big personalities. fitzpatri8 please let Stu's family know that he will be missed beyond his immediate circle of family and friends. 

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I am truly saddened to hear this as his contributions in Insteon and other things was truly epic. Not once, did he ever mention or indicate he was ailing or not feeling well. He always provided insight, perspective, and a wealth of knowledge few had.

Stu inspired me, challenged me, and made me think . . .

Please do share with the family that his contributions here and elsewhere touched millions of people from all walks of life. :-(  

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I am so very sorry to here this. I know that I have benefited from his advice and knowledge. I echo @paulbates: please let us know if there is a charity, etc., where we can tangibly acknowledge his contributions. Please let his family and friends know what a gem he was, and that his HA legacy will live on here.

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Damn. This news has left me speechless. He was a good man whom I had the pleasure of meeting once. Definitely a great mind and eye for this field. I know his family is struggling and I send my condolences and well wishes to them. They will be in my prayers.

I've said this before and will say it again, this forum is like a family of sorts and we just lost a major piece of our family. He will be missed. 

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We will definitely miss Stu with  his wisdom and spread of good information. He helped many over the years with his knowledge and unselfish time.

Stusviews is given credit for design and creation of the "BuzzLinc". This is a small beeper or noise maker attached to an IOLinc that many have made use of in their systems.

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This saddens me tremendously. Stu had much to offer this community.

Please send my condolences to his family, and I echo others statements that he will be missed well beyond his immediate Family.

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I refused to say goodbye when Stu PM'ed me his farewell three weeks ago. How could I? We (UDI) grew up with him. He taught us patience, professionalism, persistence, and - most importantly - respect. I still refuse to do so. I cannot and shall not as he's ever present in the annals of this forum and, as always, will touch lives. 

Stu, wherever you are, I wish you peace.


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Wow - so very sorry to hear this.  He was such a fixture of this community.  I can only aspire to be able to contribute a fraction of what he did here.  Condolences to his friends and family.


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  • 4 months later...

I just found this post and am very sorry to see it. Stu was super helpful to me when I started on the other forum with my hub and spent I can't even count how much time in private conversations allowing me to send him hand sketched drawings of what I found in my electrical boxes and instructing me on how to install 3 way switches and the like. He had the patience of a saint. When my mom's health started to fail he recognized my sense of urgency to get her house set up with some automation to make things easier for her and checked in a few times to see how she was doing. I was so excited when we got all my indoor and outdoor Christmas lights working that I sent him a tin of homemade cookies that year because it felt like more than just a random web meeting to know him. When I switched to ISY, he was helpful in getting me going and now that I'm trying to expand, I thought it was odd he didn't reply to any of my recent posts so I went digging which landed me here.

His depth of knowledge, patience with explaining things at a level a newbie could understand and how generously he gave of his time and knowledge will be well missed. 

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