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Almost ready to migrate...


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My weekends are usually tied up, so I have delayed migrating to my polisy, however after Oct 1, I will have parts of weekends available.

When I migrated to polisy on my work system almost everything went wrong and I spent hours trying to salvage, I still don't have all google spokens working. This may be because I I purchsed portals for my polisys knowing I couldn't get to migrate within 30 days.

So I know I have to remove my Zwaves before migrating, only have a few so no big deal .
What I am most afraid of is losing google and alexa voice commands like I did at work, my wife depends on these voice commands and I have many!!
Any advice would be appreciated, keeping in mind I have a portal for the ISY and one for the Polisy

Thank you!!

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You have to have a IS Portal account for the voice commands to work, so the migration is easy.  Log into your ISY Portal account, then go to the "Select Tool" button, then go to the "Maintenance | Migrate to" menu options, select the ISY you're migrating to, and things will migrate automatically.  I did this and didn't loose any voice commands at all.  Quick and painless, in my case.

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I have 4 portal accounts 2 for my 2 polisys and and 2 for my 2 isys, of course when i get this all done I will not renew the 2 portals for the isys

I think my voice commands stayed with my original isy portal account because I did not transfer portal license???

Edited by CopyRon
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@CopyRon It might be since you already have accounts for the new devices that it might be a little more tricky.


Just make sure you follow the steps in the wiki for migrating from ISY994 to Polisy - 


Step 10 has specific link to migrating the Portal over - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY

And I was about to add the exact same image that @MrBill just added. So you should be able to migrate without issue by doing that. Granted I haven't attempted it, but many have and seemed to have been simple. 


EDIT: One word of caution/question - have you been keeping the Polisy up to date so far? Or is it still in the box? If still in the box when you first get it online check the OS version. Log in with SSH and run this command:       

sudo uname -a

If you're below 13 you should open a ticket with support to see the current suggested route to update. There's problems with original way to update to get PG3 and IoP updated and installed. 

If you've been updating as time went along, but not running anything in it yet then you should be good to go directly with an ISY Migration. 


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Polisy is completely up to date.
How do I know which portal is connected to each polisy/isy?

My original ISY shows 4 portal licenses that I can revoke (it shows them with usernames, one is unique the other 3 a variation of my name followed by # 1-3, the polisy that I want to migrate has only one. Should I revoke that license before migration?

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as per step 10

ISY Portal Access license:

Your ISY Portal Access license can be migrated only if:

  • Your existing ISY has an access license and is not expired
  • Your new ISY is not licensed, or has been licensed with a trial only.

Once migrated, you will see the purchase history of your previous ISY. If you had a trial on your new ISY, it will disappear.

Please note that a license transfer is permanent. It will not be possible to migrate the license back to the original ISY.

will not let me migrate says my ISY already has license!!!


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54 minutes ago, CopyRon said:

as per step 10

ISY Portal Access license:

Your ISY Portal Access license can be migrated only if:

  • Your existing ISY has an access license and is not expired
  • Your new ISY is not licensed, or has been licensed with a trial only.

Once migrated, you will see the purchase history of your previous ISY. If you had a trial on your new ISY, it will disappear.

Please note that a license transfer is permanent. It will not be possible to migrate the license back to the original ISY.

will not let me migrate says my ISY already has license!!!

Your Isy or polisy already has a license?

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39 minutes ago, CopyRon said:

sorry both the isy and polisy have licenses

It sound alike your polisy has its free account activated. You may want to submit a ticket to have the other one transferred if the instructions do not allow you to do so (I didn't have issues when I transferred mine

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1 hour ago, lilyoyo1 said:

It sound alike your polisy has its free account activated. You may want to submit a ticket to have the other one transferred if the instructions do not allow you to do so (I didn't have issues when I transferred mine

there are users that are paying twice.   I'll be in the same boat if I choose to migrate.  I'm paying both ISY and Polisy portal licenses.  The second sentence of OP's original post establishes that he is also paying for both:

On 9/25/2022 at 9:27 AM, CopyRon said:

This may be because I I purchsed portals for my polisys knowing I couldn't get to migrate within 30 days.


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20 hours ago, MrBill said:

You should be able to uncheck the box "Migrate ISY Portal License" and everything else should migrate fine.  I haven't done it yet tho.....

no body replied, I think I will try to migrate this morning, wish me luck!

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2 hours ago, CopyRon said:

Didn't go easy for me. got 99% working with some help from Michel.

Most google spokens are working, bu not Alexa.

I will get it!!!!!

Alexa doesn't like when you cancel things in ISY Portal, and sometimes disables things it thinks do not exist anymore. AI  (guessing)  at it's finest.

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