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Everything posted by Javi
Added window folder with additional windows and coverings. Added mail icons into objects folder.
Hi @keith mcelhinney, Thank you. Below are some of my thoughts and our road map. Icon-value and color-value have been tried with unfavorable (subjective) results, so some of my comments are intended as objective criticism. My comments and questions are not intended to discourage, but to encourage more ideas that consider issues caused or foreseen with some (previous) implementations. Also, if you are on iOS some of these requests may be addressed when Grid-View and Favorite-Types are implemented (currently only on Android). #4 Import is on our list although it has lower priority than some basic controls which still need implementation. Please let us know the exact icons you would like to have, and we can try to add them soon. If they are available here https://fonts.google.com/icons?selected=Material+Icons it is more likely they can be added. #3 Currently any device which has a status, supports “on” command, and supports “off” commands will have a toggle indicator. Clicking on the icon will toggle the device. Whole toggle cells are on the roadmap as a Favorite-Type which has been implemented in Android, coming to iOS. #2 On our road map. #1 This one is the most difficult. So, let’s look at both color and icon scenarios. As a reference UD Mobile is based on Go2ISY which allowed color, icon, names (#2), and icon import (#4). So, my comments below are from much trial and error with results which were unfavorable or confusing (subjective). Comments and ideas from others are welcome. #Color The app supports light and dark modes for both platforms, however the screen type has a large effect on how colors are displayed. There are 3 icon-press-types (toggle-type); no-toggle, on-off toggle, and command. In addition to the toggle type we also have a no-status type (i.e. app-startup does not have node status). So essentially there should be 4 color types; no-status value during app startup (gray?), on (amber?), off (black?), and non-toggle (blue?). Now we have a few issues; should the color black be white in dark mode? Which leads to the next issue, some screen types (when the app is in dark mode) white, amber, and gray all appear to be the same color. Not to mention node status values which do not conform to on/off as a status (i.e. thermostats, security panels, tesla, etc.), this would require the user (or more unlikely us) to develop rules on when a device is “on” or “off”. The only method found to combat the color similarity issue in dark mode was to encircle all icons with a colored circle, which dramatically decreases the size of the desired icon. However, encircle caused confusion of on/off state, toggle-type, and non-filled icons were difficult to distinguish color. So use the circle fill to show status….start over at #Color. To solve this problem the app uses the same color for all icons and then adds an indicator (top left) for toggle-type (or favorite type (Android)) and on/off indication. Allowing the user to choose the accent color is on our road map. #Dynamic icons This can be related to #2 as custom icons for values has a direct relation to custom name for value. Go2ISY had comparison rules for “>”, “<”, “no-status”, and “=” values for icons, icon color, and custom names so it is possible. However, it was much work for the user and the user would eventually hit the same issues described in #Color. With that said, I think value-based icons can (and should be) implemented. However only by relying on #2 to change the icon and complete omission of comparison value-based rules. Value based rules could still be implemented via ISY program and then using #2 to map the icon based on program status. This would also indirectly allow users to change icon colors when #4 (import) is implemented.
Android Alpha 0.93 Fixed Program Editor crash with invalid UOM. Fixed Favorites Folder crash when no status node specified. Unfinished items in this release: Added Polyglot Cloud NodeServer Store (installs not functional). Added details for installed Cloud NodeServers (start/stop/delete and additional information not functional).
Thanks, found a missing check for folders without a status node. I'll push an Alpha fix in the next few hours.
Android Alpha 0.92 - 0.89 Sync required! This release has mapped human readable data for program If/then/else data with limited exceptions which are listed below. Editing, adding, and adjusting programs is not yet implemented. To view program data open a program to its dashboard (values/commands screen) then click the program icon at the top of the screen. Sync required to obtain Node Definition Command Sends (<nodeDef><cmd><sends>) objects, and Link Definitions objects for use in Program mapping. Without sync many values will be raw non-human-readable values. Please report if data is not mapped or is not correct except in cases listed below and only after synchronization. Program Mapping will be raw for the following Items: #1) Scene Consequent (then/else) mapping for commands which are not available in UD Mobile (i.e. Scene Thermostat commands) #2) Wake on Lan Consequent (then/else) values as UD Mobile does not yet parse WOL. #3) Notify Consequent (then/else) value as UD Mobile does not yet parse Emails/Notifications, Settings/Groups, or Customizations. #4) All Modules except for Networking/Network-Resources are not mapped as Node Servers are now the preferred plugins. #5) X10 Condition (if) and Consequent values are raw unmapped values.
Somfy 'my'/favorite setting from ISY?
Javi replied to brockp's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
Is this the zwave version ZRTSI? The point was that a work around found by others with non-ISY zwave controllers was to set ON to 50% which triggered the MY command, the status is not important and will never be know by any of the wireless RTS controllers. If @jwagner010 is not using the zwave version I wonder if setting a basic node with a value would work (Left-Click node, Z-Wave, Add/Refresh Basic Node). A quick search and an Amazon review appears to confirm what I remember "50% level command is working" (https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1PHGHIOB9FAH9/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00HSOMH0M) -
Somfy 'my'/favorite setting from ISY?
Javi replied to brockp's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
Which is why I suggested a rest command with the 50% parameter to test. I have encountered nodes will accept undefined commands and some that report an undefined status back to the ISY. Some examples are rest commands to Insteon binary switches which will accept and report back On-Level (not defined), and rest command sto the Hue Bridge Node Server will accept on (DON) with 0-256 values even though on (DON) parameters are not defined (only Brightness is defined). So this leads me to believe the ISY will try to send a command/parameter even when not defined. If this works then it may be possible to create a workaround, the workaround process would differ dependent on how the node is defined in the Zwave definition. If the definition allows on (DON) and a param (0 or 100) a program variable could be used to set the param to 50, If no params are defined a network resource could be used... -
Somfy 'my'/favorite setting from ISY?
Javi replied to brockp's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
iTach w/ Network-Resources along w/ a few programs. Allows my KPLs to control Somfy in every room with on, off and fade up/down presses. Looked at the Somfy (?) node server a while back but it needs some improvements for full control. Most of this was done before the ZRTSI was released.....Did you try the 50% command? -
Somfy 'my'/favorite setting from ISY?
Javi replied to brockp's topic in New user? Having trouble? Start here
I use the URTSI II for ISY integration which has full control (up,down, stop, jog-up, jog-down) and do not own the ZRTSI. However I do recall reading somewhere that this device acts as a dimmer and will send the STOP/MY command if set to 50% (could have also been 25% or similar 255 variation). Has anyone tried sending a REST command with a 50% param. I'm sure the nodeDef does not support this param but I have seen other devices respond to commands which are not defined. /rest/nodes/<address>/cmd/DON/50 -
Thanks. We found a firmware issue with REST requests for programs, let us know if its not corrected within the next couple of versions.
@mbking, Are you running the most recent build for Polisy?
Hi @mbking, Thank you. We are looking into this, looks like a firmware bug.
Hi @mbking, Which of the following Status Names have incorrect values? Are they initially incorrect? Do they become incorrect after running the program? Last Run Time Last Finish Time Next Scheduled Run Time
Changed subtitle to "Add or Edit Z-Wave network"
HI @SLionel, UD Mobile is a recent addition (about 6 months old) and is still in development. Both iOS and Android allow adding and removing Z-Wave devices. The most recent alpha versions of Android have more admin features than iOS. All Admin Features on Android will be coming to iOS soon. Current Android Admin Features: Create folders, scenes and zwave nodes. Move/Rename/Delete nodes, folders, and scenes. View Polyglot (Node Servers) list (edits coming soon) This weeks Alpha release will allow viewing of Network resources and Program data.
Node Status Relations (i.e. "ST", "RR", "GV1", ect) raw value to custom name mapping is on the list also
Hi @asbril, Both iOS and Android have a shortcut/widget to open Favorites directly. Android is 1x1, Apple only has options for 2x2 and greater, which is an iOS limitation. Hopefully Apple changes this soon.
Hi @DaveStLou, I think I changed the class package name, try changing Class:com.universaldevices.udmobile.activities.home.MainActivity to Class:com.universaldevices.udmobile.activities.mainActivity.MainActivity
Hi @mbking, Currently implementation in Android coming to iOS as soon as possible. This can be done with Favorites Command Type although not exactly as described. Favorite Command Type: #1 Executes any number of commands for any system (i.e multiple ISYs) simultaneously. #2 (Optional) displays a status of any node (does not have to be related to the commands which are executed) #3 Allows custom name and icon. For custom toggle: Create a program in ISY with toggle conditions in "IF". Create a Favorites of type Command and set the command to "Run If" of the previously created program. Optionally set the custom name/icon (#3) and/or a display node (#2) Firebase push notification libraries are implemented in iOS and Android, we still need Server-Side implementation, not sure about ETA.
Hi @mmb, The app cannot connect to the system named "Polisy/ISY". If the system is inactive, please disable or delete this system in settings. Disabling will keep the system information but will not attempt subscription. This opens up additional app resources for enabled systems. Nodes can still be controlled however status values will not update. This is the best method for test systems or less important secondary systems. To disable go to Settings-Tab > Systems > <system-name> > Advanced > System-Status then uncheck. Deleting the system will remove all information related to the deleted system, including any favorite items which have links to any nodes in the deleted system. To delete got to Settings-Tab > Systems > <system-name> then press the trash icon at the top right.
Android Alpha 0.87 Added Polyglot MQTT Models and repository. Added Polyglot cloud classes. Node Servers are now visible, not yet editable. Added new Portal (cloud) ISY picker. Fixed Test System on Local Connection for urls ending with slash or empty space. Edit 08/07/2021 Android Alpha 0.88 Fixed crash when mqtt client disconnect called when not connected. Fixed mqtt client restart when fragment resumed. Favorites Empty view card is now shown in edit mode. Program enable status value now updates both node_status_relations and devices tables. Subscription tag eventInfo is now only parsed for programs.
"The 300 series will have an LED protruding out of the rear of ISY and may have an antenna mount as well" (1) (1) https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Z-Wave:_Ordering/Assembly_Instructions#What_does_it_look_like.3F
Hi Jim, Thanks, Looks as if this issue was fixed in a greater firmware version. UD Mobile has only been approved to work with firmware 5.0.16 and greater. Please upgrade to at least 5.0.16. Note that firmware 5.2.0 and greater require the 500 series Z-Wave board. All firmware options and upgrade instructions can be found here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/15-current-release-betas-and-bug-reports/
Thanks, looks like missing quotations around the ZW_UNLOCK Editor min and max values. What is your firmware? I may need to check this issue with firmware devs if you are on the latest version.