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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @Panda88 I think it’s the “more info” button on the plugin page. When viewing on a mobile device it asks me if I’m trying to open another app.
  2. All plugin setup should be done in the web portal for Polyglot for the specific plugin then there is usually a customization tab/button should you need to add specific information. Check the "more info" button found on the plugin page in the plugin store. Usually that will have more install and setup guidance if it's needed. It might also have examples of settings. IoX 5.8.4 has been out since late June. If you're still on 5.7.1 you would need to update. PG3x version looks "current". It was released before 5.8.4 so you might have not updated since PG3x version was released.
  3. Geddy

    Rich text

    @drprm1 @IndyMike @dbwarner5 are you getting this again today? There was an issue yesterday, but it was resolved.
  4. @Kentinada there were errors adding images to the forums earlier. Should be good now. It depends how your variables are setup. Did you make this program to turn the lights on and did it work? Or are you having issues?
  5. @IndyMike I'm being told it should be fixed now. Give it a try and post back if still cannot.
  6. Looking into this. Nothing changed (as far as I know). I do recall this being an issue a few months ago, but it was code related. I don't think any updates have been run recently.
  7. @Kentinada I'm not sure that "True" is correct. Can always try by triggering an entrance event in UD Mobile to see if it triggers it on. Is the program active? If you're both home try by running the "IF". If it runs true and turns the lights on then it should be good. Do you want the lights to be on until midnight? It depends on how your variable is setup. Is it a STATE variable? Those will cause programs to trigger. Usually I've seen them referred to the value of the variable (0, 1, 2) not as true/false. You can test both the program and the geofence to tinker with it to correct the logic if what you have doesn't work.
  8. Good luck. I've never tried that, but I do think if they've got a process and it's using OneDrive that way it should work. As for moving the license over...don't think it will do that, but do you have the actual key used to activate that? It might be something you could use. But I'd rather get a newer version and just have it running. Depends on use. Office was one subscription software I didn't mind buying since it keeps it updated/current (for features and security), but the cloud storage can't be beat. I've got the basic Google Drive and Dropbox services too, and they're good in their own right, but I've been very pleased with OneDrive and the ease it provides for my use both personally and professionally.
  9. In the program summary tab right click the program and uncheck run at startup (or something along those lines). You should be able to sort the summary area by that column and you can determine if some others might be better not to run on startup depending on what they do.
  10. That "should" be the easy part. It's been made simple over the past couple of years. As long as you have a "simple" system it should be easy to just make a backup of the ISY994 and restore on the eisy. If you've got a more complicated system the pitfalls are still there. I always suggest users make a copy of the program root folder and save it as a text file. If you right click on the Programs root folder the option near the end of the list should be "COPY folder to Clipboard" (Be sure you use the "COPY" option...NOT the export (you'll think too much computer speak and go for the "export" option, but you really want "COPY"). Then, open a simple text editor (no word processing...in Windows just use Notepad). PASTE the clipboard to the text editor and SAVE that file. This records all your program information in a "simple" to read file in case your programs go crazy in the migration (it's been known to happen on some systems). The text file will have the names of nodes in programs as well as indicate if the program was disabled. Glad it seems the rest of the stuff worked out for you. The rest is over my head of worrying about. Good luck with the migration!
  11. @paulbates I've not done a "migration" per se, but did buy a Win11 laptop recently. I use full blown Microsoft 365 for 1TB OneDrive (and all the office programs). The sync between computers is great. The only issue I ran into was (of all things) with IoX Launcher on the desktop and backing up the desktop on two devices. They kept breaking the icon/link so I don't backup the desktop (location/folder). With all files in OneDrive it's saved me when a hard drive crashed a few years ago (up and running with a new HD in less than an hour) and with the recent computer purchase. I just had to setup the new machine how I wanted it, but all files/docs were available as soon as I logged into OneDrive. It's wildly simple. The key thing is how organized is your current computer? If you keep things orderly and don't have files in random spots syncing with OneDrive is super easy. You can't randomly pick folders to sync (scattered on the system). The folders need to be moved into the OneDrive Folder, but I think that's how most all cloud systems work now (at least looking at Dropbox settings currently the same way). I keep an eye on slickdeals.net for 365 subscriptions. I have it for a family plan so I can share with my family and even in-laws and parents (up to 6 total people on a family plan). There are typically deals for combo packages and 15 months for ~$70 for family package and maybe ~40 for individual. And they stack so I've got several years stacked currently. (What I'm saying is don't pay "sticker price" if you don't have to.) I tend not to want settings from one system put onto a new system. Especially when changing OS versions. I figure there would be enough difference that I'd like to learn the new OS offerings and system settings to just setup the new system first then bring in files I want/need.
  12. @matthewjocko some things to try: perform full power cycle. Pull the power supply. Wait a minute and power back up. Allow 2-3 minutes for system to fully boot. one of the options in the menu should be to switch portal profile. Be sure you login to the correct profile. force a refresh on the browser page. If after these steps it’s still slow or cannot install plugins open a support ticket to get help from UD to try to get things running correctly. Please post back what resolves this for helping others should this be an issue.
  13. You had similar issue with another plugin. Do you leave admin console running 24/7? It's not designed to be left open and I expect as @Panda88 suggests some data might be cached and/or only loaded at startup of admin console. Some windows have options of running a query on the values, but that's not ideal. For the plugins you are experiencing problems with in the log page put them into debug mode then restart the plugin and wait 5-10 minutes. Then download the log package and PM to the developer for those plugins. Since you're having this issue with multiple plugins it might be best to open a support ticket with UD to see what's causing this on your system. If you close admin console after using it and data isn't there upon loading then it seems to be an issue pushing the data from PG3 to admin console on launch. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  14. Look at the program tree. What is the color of the icon for this program? Is it partially red? If so, then it did fire it just fired FALSE. Thus it would run the "ELSE" of the program. You have nothing in the else so that's fine. You can also look at the Program summary tab and it should show when the program last triggered and if it was true or false. When you said it didn't "run under geofence" what do you mean? Correct. If you only want to trigger (TRUE = run THEN) between the times in your "IF" then you have it set correctly. You can test that when it's within your time statement and tap the "Trigger Enter Command" in the Geofence. From what you've posted it looks like UD Mobile should trigger your geofence and in doing so if it's after 15 minutes before sunset should run the THEN of your program. I would test during your "IF" window of time by tapping the "Trigger..." in the app. Then I would test by going for a drive ("well" beyond your geofence area) then when you enter the geofence area it should trigger. When you get home if the lights aren't on check admin console to see if the program ran. If it didn't then something might be wrong with the geofence on the phone. That gets a little tricky to fix. I would turn off the "Run at Startup". This could trigger the program if your device reboots in the middle of the night (anytime that the IF would be TRUE). My last thought to test would be to create another test geofence area and have it directly turn a device on when crossed (not in a program, but the actual device). If that works it could be something with UD Mobile and calling on the program. My geofence (radius=750) is setup to turn on a light no matter what. It is triggering the device directly rather than through a program and seems to work every time I enter the geofence. I'm on iOS 18.2 (build 22C152) with UD Mobile 1.1.83, but it's worked well for quite a while.
  15. (bold added for emphasis) I get what you're saying. UD has always said that documentation is probably their weakness. I think as Michel has claimed "they're developers, not document writers". While it might be a pain to sort stuff out on the fly it is sometimes easier for trial and error than trying to read/guess what the documentation is saying. Seems that you are taking testing to an extreme of getting things figured out before going live. Some of the more detailed questions/issues you might have might be something that only you have faced (at least recently). Many that made the switch when the eisy came out had a difficult time with the process as it was super green and new to everybody at the time. But the basic answer to this "question" is (if I recall) that if there's no network cable connected when the eisy boots up then wifi is enabled by default. If a network cable is connected then the wifi is disabled. I never setup the wifi on my eisy since it sits next to my router. For me there's no need to have the wifi as a "fall back". If my LAN goes down then probably my whole WAN connection is toast. I don't see a need to have it as an option (for my situation). I'm with you on this. UD Mobile has been undergoing some UI changes and I expect that the documentation hasn't kept up with the changes. It's probably still referring to items that were there when UD Mobile and eisy were released (two years ago). For your issues it might be something that is better handled through the UD Support ticket path if they're stacking up and you're just looking for issues in the system. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Otherwise, for a user-to-user forum for support we're here to help, but understand that just making comments about the documentation without asking an actual question or describing what you're attempting to do probably won't garner much help/support because nobody knows what it is you're looking for help on. That's probably why your initial post didn't get a reply for a couple of days.
  16. @mikek understood. Maybe somebody with this product has figured more out and can answer your question.
  17. @mikek I'm not familiar with that device, but @kzboray had a post that might give more details from a couple of years ago. Take a look and see if it might help answer some questions (or raise even more). And here's a post from @brians that could also help:
  18. The last trigger shows changed at 10:52am. I assume this is well past the Sunrise +15 minutes in your program. So it would only trigger the ELSE since it would be false. If you triggered the app during the time shown in the IF then it would run TRUE and the lights would turn on (as you seem to acknowledge worked in your testing). If you wanted to test during other times change your geofence automation to Command: Run Then. This would mean every time you enter your geofence it would perform the THEN of your program. You currently are running the "IF" and it will only turn lights on if the program is TRUE when you entered. Additionally, is this program enabled or disabled? If it's enabled it will run at the times you have in your program daily independent of your geofence status. You might want to disable the program if you don't want it running daily. By disabling the program when the app called on the program IF as you cross the geofence it would (only then) turn those specific lights on. PS: Please note that the best way to share programs is by using the "Copy to Clipboard" function by right clicking on the program. Then post the text directly into the forum post. This makes it easier for anybody helping with the program to not have to describe what to change or type it all over. Photos are good for non-text information.
  19. Ah the dreaded curse of the mac. Got any windows machines handy? I only ask because I'm not versed in Mac at all, but they are tricky. First off don't unzip the file you download for the firmware. That seems to be problem 1 for mac that they somehow auto unzip. It might be best to create a new post to get help upgrading the firmware directly in that area rather than tagging onto your original issue of programs not loading. If that problem was resolved then mark the solution and allow the threat to close. Then starting a new topic to get help about updating firmware in the device specific area would be the best.
  20. The portion of the wiki you quoted is related to the multi-function button. You press it twice and enter or exit wifi setup. To use the UD Mobile app to connect to the eisy and to setup wifi you should refer to the UD Mobile documentation: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/UD_Mobile If the device was already setup and on your LAN then why did you want to change it? You need to read the installation information: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Installation
  21. Geddy


    Yes, but the (larger/original) card needed to be modified some to fit inside the dongle. I think it removed the part that could be screwed into the body of the Polisy, but it's been a minute since I installed the internal in the Polisy. I agree though...not sure I'd want to open up both devices to put it inside the Polisy when the USB enclosure should work well enough.
  22. Geddy


    Originally there was an internal card for the Polisy. I think that is no longer an option. It’s only the ZMatter dongle now. It is USB and includes 2 antenna. It is shown on the UD site and store. No need to open up the Polisy.
  23. Follow these instructions: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Polisy:User_Guide#Upgrading_to_PG3x I believe nothing really “happens”, but give it a few minutes then power cycle the system. After you enable PG3x you should be able to upgrade correctly and backups should work again. Did you make a backup before you attempted the first time? What IoX version (and UI) are you currently running? What version PG3 are you currently running?
  24. @matthewjocko what product are you using? Your PG3 version is outdated, but your ISY version is showing a later version than what's been mentioned in the current release area. If you are on a Polisy you need to run the process to update to PG3x (Please read the wiki for assistance: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Polisy:User_Guide#Upgrading_to_PG3x) If you're on an eisy you need to get your PG3 version up to date. Not sure how/why it isn't so that's why I think you're on a Polisy. Once you update to PG3x you should run the "reinstall all plugins" process (found in the menu of the PG3 web access). I'm not currently local to my device so cannot access to let you know where to look, but it isn't hard to find. If the normal update process is not updating your PG3 then I would suggest you open a support ticket with UD to get them to help bring you up to the current versions for your system. Then things should run as expected. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  25. @garybixler I would suggest opening a support ticket with UD. Something doesn't seem right, but not sure what to suggest since you've been rebooting and apparently reloading stuff. It might be stuck in a loop somewhere. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Please post back what they suggest to get things working again so we can learn and hopefully help others should this happen to them.
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