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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. That forum notice was only temporary to attempt to avoid such a post. I think it was only set to run through yesterday. Since the communication said "hopefully sooner". I too hope they can get it updated soon.
  2. Not having this issue. Doubtful that it's the whole issue, but you need to update your Java. Current version from java.com is Version 8 Update 351. Delete previous copies of start.jnlp or admin.jnlp (be sure to look for multiple copies of same file i.e. start (1).jnlp) After you do that: clear your java cache, (Be sure you check/select all 3 boxes in this process!) download a new start.jnlp file from the Universal Devices site or through the Wiki. Once you are able to log into admin console confirm your Firmware and UI match (Help -> About). They should match EXACTLY (even the date/time code). Other items to check: Is there a steady bright blue light on the front of the ISY (if not see here). Do you see the ISY as a connected device if you log into your Router? Can you ping the ISY from your computer? You say UD Mobile works "most" of the time. Is that accurate or assumption? If really is "most" of the time it sounds like a network issue. Log into my.isy.io and check the error log (Tools -> Select Tool -> Logs) to see if there are any significant errors seen. Check error codes in this wiki article Let us know how things look once you check/fix/update the above.
  3. @EWhite might be good to mention @Panda88 to get help from the developer. Looks like they're following the forums and should get a notification, but sometimes mentioning like that might send an alert to get quicker assistance.
  4. Sorry you feel that way, but your post has the most replies for the day so far. So yeah, guess it's buried real good. Your question is more related to how Mobilinc can integrate with UDI offerings so this is where it belongs. I think you have a different view than most on how 3rd party applications work. UDI develops hardware and systems to control a multitude of devices. 3rd party developers then need to figure out how to integrate into such a system. Would be interesting to know what @InsteonNut is "waiting" on from UDI. As far as I see it the Moblinc (Pro) that I've used from day one still works just fine for my needs. But I don't get all "fancy" as you so I haven't had any compatibility concerns. I think most ISY users would all consider themselves fairly deeply invested. I mean, we're not the type that just buy a system and the hub that goes for THAT system. We saw the value that Universal Devices brought to the market with a controller that was more advanced than a standard hub. The technology and desire to grow has evolved over time. It's great to see the Polisy (and next eisy) development. But it's still up to those 3rd party developers to work with the products available in the market place or say "we no longer support" something. The Polisy has been out for many years. If Mobilinc isn't supporting something for it then you've got to ask them why. If they don't have an answer then figure there's a reason for lack of support and sadly, probably never will support if they haven't by now. And that's a huge benefit of a system that works as you have designed it. UDI developed hardware and systems that work. They have not "dropped" the reliability for their equipment that continues to be used by a wide market. They began developing for the next generation with the Polisy and now the next with the ZMatter and eisy products. It just seems like you've really done a lot of individual manipulation that you're coming here to complain that you can't just move your efforts into a new system. Then asking/expecting UDI to make some sort of concession to fit your need. Innovation hurts sometimes. But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Hopefully you get your answers from Mobilinc as to what they can (or cannot) do going forward.
  5. From the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Creating_a_KeypadLinc_LED_Follow_Program Also in a couple of places in the cookbook (Page 99) (Page 115) (Page 282) (Page 334-335)
  6. Guess you missed the link I had in my earlier reply. Nope. Hasn't allowed logins since February 2022. There were several emails about that and a post on the announcements area of the forums as well as mentions of this on the wiki.
  7. @JTsao what you describe doesn't mean that it's Polisy related. Both issues seem (to me anyway) might relay on multiple systems talking/reacting together. That would rely on localized transmission speeds. #1 - Not familiar with either note, but if either are cloud based have to account for communication beyond local network. Plus, the fact that Polisy doesn't have IR so a slower signal might have to travel and be computed by a system that is faster than a simple button press. #2 - "Z-wave" - I'm not a z-wave user, but from reading here that's just a hit or miss issue at times. I doubt that's Polisy/PG3 related. Of course...having large systems can tax any system, but I think these aren't resource dependent on the Polisy. If a major issue then I would suggest opening a support ticket to see if indeed there was an issue with the Polisy.
  8. There were a few modules that UDI has supplied in the past. As far as I can tell the Elk module is really the only one that went away in favor of a more robust Node Server (mostly in PG3). It's been communicated through various emails from UDI when Polisy was first announced that Elk module would be going away in favor of the node server. I think perhaps those notifications only went to those that purchased the Elk Module from UDI and not a full customer distribution list. Another that I remember was the weather module (again, not something UDI could control), and again a lot of communication came from UDI before (and after) the weather module went away. When PGC began as an option for people not to have to have the skill/ability to run a rpi to run PG2 locally it added a lot of functionality without additional equipment. That's how I interpreted the statement. I saw that there was a NuHeat node server available on PGC and figure since it shut down in February I wonder why it took until now to get this question. Perhaps it just got cold where @EddieRock lives when he realized the ISY wasn't doing something with the heat system. There were a couple of emails sent by UDI when PGC was shut down. Due to the severity of the issue there was little (to no) warning that PGC would be shut down. At that time there was available Polisy equipment that users with mission critical PGC nodes could have purchased with a generous discount offered from UDI. So even if not reading the forums the effort was certainly made to get the word out about the change. Why thank you! 😊 But it can run with the existing ISY994. At least in theory. None of us know the full abilities of the eisy (not yet released). If running a rpi with PG2 installed it would feed node server information back to the existing ISY994 (there does appear to be a NuHeat node server in PG2). Additionally, if @EddieRock was able to source a Polisy it too can feed information to the existing ISY994, but also can replace the ISY994 with the latest ISY on Polisy (IoP) service. The only issue is that the Polyglot Cloud is no more so additional equipment is needed, but most certainly, the existing ISY994 could still remain in service. Just need the equipment (and ability) to run the node servers now. Simple? Depends on ability. Ideal? In the mind of the beholder. I completely 100% agree with you. Having a family, full-time job (remember, I don't work for UDI), and other hobbies, reading lots of posts is not always possible. There is a search feature and a Google Site Search function that both tend to work well for many issues people might have. Although most figure they don't have the time to search for their issue and just quickly post when a well phrased search (especially with Google Site Search) can usually result in a good starting point for information or support. But you're also correct...lots of users here have really been helpful. That's why I felt moved to step up to volunteer to help give back to the community from all the help I've received through the years. I appreciate the discussion, but I think beating the dead horse much more would really drift off topic of OP. 👍
  9. Do you think you're having performance issues? Polisy should be well overpowered to run so much more than it is that this would be the first time I recall somebody suggesting having performance issues running PG2 and PG3 concurrently. If you're worried about resources you can delete/remove all node servers from PG2 so at least those processes aren't running, but I figure you've already performed that process.
  10. @Dr Neal Phillip welcome to the Universal Devices forums for support for products and services provided by Universal Devices. Perhaps your question would be better supported in a forum for the product you're using.
  11. If you have (or create) an account at the Universal Devices site you have the option to sign up for newsletters. I'd suggest signing up for the "Product News & Announcements" list at the very least. That should get notifications when the eisy is available for pre-order. Also (FYI), I'm not affiliated with Universal Devices in anyway. I'm just here as user-to-user support like most of the rest of the forums. I just volunteer to try to keep the forums a little more organized and on topic (at times). But I get what you mean about trying to find information. It can be daunting at times...that's the life of working directly with the hardware developers...they develop...they don't always document/market the way some might expect/desire. Many users on the forum have formed a good support network for the user-to-user base that many are here regularly to keep up with what's going on and on the horizon.
  12. Well if you're working with Michel on it then I'll let him get you up and running. But at any point did you unplug any/all wires? If the router doesn't see the Polisy it's possible you put the network cable back in the wrong spot.
  13. Quite an interesting post...let's see if this helps... Correct. UDI was unable to source items to build more Polisy so essentially they're discontinued. However, UDI is developing their next generation of controller called "eisy" (See here and here). So there's hope on the horizon that you could get a new device and run PG3 locally with the new eisy. PG2 can work on an RPI, but is no longer being supported so it's possible that NuHeat node server might not work on PG2. There were some posts earlier this year about how to install PG2 on rpi after some recent OS updates that were causing issues. Check out the PG2 forum area if you have a rpi to attempt to install PG2 on. PG1? Never heard of that, but perhaps you mean Polyglot Cloud (PGC). That closed earlier this year due to a security flaw. No timeline on having that back as all development seems to be on PG3 and now eisy and ZMatter devices. What's "all in the UD Mobile app"? If you don't have a Polisy then you don't have PG3 running anywhere. Nothing you can do with UD Mobile related to PG3. I think UD Mobile can still work with a standalone ISY994, but without an RPI running PG2 (or Polisy to run PG3) you don't have any way to run Node Servers just on an ISY994. Perhaps you could put a post in Coffee Shop to see if anybody has a spare Polisy they're interested in selling so you could get that and run PG3 and get Nuheat installed that way. Or see if any Polisy are being sold on ebay.
  14. @CopyRon still having issues getting the Polisy to come back on or to update? How old is your Polisy? Was it a pre-order or something purchased more recently? If it was in a fairly small group of original shipments it's possible there could be a chip issue. You would probably be best served opening a support ticket at this point to get assistance for your issue. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ Make sure you review these two areas of the Wiki Polisy User Guide: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Bootup_Sequence https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Troubleshooting You said all lights blink once (in your first post). But you've tried a few other things since that original post. What's the current status of the lights when you have it powered on? I know @bpwwer said that running the update packages from the IoP Admin Console again can clear things up. Just realize it can take quite a while for that process to run. Some have said they've waited 30 minutes. So be sure if you're attempting that process again to allow it to run at least 20-30 minutes before you do anything to the Polisy. If you open a support ticket please post here the fix that gets you up and running again as it could help others that might run into similar issues.
  15. @JHardy once you get this resolved please post back to let us know how this was fixed so it might help others should they run into this issue. Thanks!
  16. @walkman9999 just know that “Copy Scene” had to be removed in 5.x. So that’s good that you’re on 4.9 to still have that and resolve your issue. I think most are now on 5.x and adjust scenes differently because of that change.
  17. @theitprofessor see if either of these posts helps for PG3 issues: (If not, post in the Hue area for PG3)
  18. Does your Polisy have a portal account assigned to it? I know @bpwwer has said that recent changes in the node server store checks that Polisy has had a Portal license at one point to be able to apply the node server license to that Polisy hardware.
  19. @JHardy are you able to log into the ISY on Polisy process? If so please let us know what firmware and UI show This is what I currently show for mine: I believe there was a past issue that an update messed up the UUID and either a power cycle or another update process corrected the situation. But let's start to confirm that you can access IoP. Even though it doesn't show the proper UUID does it show the ISY process and firmware in the finder window? Next, can you access the web dashboard of PG3? (http://polity:3000 or http://#.#.#.#:3000 replace #s with the actual IP of your Polisy). What is the version showing on the web dashboard? Again, mine is currently: If you are able to log into admin console go to the Configuration tab and click "Reboot" in the "Polisy System Settings" area. This should close the admin console and reboot the Polisy. You will hear a few beeps on the Polisy as it reboots. Please allow a lot of time to pass before attempting to access Polyglot or IoP again. If you can see your Polisy make sure the left LED is solid before you attempt to access anything again. One other comment - have you attempted to clear the Java cache and download a fresh version of start.jnlp from the wiki and/or Universal Devices site? https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp (Make sure you remove any old downloads of start.jnlp or admin.jnlp that might exist on the computer....ANYWHERE!) If the above reboot doesn't push the UUID to IoX Finder then clearing Java and new download of IoX Launcher might help. Let us know what happens after this.
  20. @theitprofessor Is this the thread you're looking for
  21. @theitprofessor the forum search doesn't find archived material. I think they only way to find that is using Google Site Search. The site is set to auto archive if nothing new is posted to a thread after a while (it's a rather long wait time - I think 2+ years). There were some parts of the forums that had very old information that were removed last year. Most of that was abandoned 3rd party or just really old (outdated) guides.
  22. @walkman9999 I agree with @MrBill don't blindly update to 5.x without fixing what you have first. If it's broken now it will only become more broken with the issues of upgrading to 5.x level. 4.9.0 works just fine for people that aren't using node servers and not running higher series z-wave devices.
  23. @astark great that you're up and running again, but you keep ignoring the question about the light. From what you're saying there's no brighter than the sun blue light on all the time. If that's the case you have a power supply issue (or simply that the connection for that light has gone bad). You should still look to fix your issue rather than just thinking that if you always remove a device and re-add it that will work. That's never a "solution" to the problem. Also, do you have any battery devices? Perhaps you should turn off write to battery devices before trying the restore process. If you have the ISY994 Pro (note: Pro is a purchasable update from UDI) you should have a battery icon in the toolbar that looks like this: Click that to make it gray and it might have helped your issue. I don't have any battery devices so can't test, but would think that perhaps if you were doing a PLM Restore or other major restore the reason it was taking so long was trying to write to battery devices that weren't awake or in linking mode. Once the restore is done then you restore each battery device by right clicking on that device and click "restore device". But, as you say...you're happy...I just think you haven't really resolved your issue, but glad you're happy and up and running again.
  24. Doesn't look like you setup the Comcast account correctly either. I know @MrBill uses it so I know it works. I don't know specifics but looking at Xfinity support found these links that might help. Looks like you might need to allow 3rd party access in the email account on Xfinity's site then set up the SMTP as they say in another area. Step 1 - https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/third-party-email-access Step 2 - https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/email-client-programs-with-xfinity-email Specifically for step 2: Outgoing Mail Server Name: smtp.comcast.net Outgoing Mail Server Port Number: 587 (SMTP) If Needed: 465 (SMTPS) Encryption: TLS (use SSL if TLS isn't shown.) Since ISY only offers TLS then you must use Port # 587. Your screenshot for Comcast above only showed using port # 465, but ISY doesn't offer SSL authentication for sending.
  25. If you've set up all the entries as I have in the screenshot above and you still get the -1 error then the password is not correct. (That's at least one error that gave me that result). I just went into my Polisy setup and changed the password to an incorrect password and tried sending a test alert and received: I changed the password back to the APP PASSWORD (as detailed in the wiki setup for advanced security requirement for Gmail accounts) and it worked just fine. Wiki: the "NOTE" is the most important change that took place this year.
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