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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @MWareman UDI Mobile was a different app than UD Mobile. UDI Mobile is no longer available.
  2. While I agree that 2FA is a PITA it's become the necessary evil for many accounts. I find it helpful and turned on for every account I can have it. I'm the opposite of what you're doing. I avoid accounts that don't offer 2FA or handle it only through email (that is indeed easy to hack). Now that the new iPhones don't have physical sim cards hopefully sim swapping is a little more difficult. The point about 2FA is that it should be sent to another device. Yes, I'd say most of us are logging in on multiple devices and ultimately it probably is one log in and secure process getting sent to same device, but again...I see it as a deterrent rather than real PITA. I don't really know what you're saying here...must be Canadian for something. But my guess is once you turn 2FA on you can't turn it off? I don't think so, but haven't tried. The issue is that Google finally turned off being able to log into other applications with only user name and password. They (Google) require accounts to have additional security turned on and thus make an app specific password. The good thing is that on my iPhone once the mail app setup my Gmail account it doesn't ask the password/2FA each time it checks the mail. It's making a secure connection though so that's trusted by Apple and Google. The problem is that the ISY is making a fairly unsecure connection so by using the app specific password Google thinks that it's more secure than your basic user/pass combination. Again, just setup an ISY specific google/gmail account. Turn on 2FA set an app specific password and forget about it. It's fairly simple (IMO). But again, I've had it on for ages and accustomed to it.
  3. There had been some discussion earlier this spring or Summer that Outlook was having more problems than people using Gmail. Even at one point a user said their Outlook.com account was causing the ISY service to crash. I might suggest getting an ISY Specific Gmail account and attempting to setup following the wiki setup that was updated after Gmail changed to require 2 step authentication for the account. Follow the setup here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings For testing though (with my IoP that's not in normal service) I was able to get Outlook to send a test message. It seemed to take a little while to think about it, but it worked. My setup is as shown here: NOTE: I do have 2FA turned on for my Microsoft account so I had to go to the account security and create an app specific password for this to work. Read more about that here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/account-billing/using-app-passwords-with-apps-that-don-t-support-two-step-verification-5896ed9b-4263-e681-128a-a6f2979a7944 Also, make sure you have at least one entry in the "groups" for recipients for the test message to go to. It can't send a test message to nowhere! I used my ISY specific gmail account and it showed up in the "inbox" for the gmail account. Sometimes the TEST message is treated as Spam and might end up in the spam folder. But this time it did go to inbox as expected. Personally, I've had better success with Gmail than Outlook for these types of alerts. I did have some errors/lines in the error log, but they seemed to be mostly informational lines (-17001 error IDs). I did not check on my primary ISY994 if I get the same lines when sending from Gmail.
  4. @jlegault That's an issue you'd have better luck with asking in a Java forum. Perhaps this will help: https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/post/java-on-arm-processors-understanding-aarch64-vs-x86 Or this - https://macperformanceguide.com/blog/2021/20211216_1200-Java-for-M1-Macs.html The issue might be that admin console is developed for standard Java that is available just by going to www.java.com and clicking download. I'm assuming that macOS still does this like Windows computers do. Users have reported errors when using multiple versions of Java or versions that are intended for different applications. If getting Java from java.com is not "native" then I'd say the answer is no.
  5. Did you resolve your issue? If you did...then you don't need support. If still having the issue or another issue for this then yes, open a ticket.
  6. @RPaquet be sure that you set a DHCP reservation for the ISY994 in your Xfinity gateway. Don't use Static IP setup within Admin Console (just in case you change routers down the road you want the ISY994 to use automatic DHCP, but allow the gateway/router to handle reserving the IP address so it's always constant. According to the wiki this meant the ISY was not on your network - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights Even though you said the Xfinity Gateway identified it, I can tell from my past experience with an Xfinity Gateway that their information is not always current/accurate for online and offline devices. They seem to have a long memory for when things are actually not connected to the network. So it's possible the device wasn't back online yet, but your Gateway only thought it was when you looked at it. The flashing lights indicated that it was not correctly on the network. I think it might add it automatically now, but if you run into the issue in the future add "/desc" behind the IP address. See step 4 in the Wiki for "ISY not found: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#ISY_Not_Found
  7. @Illusion did you make sure you followed the steps for the process? https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:INSTEON_Device#Replace...with https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing_a_Device Key points to remember: Both devices have to be the same type of device in order for the new device to be displayed in the replace menu. The device being replaced must not be inside a folder You posted this in the support thread for the last IoP firmware update. Since this hasn't been reported by others and the release happened a while back thought it should be its own post for more attention. If you've already attempted as far as it appears you have then there might not be anything that can help it. If you had a backup from before this process started perhaps you could restore that, re-add the new keypad link then go through the steps again.
  8. @dbuss interesting that yours works with only "ISY" in the "FROM" line. I haven't taken out the email address portion of that line, but thought that might have been an issue in the past so just left it as it was in my initial setup. Mine is actually "Home-ISY:<bogusaccount>@gmail.com". One thing I have noticed is that I need to actually log into that account on a somewhat regular basis to keep it active. I don't keep up with when I do it, but I have Spark running on my phone for a different account and it checks the bogus account when it's active so I think that counts as me logging into it. I know Google had gotten a lot more aggressive with idle accounts sending messages, but not other activity over the recent years. So best to keep it active to avoid flagging or removal from Gmail services. @larryllix like I said...this setup has been my setup since I started with ISY, about 6 or 7 years ago. I turned 2FA on for Gmail as soon as it became available; long before I had the ISY.
  9. Here's the settings I have: Often times the error I recall seeing most is that people don't catch/notice the colon (:) between First-Name Last-Name in the setup and will error out because the "From" is not formatted correctly. Beyond that the key is usually the Google/Gmail settings for 2FA. In the Google Account Settings look at Security (seen below), make sure 2-Step Verification is "ON" then setup App Password. Once you have this it will show you what you have App Passwords for, when they were created, and when they were last used. My last notification was apparently emailed at 8:02 this morning. The WIKI was updated to link to this information for such setup (following the changes Gmail made earlier this year): https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en My custom notification uses variables in the body so it's not always the same text so spam/robo checks from Gmail or receiving account shouldn't auto flag it. I was concerned that if it was a static message that got sent regularly that it would be flagged as robo sending even though it doesn't send very often (daily most of the time) so it's simple and works for me. Hope that helps. Let me know if you've got other questions.
  10. @EricBarish another thing to look at is on a computer go to alexa.amazon.com then Smart Home then Devices to make sure it’s still seeing your devices. Should be able to see you skills in that area too (I cannot access it from an iPad to check and not near a computer for a while).
  11. What skill version are you using? Make sure you are using “ISY Optimized for Smart Home v3”. It could have been a temp issue with some server issues between you and Amazon. Just tried several lights and no issues with Echo and ISY994. And I’m also able to control devices from ISY Web Access through Portal.
  12. @fbelg210 follow the instructions here:
  13. Make sure you follow the wiki setup information for Gmail. Some slight adjustments were made earlier this year. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings#Configuring_gmail_Account If you’re getting errors post them here. I use Gmail without any problems sending to another email address. If you’re trying to use Gmail to send to text you might still have delivery problems. Pushover is good. Another good option (often suggested by @MrBill) is using a 3rd party email app (like Spark) so alerts that only that app checks the email for are ISY alerts so you know when ISY alerts are received. I think he uses a spare ISP email to send to that same account and uses Spark to check that email only.
  14. Are you sending texts from an email? This has been asked/answered in many posts on here. The "old" method of sending texts to a #@vzw<whatever-email> is very low priority for most carriers these days. The suggested route is to use network resources, node server, and/or UD Mobile alerts. Run a Google Site Search for slow texts and see what has been said. It's not just you, and it's not UDI. It's the cell carriers.
  15. You're Canadian (🍁), you've always spelled words funny. Wasn't the secret IoP update that made you do it!
  16. @mapeter Great to hear you got this cleared up! Was just working through some "older" posts and saw this was perhaps in limbo. Take care!
  17. @mapeter wanted to check in on this thread to see if you got any resolution on this. Did you open a support ticket and get your Polisy updated?
  18. I didn't think IoP would run on an old version of OS in the Polisy. Perhaps it was, but I thought that was introduced in 13. Let us know what happens with the support ticket and if they get everything sorted out. Once you get brought current on Polisy, PG3 and IoP versions then we can address if you still have issues. Perhaps at that point begin a new thread here so you can get help just for your issue(s). Sometimes in these main support threads some questions/issues get convoluted and don't know what is or isn't helpful. So best just to have your own thread for your specific issue(s).
  19. Correct. I think Pro also has Bluetooth, but not being used at present. zmatter will add z-wave, zigbee, and eventually matter. There are other updates according to the product page: https://www.universal-devices.com/product/zmatter-z-wave-matter-module-for-polisy-beta/ see above, but zmatter is a way to further future proof the Polisy/Polisy Pro. The dongle will also work with upcoming eisy. UDI has said both Polisy/Pro and eisy will continue to be developed in tandem. At least until for the next few years. Correct. Parts for Polisy are not available so UDI developed a new box (eisy) for future development. Always have to be looking ahead at what might be needed. Personal preference as to the upgrade process. No, shouldn't at least. "Soon" might be relative though. But doubtful. Only if things change quickly and you replace what you're currently using.
  20. I know there was a reason for this, but not sure if it should be enabled or not. I think it's fine to leave it alone for now. Perhaps @Michel Kohanim can chime in to advise or you can open a support ticket to ask specifically about this. Is the "Upgrade BIOS" grayed out next to it? There was mention about this elsewhere in the forums (here and here), but nothing ever commented about having it enabled or not. This is by design. I think because ISY service is running on Polisy (IoP) UDI has limited editing this for now so it is always at the same IP as the Polisy. You really don't want it to be with a different IP since it is a service running on the Polisy so it's at the same IP as the Polisy. If you're talking about a standalone ISY994 that is changed in the ISY994 admin console then has to be added as a different IP in the Polyglot (v3) setup. Make sure you've read through the wiki for further assistance if needed: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide NOTE: You need to setup the ISY on Polisy (IoP) with whatever you setup for credentials for IoP. If you've changed credentials anywhere they don't automatically change everything connected to the Polisy. This is not currently implemented correctly. If you want to reboot the ISY do so through admin console. What system is busy? If PG3 (the web dashboard for Polyglot v3) then you need to pull the PG3 log files and open a support ticket with UDI. If IoP then make sure you turn off "write to battery" options and see if that settles things down. You might need to be sure you've linked all your battery devices (if you have any). It could be that if you migrated it hasn't re-linked the battery devices. You should also check any programs that are stuck in a loop. Look at the Programs tab then Summary tab and look for status and last run times. You can sort this tab by clicking on the headers to see what has run recently. Please explain further what system is busy. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Hope that helps.
  21. @chuckl split this post out just to get some attention. Note that @simplextech doesn't follow the forums much so either send them a PM or file an issue on the github for this node server. You posted in a thread that had been idle a few months, so better to start a new thread because it did appear to be somewhat different.
  22. That's a shame. It's a common issue with SD cards if they're full and still trying to write to it data can corrupt easily. Glad you got up and running with 5.3.4 so quickly. Good luck adding things and getting things the way you like/want them again.
  23. @PSiess as @MrBill alluded to… Polisy = device/equipment Polyglot = service/software/operating system So all node servers are installed in Polyglot. Polyglot v3 is the current development portion.
  24. @heitjer are you using the IoX launcher (Formerly ISY Launcher) method to access admin console? You mention you’re accessing through some Insteon.jar access. Not sure of that process….really must be an old process. Please read the current release area for the ISY Launcher method discussion It sounds like your Firmware and UI don’t match. When you reset the ISY you get a basic Firmware that you then need to manually upgrade to a full hardware (found in current release area). Specifically follow the steps here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card
  25. Glad that helped! And yes, there's a little search bar on the top right, but sometimes that can lead to too many results. I prefer to use Google Site Search to get a little more specific for help topics around here. But glad you got things working. MacOS is always a little funky to try to troubleshoot (as a Windows only user). Some have had great success with macOS+Java+ISY/IoX Launcher. Others...not so much.
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