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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. @MWareman you might be better off getting help through a support ticket. This way @Michel Kohanim and/or @bpwwer can look into the logs a little better and perhaps have a better idea of what happened and how to fix. What update process did you attempt?
  2. @CopyRon It might be since you already have accounts for the new devices that it might be a little more tricky. Just make sure you follow the steps in the wiki for migrating from ISY994 to Polisy - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Migrating_from_994_to_Polisy Step 10 has specific link to migrating the Portal over - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY And I was about to add the exact same image that @MrBill just added. So you should be able to migrate without issue by doing that. Granted I haven't attempted it, but many have and seemed to have been simple. EDIT: One word of caution/question - have you been keeping the Polisy up to date so far? Or is it still in the box? If still in the box when you first get it online check the OS version. Log in with SSH and run this command: sudo uname -a If you're below 13 you should open a ticket with support to see the current suggested route to update. There's problems with original way to update to get PG3 and IoP updated and installed. If you've been updating as time went along, but not running anything in it yet then you should be good to go directly with an ISY Migration.
  3. @tlightne your issue didn't seem to be same as where you posted it so split it out for more visibility for your issue. Will you please confirm your ISY Version (Firmware and UI) and Z-Wave controller?
  4. If you're trying to post what the program is for you need to right click the program then COPY to Clipboard then past to the forum. I think you did "export to clipboard" to get the "xml" in the post above. Copy to Clipboard is the very last option when you right click the program. If you're physically flipping the switch and the ISY still doesn't see the device then there's communication issue. I've never gone through the replace PLM process so kind of at a loss for why it seems to work when you created a new scene, but now they programs don't work. But, now if you're physically triggering a switch and the ISY does not see the event then the PLM links are not there. You might need to factory reset the devices that it doesn't see.
  5. "This is usually related Admin Console state files not being updated properly and especially in case of multi monitors." Does this apply? If not, sometimes Java just gets "stupid" and doesn't handle resizing the window right or just changing things up. Nothing really triggered it (IMO). But I've seen this as the option to fixing. When you said loading from admin.jnlp opened a different finder and nothing was selectable it triggered it might be a .state file issue. Glad it helped and worked!
  6. @DJonas how old is the ISY994? Have you ever had power supply issues? What's the light pattern on the front of the ISY? And if you're willing to power cycle it again watch the light pattern when it starts up. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights Since dashboard loads it seems to be getting to the device on the network. Leads me to think it's computer related or else power related and the draw on power to load the admin console might be causing the issue. Before trying anything else post a screenshot of what you see when you load admin.jnlp admin console. You say above it shows ISY information, but nothing is selectable. Feel free to blur out personal info. Also, be sure you check Firmware and UI in the Help -> About menu (is that even selectable? Next steps I would suggest are: Clear Java Cache (yes, again). Be sure you select all three boxes in the process Refer to this wiki article to remove .state files - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized/Invisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored (***NEW STEP you might not have done before!***) Delete ALL start.jnlp or admin.jnlp files downloaded ANYWHERE on your computer download a fresh start.jnlp version from UDI - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp Run start.jnlp Should put fresh ISY Launcher icon on desktop Run Launcher - Try Admin Console (Cloud) Make sure when you run ISY Launcher that it opens the "ISY Finder" window that looks similar to this: Report back with what happens.
  7. @DJonas What version of Java are you running? ISY Launcher typically works best with the basic Java downloaded from java.com. Current version is: Version 8 Update 341 If you're not on that version or have a different version installed then please use the java removal tool to remove all java installs on the computer. Download the 64bit Java 8 update 341 directly from java.com.
  8. @Banichi glad you got it sorted out quickly. For reference this is in the wiki for the ISY994 for the lights on the front: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights Though doesn't describe what you experienced. It might have been that it was in safe mode. You might have seen that once you got into the admin console and noticed that it wasn't seeing the PLM. Also, let your client know to always plug the PLM in first then the ISY (about 30-60 seconds later).
  9. @oskrypuch your post was hidden and off topic where you put it, so split it out as a new question for hopeful more attention. I'm sure this is all something that will be revealed as it gets closer to actual release/availability.
  10. @SSchmidt True, you didn't ask that, but you basically got your answer then, and as @lilyoyo1 says there's several posts (certainly more over the last 9 months - so it seems). There's also Google (or other preferred search option) https://www.allhomerobotics.com/comparing-insteon-vs-z-wave-protocol-best/ https://zwaveguide.com/z-wave-vs-insteon/ (I find this one quite "funny" as it certainly has the z-wave lean as to which would be better and why). I think here you'll find a large majority prefer the reliability and function of Insteon. Those that like/love z-wave like it for different reasons and it works for them. Sadly, what works for others might not work for you or might not be what you want/need best for your situation. So you have to make that judgement yourself of what you want to achieve. Good luck! Enjoy the new house.
  11. @SSchmidt So I guess you didn't get this answered in part of your original post about this?
  12. @dpierre something doesn't look right there. You're able to log into the Admin Console to change the admin password, but you can't see the UI version? How are you accessing the admin console? Are you using the ISY Launcher method? This looks like you're running something that isn't setup to communicate to IoP. Maybe it's an old admin.jnlp file from an old ISY994. You need to get the ISY launcher (start.jnlp). DELETE/REMOVE any old admin.jnlp files you have in your computer....ANYWHERE! Clear Java Cache (be sure to select all 3 boxes in this process) Delete any admin.jnlp or start.jnlp files you have downloaded in the past download NEW start.jnlp Run to put "ISY Launcher" icon on desktop Follow steps in WIKI to access ISY on Polisy. Something's not looking right in the screenshot above. If you go through the above steps and still doesn't load into IoP correctly then certainly consider a new support ticket. Good luck. Report back how it goes and if you end up working with support let us know the steps to fix the issue to help others in the future.
  13. When you're in admin console and try to change the password do you get this warning? Can you confirm your Firmware and UI match? I just tested on mine and it worked each attempt. Might want to reopen the ticket or start a new support ticket just to be sure things are installed, updated, and running as expected.
  14. How to tell: 300 series board will have a blue LED on the back of the ISY 500 series board does not have that. I don't use z-wave so not familiar with what the version means. Sorry. You can probably find that referenced elsewhere on the forums. Glad things seem to be working out. Have you at least confirmed FW=UI? If you're using the ISY Launcher method it will always match. If you downloaded admin.jnlp and just keep using that you more than likely are using an older UI version. You need to clear your Java Cache and delete any old copies of admin.jnlp you downloaded. Best thing is to download the start.jnlp from UDI and have it put the ISY Launcher icon on your desktop and run that each time you want to access the admin console. If you're on Windows it's super easy. If you're on macOS it's a little more complicated, but works about the same (with some security settings changes). This is the icon you're looking for on your desktop.
  15. I think that's where there's a huge definition difference. Home Automation is NOT the same as simple convenience of lighting control. Many on these forums will have some serious systems that a simple trigger might adjust lights over the period of minutes or hours. Some might have a simple trigger in the morning that ends up running programs all day long to truly automate their house. The basic user that's looking for these "starter kits" are just starting to explore the option to be able to control a single light or a simple switch or outlet to turn a light on when the sun sets or it gets cloudy and they need more room light or to have additional task lighting during the day. These are the simple control types and not an "automation" type. This is where I see Matter really "helping" by allowing some to be able to blend products from multiple suppliers and not have to figure out the underlying app/setup for each item they buy. EXACTLY THIS! If you're going to automate an entire home you'll most likely be in one (or two) different product lines. At least for "lighting". Where ISY/Polisy/eisy fits will continue to be the bridge that allows the node servers to control the different areas of the automation process (weather, EV charging, Solar panels, Garage/Gate openers, etc). I think it's a little interesting that there's so much talk/question/concern about how Matter will impact our lives when it's still being developed. Too much speculation might just lead to disappointment when it's finally "released"/implemented. It might work for the full "Automation" types, or it might only help the general "consumer/controller" type. Brings this all back to the original question, "Matter...and why do we care?" - Can't say I do, personally. At least not yet. I honestly don't see that it will make MY current situation any better. I realize that I have a very simple system compared to some. So I don't expect that Matter will impact me in any way. If I need to change then I'll care at THAT time.
  16. Open a support ticket with UDI. Submit a Ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Email: support@universal-devices.com Should be able to help at this point.
  17. Have you tried lower case "admin"? Or did you change your SSH admin password to something else?
  18. @DGG This could all be noise issue since your last device wouldn't stop writing. Perhaps the PLM couldn't cleanly communicate to the device. It's been mentioned here that something as simple as an old "wall wart" phone charger could introduce noise and you wouldn't suspect it since it has been fine "for years". Often times people always look for new stuff added to the house to cause noise, but old stuff going bad or having strange power cycles can also contribute to noise. You still need to get FW=UI. There was a plain 5.0.16 version and if you're using that and not 5.0.16C UI you could be causing the issues trying to repair a device that way. At this point I'd factory reset the newly installed device and add it as a new device. ONCE you have the proper UI. You'll need to reprogram it for any scenes and programs the old device used. You did probably corrupt some links in the processes you've gone through. Are you running Z-wave on your ISY994 and with a 300 series z-wave board? IS that why you're back at 5.0.16C for firmware? If you don't run z-wave or have a 500 series board you should upgrade the FW to 5.3.4. But focus on getting that device connected first. There were A LOT of fixes between 5.0.16C and 5.3.4 if you're not running a 300 series z-wave board.
  19. Not that I think it's the root cause, but these should match...identically. All the day to the date/time stamp. I don't recall if there was a non "C" version of 5.0.16, but if your UI isn't also C you need to use the ISY Launcher method to make sure UI = FW every time it launches. As for the red !. The ISY Cookbook (and the Wiki) shows the sub errors to -200000 that -5 is "Failed reading device link". You might need to right click the device and hit "restore device" on each of them. It's possible that the cause of your first one "going bad" was line noise or other circuit issues. Just replacing it while not fixing the underlying issue might be causing the replacement to act in a similar way. There's a method to test switches by wiring them to a modified extension cable and plugging them in on different circuits and/or closer to the PLM to make sure they communicate correctly before putting them in the wall location you plan to use it. That might be a troubleshooting step to attempt to have a clean add to the admin console. Then, if you install it where you plan to use it and there are issues you know there's noise or something else impacting your location.
  20. @DGG I assume your new post was still relating to this issue. Rather than have a new post for an ongoing issue moved it into here to keep things together. The admin console is normal in this process. Was the device you tried to replace in a folder? The old device must be moved to the root to try the replace device function. What's your admin console Firmware and UI versions (Admin Console -> Help -> About)? Make sure they match exactly! If it's completely gone have you attempted to re-link it? Remember if you type in the code that sometimes Bs look like 8s and Ds look like 0s.
  21. @andrew77 I've moved this to the "Coffee Shop" area as it's kind of a "what product to I buy next" rather than trying to get help with something. There are tons of threads here asking similar questions. I'd suggest you take time to look around this area and find that it's mostly up to user preference and need. Most of the threads would be back around the April/May time soon after Insteon turned off the lights. If you've just had one device go bad you could consider a repair option. Or buying parts if you have the ability/skill to repair yourself.
  22. @atmarosi I'd try to create a new program (identical to existing programs) and see if a new program works. Also, I assume that you're process of testing the program that you just "run then" and nothing worked. I don't use "fast on" so have you tried to just use "on", or is there a reason that it's a "fast on" trigger? Do other programs work and it's just the ones that turn scenes on/off? Do the programs that aren't working happen to be in a folder? Is there a chance there are folder settings that aren't allowing those programs to run? If they're in a folder move them to the root program level and see if they work. If they do then you have something in folder settings that aren't allowing programs to run.
  23. I'm wonder where you find "delays" for hardware and software. And as a long time supporter then you know there's never been much of a timeline for releases. I'm surprised you'd think that would change and be something that just appeared to happen with pending releases of hardware. As @lilyoyo1 points out the Polisy has been out a few years now. If you missed that release then you must not have been active on the forums or not checking emails because there were several large email blasts about it when it was announced and when it became widely available. As for the ZMatter board and the eisy releases those have been more low key and just recently announced the ZMatter board through the email campaign when UDI was able to begin accepting pre-orders. It still isn't expected to be available until mid November. The eisy hasn't been officially announced so nobody knows when it will actually arrive (other than UDI). I guess you're just here to gripe about things (from the tone of your other Matter post). Good on you for that. Hope you're around when eisy is announced/released so you can get one and not feel "left out" as a long time supporter. Keep smiling!
  24. No worries. It's simple issue. I actually was going more for the option of doing the restore for device specific menu when I read @lilyoyo1's post again and looked at the screen shot and saw it right away. Did that process resolve your issues? Hopefully you're running right again.
  25. Look up one line! You can also right click on any device and "restore device" if you don't want to do them all.
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