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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. It could be noise happening with the query program. I might try moving it to a different circuit for a few nights to see if it still comes on. If it doesn't then there might be noise on the original circuit. Remember noise isn't always from something "new" it could be something old that's failing or impacted by yet another item that's introduced noise into the system. Are you running the Query All program that used to come set by default? Many have added it to Polisy/eisy devices (I know I have). The default program was set to run at 3am (if I recall). I like thought @gregkinney gave about copying programs to a text file to search for the device, but the program tab has a find option that you can look for devices, raw text, and other options (just FYI). Query All program: (I offset mine to 10 seconds after 3am just because) If Time is 3:00:10AM Then Set 'ISY' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Last consideration might be to leave the event viewer open and set to level 3 and copy that to a text doc to search for the device...just know that will have a lot of data and could cause other issues. It might just give you what the other log(s) gave you. If there's not a command actually triggering that device then either the device is failing or it's a noise issue causing it to come on randomly. Does it come on at any other time without being triggered?
  2. How does your scene look in the UD Portal for Alexa? I've got a scene that is my hall light switch. It's showing as scene, but under "Alexa Cat." shows as a Device\Light. It works just fine. I'm not sure if you have it as "Scene" in the "Alexa Cat." and it isn't working that way. Try to change to "Device\Light" and see what happens. Since direct devices work it's either something isn't setup correctly with the scene (i.e. the root controls aren't correct) or something is "wonky" in how Alexa handles a Scene as a category. I only have a few scenes exposed to Alexa and they're all showing a category of Device\Light (since they're mostly just 2 way for halls or stairs with lights are either ends.
  3. This is normal and default. Don't try to change it.
  4. @intellihome at this point in the game I tend to run contradictory to those above. If 4.9 is currently "working for you" then I'd say don't risk the upgrade to something that's newer just for the sake of being on 5.x. There were a lot of issues (at the time) of going from 4.9 to 5.x that if you haven't been paying attention are "hidden" in very old posts and the help/support is for such an update is so far removed that many might just vaguely remember something to fix any issues you run into. Since UD has made it possible to upgrade directly from 4.9 to the eisy, I might just stay where you are and cross your fingers with the migration if/when you actually attempt it. As your initial post indicates you don't have any Z-Wave. That was a huge portion of the 5.x update for the ISY994. The 5.x line is where UD became Z-Wave certified. I think the impact for Insteon use was fairly minimal. There were some other under the hood updates that allowed the ISY system to operate differently/better, but for an established system I'm not sure I would risk the upgrade at this point to simply migrate to the eisy in the future. You can directly migrate from what you have now so saving a step might be wise. Unless you review some of the 5.x improvements and see how they would improve your current use of the ISY994 I'm more inclined to stay with what you've got. It's the simplest option (IMO).
  5. @jlamb be sure you make a text copy of all your programs! Right click the root folder in Programs tab and select "Copy Folder to Clipboard" (Make sure you use the COPY option and not export!). Paste that to a plain text editor (not a word processing program). Save that file so you now have a text version of all your programs and can recreate them should things go crazy due to the change in the plugins. In addition to what @DennisC suggests if you use Network Resources they will likely need to be resaved as well.
  6. If the echo issue has been going on since you replaced the PLM please make sure that your Portal license is still active. Log into the portal check if the ISY is "online" (green dot/circle). If it is then choose "Select Tools" -> Information -> ISY Portal Access License -> License Active If the ISY is online and your portal license is active it's possible there is a portal outage. Since @abrayshaw is having a similar issue and the portal is saying the ISY is offline it's possible there are connection issues. I just checked my connection remotely and it appears on. I can command devices remotely using the Alexa app on my phone so it does appear to be working as long as your device has an active portal license and connected to the portal.
  7. Do you have the Alexa app on your phone? You link the skill in the Alexa app. More info from the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY_Portal_Amazon_Echo_Integration_V3 Since other devices work you must have set it up at one point in the past. Depending on how long ago you might have used the older skill that I think wouldn’t work for new devices, but not sure. Since V3 is available now it would be best to be sure you have that skill (again in the mobile Alexa app). Over the past year I think Alexa auto discovers devices, but if not then as @paulbates suggests to ask Alexa to discover devices. Note the directions for the skill were written a long time ago so some options or locations in the Alexa mobile app might be different. I don’t use it enough to know what to say w9ld be different so hunt around in the app until you find skills.
  8. Have you just been rebooting from the admin console option or performing a full power cycle by using the multi function button or pressing and holding the power button? Since it appears multiple plugins are not connecting you might have a failed update and would need to open a support ticket with UD to check the system for hung processes. I would suggest opening a ticket: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ Please be sure to post back the solution from support for this issue to help others if they should have similar issues.
  9. Unsure how this works, but remember that the Hue plugin hasn’t been updated in a long time and isn’t using an official API for its workings. My suggestion is after you make the changes on the phone app make sure you aren’t logged into the Admin Console. Open the web access for PG3x and restart the Hue plugin. It might pick up the new light names. You might have to do this several times. Once you see the new node names in the web access then log out of that and open Admin Console. It should then update the names to match the PG3x nodes seen on the plugin. If simple restarts of the plugin don’t help you might have to remove the old device names and then restart the plugin. I would suggest you get things setup the way you want them before connecting the plugin in again because it apparently isn’t instantly updating device names.
  10. Geddy

    SMTP Settings

    First I would update to the current firmware (5.8.4), while that alone might not fix the issue working with the current firmware can help limit other problems that have been addressed since your version. Then be sure to review the steps in the wiki for Gmail account setup. These were confirmed earlier this year. Some options might have changed slightly, but they still work. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings#Configuring_gmail_Account I’m not exactly sure what your errors mean as there isn’t specific meaning in the wiki for those errors and most mentions in the forums relate back to ISY994 issues, but might shed some light on what resolves them (I didn’t read many of the older posts….use Google Site Search to find them). Since using the eisy you might want to review using the Notification plugin and UD Mobile or even Pushover to get alerts sent to your mobile device rather than the older email method.
  11. @andrew77 have you confirmed the lamp is turned on and works when not plugged into the lamplinc? Is it possible the lamp got turned off or the bulb blew? If the lamp operates correctly then try the Lamplinc in a different outlet on a different circuit in the house (maybe closer to the PLM) to be sure it's not a noise/communication issue.
  12. @joeria cool. But know that since it's in the non-production store it could have some testing that is being worked on so probably keep a close eye on it for any issues. It sounds like there was some issues with Google based on reading other posts in this area of the forums. Hopefully they're being worked out.
  13. @intellihome as with all technology it does tend to go "out of date". The reason UD raised their prices were made clear in a recent email and news blast on their site about the increased costs to keep the hardware working for the older (now unsupported) ISY994 devices. Depending on your needs to maintain a portal subscription it's possible you wouldn't need to renew the portal and could just use the ISY994 as you have it for the remaining Insteon devices. You will give up the connectivity that the portal provides, but depends on your use and dependency on that service to figure out if the cost for renewal with current hardware is worth it to you. Not sure what links your referencing, but the most current deals can always be found directly on the UD site - https://www.universal-devices.com/ Currently they are having a "Black Friday" sale that was recently out in email saving off the list price you mentioned. Again, it's all relative to your use. At first I wasn't so keen on the idea of upgrading my system, but at the time it was simply 40-50 Insteon devices. Since the ISY994 had always been my "smart home" controller and I didn't have a Z-Wave board in my ISY994 then all I using was Insteon. When the eisy became available I did update to that device and have been happy. I then branched out and, like you, added a few extra devices here and there. Being able to control the other devices I've added through the plugins has really evolved my appreciation to the simple automations I have setup. You mention that you have YoLink and Kasa devices. Well there are plugins for both those brands that would expand their use with your Insteon devices through the eisy. That's the power of the eisy that you can expand the system beyond "just" Insteon, Zigbee, or Z-Wave. Through the plugins there are lots of options to incorporate into your automation system! It's a small learning curve to incorporate the polyglot function into the system, but it's fairly simple if you just take time to read and learn the process. The cool part is the IoX (ISY) function for admin console is exactly as it is/was with the ISY994 so that's easy to catch up with. UD has even attempted to make it fairly simple to migrate from the ISY994 to the eisy with the instructions found in the wiki. I think the support from UD is top notch, but not only that the community support the users bring to these forums is amazing.
  14. @Kentinada the only potential issue I see is this is a series 800 chip and the ZMatter is currently 700 series (if I recall). It should work as the plug should connect to 700 series controller(s), but you might have some loss of function (i.e. range). If you have a well meshed z-wave network it shouldn't make a difference, but would be limited to 700 series signal/use. If the vendor offers free returns then get it and try it. If it doesn't work send it back. (And post here that it didn't work out for you!) But I think others have commented that they've had 800 series devices connecting to eisy+ZMatter. Oh, I just saw this line on the item page: "NOTE: If you don't see your Z-Wave controller on the list above, please contact us before you purchase this product." I'd contact them to ask specifically. Also, you might contact UD directly (https://www.universal-devices.com/contact-us/) to see if maybe they've tested this or other such devices.
  15. @joeria check in the "non-production" store. Not sure why it's been removed from production. That's something @Goose66 would need to chime in on. Might have something to do with this post:
  16. Not from UD, since UD support for the ISY994 has ended. You can try to find one through ebay, but probably unlikely at this point. Some others might have listed ISY994 (with z-wave) availability in the forums, but that too might be dated. Depends how soon you might get an eisy. UD is currently offering a discount if you read their latest news on the site to get the code. If what you had was working then yes, downgrade back to the version you had previously. I think 5.0.16c was the last 300 series version; the later versions of 5.3.x for the ISY994 only supported the 500 series board. Were you having issues that prompted you to upgrade?
  17. Geddy

    HUE Scenes

    @csteenwyk do you have scenes setup in Hue? The way I'm seeing this is in a program it's calling on a "Built-in scene ##" (Built in 00-10 and Custom scene 11-30). I just tried a test program and it seemed to work. I don't know a way to tell what it is refencing as a scene, but the log did appear to tell it to run the "Nighttime scene 2024-11-22 11:59:15.847 Command udi_interface INFO node_types:setHueScene: Bedroom requested scene: Nighttime (0), hue scene id: YApGxlZ5UNH4cTc My program was very simple and I just hit "run then" so didn't have an if or else. Note: The "Bedroom" is a group in Hue so it did turn several lights on when I ran "Then". huetest - [Not Enabled] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set '~NodeServers / ~Hue / Bedroom' Set Hue Scene Built-in scene 00 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') In the hue app I guess the Automations might be scenes, but I don't have any of them called "nighttime". And there aren't any nodes for scenes. Have you tried setting a group or maybe making a scene in IoX and adjusting it that way rather than through the plugin? Since this plugin isn't being updated and wasn't using an official API it's possible it's a little outdated and doesn't work exactly correct.
  18. @cwhite951 Could be some of several issues. More than likely it's a power supply issue, but the blue light should be right. Is it "super bright"? Please review this wiki portion for the meaning of the front lights: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights Make sure all cables are securely connected to the ISY994. Be sure the PLM is powered on and stable (steady green light) before plugging in the ISY994. Have you changed anything on your network recently? (i.e. new router?) Have you attempted to access the admin console? (Make sure you're using IoX Launcher) It doesn't matter (yet), but what version Firmware (and UI) are you on? If you're able to access admin console go to Help -> About to confirm Firmware and UI match.
  19. As @paulbates says they can be repaired. If you're not comfortable with the process there is a service many have used in the past that markets on ebay. There are old posts about this (if you can't find through forum search look up using Google Site search - they might have been auto archived after a certain time). Here's the ebay info for service/repair: https://www.ebay.com/itm/284790289019
  20. @srjacob in addition to what @DennisC and @paulbates outlined above be sure to review the migration steps in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Migration But also review the ELK portion of the forums for pitfalls and issues that others might have posted about in the past. https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/309-elk/ Since the eisy handles extended systems through plugins rather than how you currently have the ISY994+Elk Module there will be a big difference in how programs are handled. As @DennisC points out making copies of your current programs is key to migration. I don't run Elk, but from reading past posts in the forum area many seem to like some added feature/function from the plugin over the way your system is currently incorporating ELK. There will be a learning curve, but take your time and read and test and you should be able to get things setup as good (or better) with current hardware and support from UDI (as well as the help from many on the forums).
  21. No. All Plugin (formerly Node servers) configuration is done on the web for Polyglot. Don't mess with anything in admin console for plugins (node servers). Sounds like you might be in the wait a while phase. I think it could take as long as 48 hours based on reading another post.
  22. @scott basilius I believe there have been some issues of the API taking a little while to be available. I believe @bpwwer has said to allow several hours to as much as a day and it should work. If you just generated the key or since you said you generated a new one give it some time to activate on their (OpenWeather) system. It should work soon.
  23. Do you have a program that triggered when the ISY994 rebooted? Seems like you would. Especially an email alert. Here's what the errors mean: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Errors_And_Error_Messages Check this troubleshooting information out about communication issues: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/INSTEON:_Troubleshooting_Communications_Errors There are a few other things you can read through to see if it helps you troubleshoot a little more: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Troubleshooting_INSTEON_Communication_Errors How old is the "latest backup"? Just know any changes you've made recently wouldn't be included in an older backup. Back to the reboot - did you have a power outage? What might have caused the reboot? If a power outage or even power spike it could have damaged the PLM. Be sure if you unplug the PLM that you also unplug the ISY994 the plug the PLM in first and wait for the light to be a steady green then plugin the ISY994. Please let us know what firmware you're running (please put the number not just "latest"/"current"). Confirm that the UI matches the Firmware you're using (Help -> About).
  24. @garybixler glad you got it sorted out by running the reinstall all plugins. Question though. Had you updated recently or done something that could have caused them to be in a disconnected state? While fixed now, it might be that this should be reviewed by UD (certainly if it happens again). What plugins are you running that were staying disconnected? Just list a few if you've got a lot running.
  25. Glad it was the font size. I recall having that issue and reading several others that have had that issue in the past. I'm not sure what causes it because for my screen I have it set to 16 and it worked fine. I even bumped mine up to 20 to see if it had the issue and didn't. I'm with you on that! When Java forgets the larger size that I set it's a struggle (I have to get my stronger reading glasses!). Combine the small(ish) text and the colors and sometimes it can be really difficult to read admin console. Thankfully (similar to what sounds like your experience) things run fairly stable for me so I'm not digging around in Admin Console very often (mostly just to help others here).
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