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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. Time to update the signature as well! Glad you got things migrated well. Interesting that devices needed to be restored. When you say "settings on many of my devices" what do you mean? Like LED settings or just making the connection to the IoX via PLM? I've also kept the ISY994 just as a token nod to history.
  2. I'm sure some here have experience with the process, but not sure about resolving. The best bet on this more advanced process with the eisy might be best handled directly with UDI via a support ticket. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets Please be sure to post back the resolution so it might help others if they run into this situation.
  3. Please be sure to update with any solution you get through the support ticket so that it might help others if they have similar issues.
  4. It’s fine to leave the antenna attached…I would reattach it to be sure the device is as supplied. The device is “eisy”. Might be auto correct in your posting. What Firmware and UI are you running? Please don’t just say “latest” as that means nothing if/when somebody reads this months down the road. Give exact version number. Even a screen shot of Help -> About screen showing Firmware and UI. Please make sure you are up to date….as of today that would be IoX 5.8.4. Perform a power cycle of the eisy. Press and hold the power button until it turns red. Or you can press the button 6 times and it should shut down after a moment. (Se multi-function button info in wiki). Was the temp sensor previously connected to the ISY994? You will need to perform an exclude on the eisy then include. Did you select the “Add a Zwave device” in the menu? (Big green plus sign) Does any window come up to add device? Last option would be to reset the USB ports as outlined in the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Can't_connect_to_ZMatter_Z-Wave_board_/_dongle
  5. @Gammai have you setup Z-Wave support in IoX Admin Console? Also, if the devices were connected to your ISY994 you will need to exclude them before including (from my very limited experience with Z-Wave - just from reading what more experienced users say on the forums). Be sure to review the wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Z-Wave_Support
  6. @Norman Vautour You'll need to find if Sensibo has a support forum. This area is for a Sensibo plugin that works with the Polisy or eisy product. It's not specifically for Sensibo product/app support.
  7. @Norman Vautour welcome to the Universal Devices forums. We mostly support the devices that Universal Devices supply (ISY994, Polisy, eisy). If you're working with one of those devices could you give us more information as to the app you're using and any screenshots if you have errors before the screen goes black.
  8. The TP-Link I have is 6e rated. I’ve only got a few devices that support that. More than enough bandwidth for steaming on multiple devices and gaming.
  9. I can confirm that the "old" email still functions. Just if you have it set to send email to text (sms) it's probably very hit and miss (mentioned in tons of posts over the last several years). If you're sending email to email and you get the test email then more than likely it would work for you programs. Maybe the program or the custom notification is not set correctly. For your programs please use the "Copy to Clipboard" method (by right clicking on your program) then paste the program text into the forum post. Screenshots are not very helpful as people trying to help with the programs end up having to retype them or describe what line to change in an image.
  10. I know it might go against the grain for some around here, but I've had good luck with most TP-Link mesh systems. Seem better than some of their single point routers from in the past. I currently use Xfinity modem + TP-Link Deco AXE5400 (tri-band) that has 3 satellite kit (I got mine at Amazon, but looks like Costco has TP-Link Deco AXE5300 for slightly less than the 5400 - I haven't compared the two). I have over 35 network items connected. I'm running in 2,500 SF ranch with main in center of house and satellites in "home office" and "game" room that covers the house entirely. I had a leftover M9 Plus (TP-Link) from a few years ago that is also providing coverage (from the bonus room over the garage) to cover Ring doorbell, Ring floodlight, and MyQ garage opener. I tried Ubiquiti with the Dream Router product and it was under powered and didn't allow full 1Gbps speed (capped around 600-700mbps). It was a nice product that had a lot of function I don't need (and honestly didn't want due to being complicated for family use). Does your AT&T gear not cover the house and outside fully? I've been considering changing to AT&T Fiber and might end up being like you of having it installed in one corner of the house rather than the center of the house like Xfinity was when we built the house.
  11. @glacier991 The update issue looks like a known issue. I think there's an issue with updating and the current PG3x system. I'm currently on 1.2.5 and shows update available, but when installed it never changes the current version. I'm not worried about it until an update from UD comes out as all my devices are currently working as expected. Make sure you've closed and relaunched admin console. It will only load new nodes on startup. It's possible that you've kept admin console open during the refresh in PG3x. If that doesn't work a full system reboot might pull them in. Usually it's an issue of getting them into PG3x that a restart of the plugin typically helps, but a full system power cycle has also been able to trigger a sync between the plugin and YoLink app.
  12. @johnstonf not that I think it's related, but does look like Google had an issue with their system over the last few days. https://www.androidpolice.com/google-home-devices-are-losing-it-right-now/ Apparently a "fix" has been released. While it's somewhat unlikely, there could be an overlap with the Google system having issues and what happened on the UD Portal side. It's even more possible that something in the fix could have further broken the UD connection. Did you ever attempt to "unlink" the connection then re-link it?
  13. @btreinders I would suggest opening a support ticket today and seeing if there's an issue or just getting further troubleshooting steps. Please post back what helps resolve this in case others face similar issue. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  14. I would suggest just trying on the web interface for the time being. Make sure that you're logged into the portal. Sometimes you might need to reestablish the portal account. On the web for PG3x click on System -> Switch Portal Profile Then login to the portal again. Somebody else posted they couldn't log into the portal an hour or so ago. Perhaps there was a short outage. Seems to be available currently though. I haven't attempted to activate or buy any plugins so not sure if there are underlying issues.
  15. When on the main portal page is there a green dot next to the UUID for your device? It's possible it could be a local network issue that is blocking the Polisy from connecting to the portal. If the indicator is that the devices is not online check all network cables to the device and your switch/router. Also, check that you can access the device locally and then click on the Configuration tab then Portals tab to see if the portal is active and shows online or not. Log into your router to be sure you see the device as a connected device (since all routers handle this differently you might need to search how to find connected devices if you're not familiar with this process. Lastly, power cycle the device to attempt to reestablish the network connection. Since it appears you're running an ISY994 your support is limited with UD.
  16. If you were to put in a support ticket the first step they would probably suggest is updating the system to the current IoX release (5.8.4 - been out since summer). Not that it would specifically fix THIS issue, but would put you on the current release so that troubleshooting would be easier to see what's happening. Since you say it stopped working 12/30 it's doubtful that the outage of Jan 1st is the cause. Your issue sounds more PLM related. Did you see the information @bmercier posted regarding the issue? https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/44576-outage-2025-01-01/ It said to unlink then re-link. Since you're still having issues it might be best to open a support ticket and get assistance with the issue. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  17. @PaulB since the ISY994 is no longer supported by UDI my guess would be that you would still be able to use the Java Admin Console interface that it has always had. The new update will only apply to the newer eisy (and I guess Polisy, but that's just my guess). Since the ISY994 uses the IoX Finder (start.jnlp) and Java I don't expect that to end. You shoudl also be able to continue to use the admin.jnlp downloaded directly from the device. No new development is for the ISY994. Therefore the mention of updated method to access admin console (or the re-design whatever it will be considered) only applies to currently supported devices.
  18. @PaulB Welcome to the forums. Are you using an ISY994? First make sure the network cable is properly connected. First, when you're on the portal please confirm that your license is active (Select Tools -> Information -> ISY Portal Access License). I don't know why it wouldn't come back automatically, but you might need to re-authorize it. If you're local to the ISY994 open Admin Console and check the Configuration tab then Portals tab. If it isn't online there, but you know the device is able to access the internet I might remove UUID from the portal, close admin console, add it back in the portal, re-launch admin console and approve the portal request.
  19. There was an update UD emailed out a couple of weeks ago and posted to their site: https://www.universal-devices.com/2025-liftoff/
  20. @bob123 Is the ipad using the portal to connect to the device (Polisy or eisy)? I found an old post that seemed to indicate it might be an issue if not using the portal to connect. But since that's old not sure if that's been fixed in a more recent version of UD Mobile. You might also want to review the wiki if it might help: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/UD_Mobile#Notification_Plugin_Errors
  21. @glenn_steiner this plugin hasn't been updated in ages and assumed no longer being supported by the developer. Many users have moved to different brands of thermostats that use different plugins. If you're able to get it to work that's great! I tried with an older thermostat a couple of years ago and never got things sorted out so don't have it incorporated into the eisy/PG3x system. Which is fine as I don't really need to automate the thermostat much beyond it's abilities.
  22. @cjbartkowiak just to add to what @paulbates mentions...I like to suggest using Google Site Search (trick) to find things. Type this into the search bar then add what you're looking for and it usually finds more results. site: https://forum.universal-devices.com/ The forum search function does an okay job most of the time finding stuff, but it does not find archived posts/topics and sometimes older locked posts (like the one linked to above from 2021). So if you run a Google search for: site: https://forum.universal-devices.com/ backlight led You'd find the 2021 post at the top of the results.
  23. @RobertAdmin probably not the right forums to get assistance with such device. These forums are mostly for support of products from Universal Devices (https://www.universal-devices.com/), but some users might have experience with the device you're asking about (I do not). Does the manufacturer or supplier for this item not have support? Good luck!
  24. Geddy

    Temp update

    @drprm1 I believe they are fetched based on short or long poll values in the config section of the plugin. The real question is probably how often does YoLink update. You can't force an update in the YoLink system so you're at the mercy of when they update then the plugin will update on next poll following the change at the YoLink level. I forget what the default values are/were, but I've got mine set short = 600 and long = 1800. I don't have a need for more frequent update, but I also still have the YoLink app on my phone to get alerts if temps go out of my range.
  25. I would suggest you open a ticket with support and get assistance directly from UD. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
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