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Everything posted by Geddy

  1. Unsure how you have this on an ISY994. The last firmware for the ISY994 is as @Techman says 5.3.4. Also according to the release of that firmware: Additionally, in the topic above you can find links to z-wave assistance that might help you. I believe the ISY994 with 5.3.4 was only z-wave certified up to series 500 modules. I didn't run z-wave in the ISY994 so never attempted anything in that line. I seem to recall that z-wave series 700 came out after Polisy was introduced so 500 might have been the last series UD supported on the ISY994. But I didn't pay much attention to z-wave previously so never kept up with what modules were offered in the ISY994.
  2. @twired Glad you got them setup. Also take a look at what @Kentinada put together for some pointers if you want to get a little more advanced. There is a lot of information in the wiki about notifications as well: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/UD_Mobile#Notifications_Tab Lastly, the "free" version does have a limit to the number of notifications per day. I think it's 8. Buying the full version gives you a lot of additional resources. But you've found out what a lot of others have posted over the last few years is that email to SMS/Text is not as reliable as it used to be. Nearly all wireless providers treat it as junk/bulk mail and randomly delay or don't deliver. It's been the constant suggestion of getting the UD Mobile+Notifications system running. Another option was setting up network resources to push messages, but that is a huge learning curve.
  3. I might still suggest the steps above to troubleshoot when you're home. At least check by controlling devices through admin locally first. If it seems that everything is good then that's a good thing, but it could be a flaky PLM that's misbehaving before it dies. It is odd that you say no z-wave devices are working wither. Are you running any firewalls on computers or routers? Do you have any non-default DNS servers loaded into your router? (sometimes alternate DNS entries could potentially block random sites without people knowing)
  4. @woodfieldp did you ever get this sorted out? You might be best served with a support ticket with UD. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets I don't use the wifi connection, but I seem to recall when I first setup the eisy that once it's connected to the router you can reserve it based on that connection and it did seem to work. My eisy is in the same location as my primary router so I have a short ethernet cable making the connection. One less "technology" to worry about being flaky. If you've got the ability to run it wired why not just keep using that?
  5. Yep! Glad it helped. đź‘Ť Guess you were meaning the z-wave board in the ISY994. Wasn't in the text of the post, but in the title. Didn't read them together.
  6. FYI - I merged the two posts to keep things orderly. Also moved into the Polyglot area to perhaps get some attention from developers. Otherwise you could contact UD via their website "Contact Us" and see if they could put the request out to the developer community to see if anybody has experience with the system you're using to consider future plugin development.
  7. @K-bert even though you opened a ticket have you performed a full power cycle of the eisy? Either by pressing the power button (Multi function button) 6 times to force it to shutdown or by pressing and holding or pulling the power supply. Also be sure that you cleared the Java cache and download a new start.jnlp from the UD site (https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp) Also, since you did open a ticket please be sure to post back what steps were performed to fix this so it might help others in the future. Finally, what IoX Firmware were you updating from? And what Firmware version did you upgrade to?
  8. @JimTurner The ZMatter USB Enclosure was designed for those that had the original ZMatter board that went inside the Polisy. It is not intended for use with another Z-Wave product. If you have the ZMatter board it has to be modified to fit inside the dongle. (See this topic) If you have a different Z-Wave USB device it can be used with the eisy. I'm not entirely sure of the setup, but I have seen others mention they had a Zooz stick connected to their eisy. Just make sure you haven't enabled ZMatter on the eisy. You might search for "zooz eisy". I found this in a search:
  9. @JSchumann I'm not sure if the appearance on android is similar to iOS, but on my phone if you're on the Notifications section hit the 3 dots in the top right for the menu. select "Mobile Devices/Groups" Click on the device you want to remove Top right should have a trash can to delete that device.
  10. Review this portion of the wiki….might help with the Java install on your system. What computer OS do you run? If not Windows do you have access to a Windows machine? A lot less issues using a Windows system. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Cannot_find_Valid_Java_Home Also…review this sections for the FRONT LEDs: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights Is the blue light solid and super bright on the front of the device after powering on? If not real bright it could be a power supply issue. (This is also covered in the wiki)
  11. If you access using the portal address then you have to use the portal credentials. Are you really using an ISY99i?
  12. @JSchumann this topic is covered in the UD Wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Restore_Modem_.28PLM.29 Yes, it's written for the older ISY devices, but the process remains the same with the modern devices. Be sure you've done a lot of troubleshooting to confirm it's a "bad" PLM. Lots of troubleshooting steps are also covered in the wiki.
  13. No, don't keep attempting to restore the PLM. If it didn't help the first time it might cause issue in repeating. It's always been the suggestion of proper booting/powering up to have the PLM plugged in prior to any ISY/Polisy/eisy device. Plug in the PLM, wait "a little bit" (the light might flicker when first powered up). Once the light is green and steady then power up your controller device. Allow that to fully boot (for eisy could take 1-2 minutes+/-, possibly more if you have a very large system). Then log into admin console. If it's not in safe mode then the PLM should be connected correctly. From there you should troubleshoot any issues you still have. Troubleshooting steps for reference: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Troubleshooting_Flowchart# They're written for the ISY99/994 era, but still relate to Polisy/eisy for most items to check/confirm for troubleshooting with Insteon. If you're still having issues I would suggest opening a ticket with UD to get further assistance: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/ It's quite possible that something else changed in your installation that is causing poor communication with the PLM to devices in different areas and causing issues with connections to the device at your entry gate. Good luck. If you do open a support ticket please post back what resolves the issue to it might help others in the future.
  14. The original instructions (from the wiki) were written for the older ISY devices (99/994). Those devices didn’t have a reboot process so pulling power was the only way to “reboot” them. Just know that the eisy can boot quickly so if the PLM isn’t settled as the eisy boots it could result in a “not connected” state and the eisy might need another reboot. Thus, when changing the modem it might still be advised to unplug the eisy and make sure the PLM is powered and stable before booting the eisy.
  15. Did that resolve it? Wonder why it wasn't working/running? Wonder how this was happening if the plugin wasn't working. Do you mean outside of IoX things were functioning as expected? You mentioned that Alexa triggers were firing...do you have those setup outside of IoX/PG3 (i.e. Alexa direct Ring access - how however they call it..."works with Alexa")?
  16. @andrew77 sorry the problem is back. Hopefully you can get some answers from the vendor as to if the product is defective or not. I'm not sure if your link would work, but might be worth trying if you can return easily if it doesn't work. Here are a few posts from 2022/2023 when the eisy came out about connecting the serial PLM to the eisy. Of course the best option is buying the "Serial PLM Kit" from UD, but shipping to Canada might not be an (easy) option. https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/39206-roadblock-db9-to-rj-45-cables-are-unicorns/ https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/40305-serial-plm-to-usb-adapter-alternative/ There was an extra cable in the Serial PLM packaging that had the DB-9 pin on the end. The first link above contains a link to an adaptor that a network cable could plug into. Then you could use a DB-9 to USB cable to connect to the eisy. I used this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IDSM6BW/
  17. This seems to be normal. I have a Ring Doorbell Pro and also don't have a "ding" in the plugin. I have the same 4 items you have, but there's no battery in the Doorbell Pro (the version I have anyway). It's hardwired, but shows a "battery mV". My "ding" programs works as expected (just tested). If you check the program summary tab are the 2 programs you're calling on running? As @paulbates points out above it's possible they're running, but false. Therefore, not running the "then" you expect. Last thing I would suggest is to be sure the "Remote Connection" is Configured AND Active on the ISY/UD portal page. I recall it flipping off many months ago and was the last thing I checked to get mine working again. Thankfully hasn't been an issue since that time (for me).
  18. Aside from what @Techman suggest I'd say get a "cheap" Windows 11 computer and use it for IoX. You're running macOS and seemingly have endless issues with IoX Launcher. This icon is for the JNLP file that would run and put the icon on the desktop. If you've run this file and it didn't put an icon on the desktop then it probably means the icon was deleted, but Java thinks it's still installed. Clearing the java cache (checking all 3 boxes) should clear this up. But, again...being on macOS not sure exactly what happens or if the directions to clear the java cache are the same as how they are for Windows machines. Glad you got it sorted out...again!
  19. @CPrince depending on how old the topic/thread was it could have auto archived. It isn’t found in the normal forum search at that point. I would suggest trying Google Site Search to find the old thread you might be looking for.
  20. @Me2 Glad that fixed it. Not sure why you added that in the folder conditions, but now you know another place to look. Once you posted the summary screenshot and I happened to see the "My Programs" (typically the root) was false I knew it was what needed to be fixed before anything worked. Should allow all other programs to work properly too. Still odd that you said the other one worked. Maybe the folder condition got added recently and/or the motion sensor is directly controlling the other device? Still a mystery there...sort of. But if they all work that's the winner!
  21. @Me2 yep...the programs will only work when the root is true. Select the line under "IF" and you should get a "Remove" button. Remove that line and SAVE Changes (bottom left).
  22. Yep! Your root is FALSE. Clear out your conditions in that folder. It shouldn't be red like that. Should be how the root "My Programs" should look. If you want/need to run folder conditions I would suggest making another folder and only putting programs in there that need to be controlled by the folder conditions.
  23. @Me2 Possible issue - Why does your "My Programs" folder show in your summary? That's the root. I don't have that showing in mine. If the program you're attempting to run is in that folder it won't run because that folder is "FALSE". Meaning nothing will run inside that folder. Do you have folder conditions in the "My Programs" folder? mine is: My Programs Folder Conditions for 'My Programs' If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. Strange though that you say another program does work. It must not be in that folder. Do you have a "My Programs" folder nested under the root?
  24. uh oh! I misread your earlier post then. Sorry. Was doing too many different things this morning. If the light isn't turning on when you just "RUN THEN" the problem is controlling that device...with that program. Can you control the device in the admin console directly?
  25. @kurelgyer since you recently asked...here's another update from @Michel Kohanim:
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